Gonzo Series (5 / 9)
Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride V
HST, prophet and chief bulwark of a reductionist and historic little gonzo , is the author who has gone furthest and the most attention received. His personality, a real pole of attraction, like his writings, have overshadowed any new attempt at assimilation and relaunch. Weakness for inflatable dolls, cloth tapes to all animals to frighten the neighborhood moaning, drugs and alcohol ("I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to Anyone, But They've always work for me."), A unhealthy passion for guns that led him to partner with the reviled National Rifle Association, a supporter of the legalization of all drugs, obsessed with Nixon ("is able to shake your hand and stab at the same time") which devotes acid fragments, especially in Article Presenting: The Richard Nixon Doll (overhauled 1968 Model) ... in short, a character able to sell and attract new audiences by disparate reasons. Despite its critical corrosive Nixon, HST feel a nostalgic attraction and a combative character who encourages, even at times make you fall into the disproportionate (when compared with Nixon's legislature Orwell's 1984.) However, the figure goes beyond an altarpiece of eccentricities with which he delighted. Similarly, HST goes beyond gonzo and is also an incisive political commentator of his era.
Under his guidance, and also of his alter ego Raoul Duke, the gonzo reached its most lopsided in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and its more focused with Hell's Angels , his portrait of the famous band of motorists: "Stressed to the action, long hair in the wind, beards and bandanas flapping, earrings, armpits, chain, swastikas and Harleys unguarded while traffic on 101 is opened, nervous, to let pass the training and the outbreak of a dust storm. " HST joined them and shared their way of life as a journalist participant. The result was the book that made him and gave him notoriety, a story in the style of HST was not devoured by the magnificence of their way of life particular. HST is clear about its original purpose: to report an attractive reality that is being watered and mythologized by the mass media in order to sell colorful headlines and rigged. HST, within their margins, is focused and not get carried away in his account by describing experiences and feelings without rhyme or reason. The light focuses mainly Hell's Angels in her eyes, always present. His first person still was not as hungry to devour the story and make it unrecognizable. As expressed Chillon: "The reporter lives in Los Angeles just because you have to, but not disgusts the reader to recall his personal journey narcissistic."
Hell's Angels was born article ( The Motorcycle Gangs: Losers and Outsiders ) in 1965 to The Nation. Its publication drew interest from several publishers, including Random House he proposed extending the experience and publish a book. Hell's Angels is a novel balanced reportage The New Journalism and journalism Gonzo . And especially close to the values \u200b\u200bof journalism. HST has doubts about the reality of facts distorted by big media and shows a commitment. The author warns about the danger of building a reality decanted by economic imperatives, the yellow journalism that sacrifices the rigor of the Booby informative, lazy journalism that favors a fiction perhaps true face of fact-checking site . The HST replica journalist who has submitted a postcard with a veneer of truth, a story that criminalizes based on appearances and unsubstantiated opinions. Also, HST starts solfa judges who only seek notoriety by la exaltación de los hechos y sus condenas.
Con su colorido y bizarro estilo, spiced with humor particular, HST exposes the hypocrisy of the mainstream media, but neither escapes the temptation to embellish his story to gain notoriety and readers. Ralph Hubert "Sonny" Barger, an institution of Hell's Angels and which lived HST, relates in his biography, Hell's Angel: The Life and Times of Sonny Barger and the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club , that facet of HST, prone to exaggerate and lie in the eye of the hurricane. Sonny Barger explains, HST exaggerated enough to situations causing his beat as bait in order to improve the bandages from his book: "I got beat up by us, But That September I up. After the book WAS done all I come around us and Said can I go on a run with now. I got in an argument with a guy, I caused a fight, I got beat up and the cover of the book said "I met. I Lived with and I Was Almost Killed by ... "[...] What a guy! You know, we're gonna get in a fight with the cops and have jumps in the trunk of the car, But he'll get beat historical butt to sell a book. "
Years later his most egotistical, crazy ay corrosive put on boots and Loat Fear hing in Las Vegas, crazy and anarchic tale HST experiences in the artificial paradise of Las Vegas. A book hallucinogen without clear journalistic purpose. Gonzo sure, but do journalism? Rather picaresque novel. Appeared in two volumes in the magazine Rolling Stone , HST symbolizes the decline of popular culture and its values \u200b\u200bthrough a surrealist and contaminated drugs. A story with some similarities decadent background with T I Fitzgerald Great Gatsby, a writer admired by HST to the point where I have transcribed Great Gatsby T during their youth. HST's style of journalism away while its corrosive and demented prose poetry extols the novelistically footsteps of automatic writing. I refer to the opinions expressed by any student or reader, in any review, always putting the emphasis in the wild, the hilarity of the situations or the madness of his characters. There is no doubt that, for better or for worse, this is an unbalanced story and, I dare say, without a sense of takeoff and landing, though the funnel critical decay often serves as both a broken for stitching. A landscape, the American in the decade of 60-70, hallucinogenic itself a shell HST using journalism to build tangible fantasies through parody.
His vision of society where the only motivation is survival permeates his writings, while making the American dream in a choteo, in the classic American tragedy that so many writers have endeavored to narrate. "This place is like the Army: the shark ethic Prevails - eat the Wounded. In a closed Society WHERE everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final not is stupidity, "he writes in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas , a trip transitive irrelevant and that he himself seems to understand, which gradually weaves a bitter story on American unreality, without apparent cause and effect, like life itself and its wreckage.
Although the message is not essential in a play (there always is, because for that they are giving birth brainy theoretical nonsense about books that claims of others), if we talk about journalism can not be spared and in this work is buried right HST in the rubble of the egotism of the author more concerned with their own personal itinerary in a light shade. While denouncing the excesses of its epicenter, Las Vegas, he falls into his own excesses. And he admits: "I Should Explain and cut back at this point, Fear & Loathing That in Las Vegas is a failed experiment in Gonzo Journalism. My idea WAS to buy a fat notebook and record the whole thing, as it Happened, Then send in the notebook for publication - without editing. " In fact, their methodology was to send all the raw footage, pages and pages written under the inspiration of the moment, in the wake of the "first Thought, best thought" Allen Ginsberg: a difference of patience in the construction of old Ginsberg argues for keeping the mind constantly prepared in breathing and a large dose of discipline to absorb the moments and immortalize them. Either way, the book emerged as a great success, eclipsing Hell's Angels, discontinued in Spain by Anagram.
However, much of the work of HST for magazines and newspapers are collected in four volumes entitled The Gonzo Papers (The Great Shark Hunt, Generation of Swine, Songs of the Doomed, Better Than Sex) . Through his articles for The Nation , Scanlan's Monthly, Playboy, Cycle World, National Observer, Rolling Steone, The San Francisco Examiner ... HST can be discerned across the border as a pre-gonzo journalism, literary profile and more formal, to his own universe more bizarre and confusing, where Being There (sincere or not) pollute a journalistic vision of any kind. Over time the event HST becomes for the McGuffin , the pretext for a description of the back (chronicle of the Super Bowl), or simply to give vent to his personal universe of obsessions. In a way, skirting HST metaperiodismo that illuminates the work of the journalist on the news, while production routines reveals their often ridiculous: the metaperiodismo understood as a criticism of the profession, putting on the table honesty, because the journalist explains their access to information and their perception of events. Objectivity is unmasked. Faced with so many realities as witnesses or survivors, HST spears reveals its secrets and leaflets: Express Yourself.

Where does this leave the Hell's Angels and thrilled thousands of Californians who (according to Time ) are sick of concern for them? Are they really trapped and enrielados these outlaws, as proposed by the news magazines? Will the honest again walk the streets alone? The answer is that nothing has changed, except that some people who call themselves the Hell's Angels have a new meaning and importance identidad.
The Motorcycle Gangs. Losers and Outsiders . Hunter S. Thompson
Hell's Angels was born article ( The Motorcycle Gangs: Losers and Outsiders ) in 1965 to The Nation. Its publication drew interest from several publishers, including Random House he proposed extending the experience and publish a book. Hell's Angels is a novel balanced reportage The New Journalism and journalism Gonzo . And especially close to the values \u200b\u200bof journalism. HST has doubts about the reality of facts distorted by big media and shows a commitment. The author warns about the danger of building a reality decanted by economic imperatives, the yellow journalism that sacrifices the rigor of the Booby informative, lazy journalism that favors a fiction perhaps true face of fact-checking site . The HST replica journalist who has submitted a postcard with a veneer of truth, a story that criminalizes based on appearances and unsubstantiated opinions. Also, HST starts solfa judges who only seek notoriety by la exaltación de los hechos y sus condenas.
When the much-quoted report was released, the local press—primarily the San Francisco Chronicle, which had earlier done a long and fairly objective series on the Hell’s Angels—made a point of saying that the Monterey charges against the Hell’s Angels had been dropped for lack of evidence. Newsweek was careful not to mention Monterey at all, but the New York Times referred to it as “the alleged gang rape” which, however, left no doubt in a reader’s mind that something savage had occurred. It remained for Time, though, to flatly ignore the fact that the Monterey rape charges had been dismissed. Its article leaned heavily on the hairiest and least factual sections of the report, and ignored the rest. It said, for instance, that the Hell’s Angels initiation rite “demands that any new member bring a woman or girl [called a ‘sheep’] who is willing to submit to sexual intercourse with each member of the club.” That is untrue, although, as one Angel explained, “Now and then you get a woman who likes to cover the crowd, and hell, I’m no prude. People don’t like to think women go for that stuff, but a lot of them do.” We were talking across a pool table about the rash of publicity and how it had affected the Angel’s activities. I was trying to explain to him that the bulk of the press in this country has such a vested interest in the status quo that it can’t afford to do much honest probing at the roots, for fear of what they might find. “Oh, I don’t know,” he said. “Of course I don’t like to read all this bullshit because it brings the heat down on us, but since we got famous we’ve had more rich fags and sex-hungry women come looking for us that we ever had before. Hell, these days we have more action than we can handle.
The Motorcycle Gangs. Losers and Outsiders . Hunter S. Thompson

Con su colorido y bizarro estilo, spiced with humor particular, HST exposes the hypocrisy of the mainstream media, but neither escapes the temptation to embellish his story to gain notoriety and readers. Ralph Hubert "Sonny" Barger, an institution of Hell's Angels and which lived HST, relates in his biography, Hell's Angel: The Life and Times of Sonny Barger and the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club , that facet of HST, prone to exaggerate and lie in the eye of the hurricane. Sonny Barger explains, HST exaggerated enough to situations causing his beat as bait in order to improve the bandages from his book: "I got beat up by us, But That September I up. After the book WAS done all I come around us and Said can I go on a run with now. I got in an argument with a guy, I caused a fight, I got beat up and the cover of the book said "I met. I Lived with and I Was Almost Killed by ... "[...] What a guy! You know, we're gonna get in a fight with the cops and have jumps in the trunk of the car, But he'll get beat historical butt to sell a book. "

Years later his most egotistical, crazy ay corrosive put on boots and Loat Fear hing in Las Vegas, crazy and anarchic tale HST experiences in the artificial paradise of Las Vegas. A book hallucinogen without clear journalistic purpose. Gonzo sure, but do journalism? Rather picaresque novel. Appeared in two volumes in the magazine Rolling Stone , HST symbolizes the decline of popular culture and its values \u200b\u200bthrough a surrealist and contaminated drugs. A story with some similarities decadent background with T I Fitzgerald Great Gatsby, a writer admired by HST to the point where I have transcribed Great Gatsby T during their youth. HST's style of journalism away while its corrosive and demented prose poetry extols the novelistically footsteps of automatic writing. I refer to the opinions expressed by any student or reader, in any review, always putting the emphasis in the wild, the hilarity of the situations or the madness of his characters. There is no doubt that, for better or for worse, this is an unbalanced story and, I dare say, without a sense of takeoff and landing, though the funnel critical decay often serves as both a broken for stitching. A landscape, the American in the decade of 60-70, hallucinogenic itself a shell HST using journalism to build tangible fantasies through parody.
His vision of society where the only motivation is survival permeates his writings, while making the American dream in a choteo, in the classic American tragedy that so many writers have endeavored to narrate. "This place is like the Army: the shark ethic Prevails - eat the Wounded. In a closed Society WHERE everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final not is stupidity, "he writes in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas , a trip transitive irrelevant and that he himself seems to understand, which gradually weaves a bitter story on American unreality, without apparent cause and effect, like life itself and its wreckage.
Although the message is not essential in a play (there always is, because for that they are giving birth brainy theoretical nonsense about books that claims of others), if we talk about journalism can not be spared and in this work is buried right HST in the rubble of the egotism of the author more concerned with their own personal itinerary in a light shade. While denouncing the excesses of its epicenter, Las Vegas, he falls into his own excesses. And he admits: "I Should Explain and cut back at this point, Fear & Loathing That in Las Vegas is a failed experiment in Gonzo Journalism. My idea WAS to buy a fat notebook and record the whole thing, as it Happened, Then send in the notebook for publication - without editing. " In fact, their methodology was to send all the raw footage, pages and pages written under the inspiration of the moment, in the wake of the "first Thought, best thought" Allen Ginsberg: a difference of patience in the construction of old Ginsberg argues for keeping the mind constantly prepared in breathing and a large dose of discipline to absorb the moments and immortalize them. Either way, the book emerged as a great success, eclipsing Hell's Angels, discontinued in Spain by Anagram.

However, much of the work of HST for magazines and newspapers are collected in four volumes entitled The Gonzo Papers (The Great Shark Hunt, Generation of Swine, Songs of the Doomed, Better Than Sex) . Through his articles for The Nation , Scanlan's Monthly, Playboy, Cycle World, National Observer, Rolling Steone, The San Francisco Examiner ... HST can be discerned across the border as a pre-gonzo journalism, literary profile and more formal, to his own universe more bizarre and confusing, where Being There (sincere or not) pollute a journalistic vision of any kind. Over time the event HST becomes for the McGuffin , the pretext for a description of the back (chronicle of the Super Bowl), or simply to give vent to his personal universe of obsessions. In a way, skirting HST metaperiodismo that illuminates the work of the journalist on the news, while production routines reveals their often ridiculous: the metaperiodismo understood as a criticism of the profession, putting on the table honesty, because the journalist explains their access to information and their perception of events. Objectivity is unmasked. Faced with so many realities as witnesses or survivors, HST spears reveals its secrets and leaflets: Express Yourself.

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