Gonzo Series (ninth)

1. Baustimo
A standardized definition gonzo journalism that tells of a style of reporting in which the journalist involved is part of history and recounts his experiences from the representation of the facts. In turn, Hunter S. Thompson (HST) is enthroned as the prophet and quintessential gonzo at its best. Without a defined method and a whimsical style, gonzo journalism is associated thematically hand HST is raging on all fronts, with drugs, sex, guns and hallucinations. No journalism school where direct emotions are more important than the search for the vaunted objectivity, mirage of the most trivial purposes. Personalization gonzo journalism , their typing is so heavy in the collective imagination that ignores the confusion lurking behind the label. embedded journalist, investigative reporter, journalist or infiltrated undercover ... can be considered gonzo as is, without doubt, a stream of television reporter from CQC to Michael Moore (The Awful Truth) with their disparate directions, as well as through Samanta Villar 21 days or Morgan Spurlock. And it highlights the profound transition in mood gonzo journalism from the written word to image, especially in the affinities of a reader not too inclined to feel comfortable outside the box lounging style and print journalism, and much more permissive and lenient with the commissioning TV scene.
gonzo journalism, at least under this label, there is pooling at the time of The New Journalism that raised quite a few blisters on the 60. And no one takes him as far as journalistically correct as Hunter S. Thompson.

Where? Who? How? The term gonzo , elusive meaning was first used by the editor Bill Cardoso, the Boston Globe article describing The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved HST, written in June 1970 for S Canlas's Monthly, a publication of short life and investigated by the FBI during the Nixon administration, famous obsession with HST. In this monthly magazine, flagship of investigative reporters in the wake of the tradition of the muckrakers, HST was able to publish a large number of reports later in the book Gonzo Papers, Vol.1: The Great Shark Hunt: Strange Tales from a Time, collection of articles written in the sixties and early seventies for various magazines and publications. However, would this article, ironically on everything but the Kentucky Derby, which has been associated as the cornerstone of gonzo journalism. "Pure Gonzo Journalism," said Cardoso, and Thompson validated. The interpretations of the term are diverse. According to Cardoso, comes from the Scottish slang (informal vocabulary and striking) and would become something like the last man left standing after a marathon of alcohol. Other sources attribute the term to a song by James Broker, eccentric pianist from New Orleans. Regardless of first use of the term, related or not, gonzo journalism is inevitably associated with the figure of U.S. writer and journalist. It is even common for the transmutation of bonzo gonzo and listen or read: "It has been burned to gonzo." Although incorrect, because the correct usage is bonzo, in relation to the Vietnamese Buddhist monks (Thich Quang Duc) who protested by burning alive, gonzo journalism HST and others also implies a personal incineration, both physically and mentally in many cases .

Returning to the Genesis story of what came to be called gonzo journalism , The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved is a good example of the virtues and defects of a reportorial style more importantly indifferent to objective journalism . The coverage of the derby is a mere excuse. What is important are the experiences of HST, escorted by the brilliant illustrator Ralph Steadman, his eccentric and incendiary behavior, while the story fades into a singular focus on more concerned with impressing that report. what in any other context would interpreted as a journalist with a foot out of writing, for coverage irresponsible and suicidal, with HST becomes cranky and spoiled a story about the depravity and the atmosphere surrounding the derby, a vision that breaks with the agenda-setting a wild and alien to all discourse. The apparent nonchalance and volatility is also reflected in the net

I could barely see him. My eyes were swollen almost shut and the sudden burst of sunlight through the door left me stunned and helpless like a sick mole. Steadman was mumbling about sickness and terrible heat; I fell back on the bed and tried to focus on him as he moved around the room in a very distracted way for a few moments, then suddenly darted over to the beer bucket and seized a Colt .45. “Christ,” I said. “You’re getting out of control".The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved . Thompson, Hunter S. Gonzo Papers, Vol 1: The Great Shark Hunt: Strange Tales from a Strange Time. Simon and Schuster
Also, reviewed the birth date is the result of lazy chained term gonzo to HST. Just as not all infants already have a name, the labeling of the formula gonzo should be associated more to a baptism not a birth. Terry Southern, for example, wrote a series of reports prior to HST already laid the foundations of gonzo journalism. Twirling at Ole Miss and Recruiting for the Big Parade are two good examples, compiled in the book The rich marijuana other flavors. Also, George Orwell, in the footsteps of Jack London ( People of the Abyss) , wrote Down and Out in Paris and London (Out in Paris and London, 1933). In his first novel, autobiographical heavyweight, Orwell recounted his experiences as a hobo, his blunt and intemperate struggle for survival. The list of precursors can be long ( Kisch or Bly, for example) if you are looking for writers and journalists who have launched into the adventure with the purpose of telling, not only through personal experience , but also a Stroke first person journalism. In the fall catchall character works countless memoirs ( Papillon by Henri Charrière ), not in vain gonzo journalism literature is part of the self, while the season with investigative journalism , and will pour documentation and interpretative information on their gala days.
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