Gonzo Series (2 / 9)
Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride II
2. "Gonzo Who? (I)
What are the most notable features gonzo journalism ? We could perhaps talk of a genre of investigative journalism, journalism and journalism undercover embedded in which the journalist does not give to be the narrative voice. A journalism, gonzo , HST inseparable from his character and his lifestyle. This has led to stagnation, to regard it as a private road, closed to traffic. Many have tried to partner fops gonzo style and cad, but gonzo journalism still marked by a way of life and a personality that overshadows everything, to consideration detailed laws. The followers have been few, always eager to prominence more than journalism. However, maybe that gonzo journalism associated Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a distortion of the term, already contaminated from his baptism, and a sadistic act of historical revisionism with the media and a brilliant editorial strategy as accomplices. Not Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas gonzo journalism ? Rather gonzo literature. Posts
to defoliate the ornaments and rhetoric gonzo journalism, in order to show its inaccuracy as a genre of journalism, it should ask: What kind of journalism is not likely to pose a direct approach to the news? This premise is part of abc journalism, the street, the one who dictates that to write fairly about something you have to poach in life, stepping on the field. It is also argued that the gonzo journalist , as a party involved in the story, just to influence the same epic encouraging and stoking the bonfire of vanities. However, any event you attend a journalist is filtered and the conduct of its participants suffers and is automatically altered. Is Therefore, the difference in the wording? Does the inclusion of the journalist as narrator protagonist or witness, in the wording that the reader is going to eat? Whether through an alter ego or openly. If so, the entire investigative reporter in which the journalist goes into a story, sometimes for weeks, ending finally opting for a neutral point of view and should be considered testimonial not gonzo. In Cold Blood, for example, despite the fieldwork and the involvement of Capote is not gonzo journalism, author chose as its point of view of editorial omniscience.
John Sacks (1930-2004), for example, would also be out of the box. author of An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945 , Sacks is a noted journalist, in particular through its coverage of the war in Vietnam. In his book M (1966), Sacks is embedded in a company of soldiers, from the selection process and training to step on Vietnam, in order to recount their thoughts during different operations. Sacks chose to make bold use of interior monologues of various characters through a point of view of editorial omniscience gave quite a few headaches to Esquire magazine.
By contrast, infiltrating for ten days in a mental hospital making everyone believe that you're not sane, as did Nellie Bly to report in Ten Days in a Mad-House is pure gonzo. She narrated in person. In short, the spirit of gonzo is not only participate but also be seen: the field work and involvement are taken for granted in journalism. The immersion and involvement may lead to the concealment of identity, but not required, if it is the first person, even a high school in the narrative voice, a voice and no mirror reflection.
And this is also accepted that gonzo journalist, embedded journalist , investigative journalist, the undercover reporter ... they are complementary and interchangeable definitions. The overlap is inevitable and is sometimes marked by the theme, as in the case of journalist associated embedded journalism in war. However, rule out the inclusion of new definitions such as the creation informative journalism, with more rhetoric and frankly that unambiguous conclusions.
The main feature of journalism gonzo is your point of view narrator protagonist or witness, partner with the story, and often kamikaze, I a high voltage. A first person narrative that not only notes but also participates in the events in question. The main character in the story, the same journalist, the voice Rapporteur in an exercise of extreme subjectivity, because unlike other peripheral viewpoints using various sources of information is more limited, but is able to combine Wallraff gonzo exercise with large doses of information in their work, a real way forward. Central character, HST, for example, merely tell the story as he feels, through his ideas, prejudices, experiences, moral ... never a passive or contemplative, but always as a participant observer and provocative without providing excessive data to frame the story and meaning. The narrator is the center and everything revolves around him. This implies that either fits you the way you see things or you reject it, especially with HST. It's a love-hate relationship at a glance where the barrier between the reader of the journalist is demolished and the reality is mixed with fiction. The reporter does not hide, rather exhibits its most eccentric garb, his experience makes the genesis of the story. Thus we can imagine drinking HST in the same bars the biker gang Hells Angels , perhaps equally complimented on a foul to the waitresses and sleeping in a motel with some of them, getting drunk with them, committing any brutality, participating in his mystical ... all I have to say HST I did not know whether he was investigating them or being absorbed by them.
The hallmarks of gonzo journalism are somewhat fuzzy: a mixed bag filled with often diverse and disordered materials of different nature, ownership and purpose. In addition, new ground with room for a work of compilation and classification of journalistic materials, with the aim of paying tribute to their predecessors (Nelly Bly or Egon Erwin Kisch, for example) and draw a timeline more legitimate and less reductionist anchored HST. Often from the tradition of muckrackers , often from the worst tradition of HST (exhibitionism and self-centered), gonzo journalism has a long history in the letters that remain unexplored. As The New Journalism , it is a heterogeneous movement, never school, but much more underground and minority Talese and company. gonzo journalism is an ethical attitude, ideological and stylistic HST does not take an inevitable toll, nor a pattern of validation.
The main setback from a journalistic point of view, exacerbated the risk of autobiography, as Albert says Chillon, in addition to pitfall of putting the presence of the journalist to the events themselves, the excitement of being at what is happening. Are the facts sacred dogma, comments Are Free is violated and ridiculed. The journalist reporting while creating a biography so far, knowing that no other voice is going to counter, knowing that through the stories they are living their own stands and, of course, it must be exciting and groundbreaking. This is clearly seen in the context of the stories gonzo journalism , high risk (Hell's Angels) . Happens then the reporter misses the story, its usefulness as a journalist in relation to society, and emphasizes his adventures in the anecdotal, as cool. is at that moment when the story newsworthy is diluted in a romantic and picturesque writing me. The narrator becomes the star and the story in a mere accessory to his elevation. However, that can not forget that when the implication is legitimate and sincere gonzo journalism provides a unique perspective inaccessible to conventional reporting.
to defoliate the ornaments and rhetoric gonzo journalism, in order to show its inaccuracy as a genre of journalism, it should ask: What kind of journalism is not likely to pose a direct approach to the news? This premise is part of abc journalism, the street, the one who dictates that to write fairly about something you have to poach in life, stepping on the field. It is also argued that the gonzo journalist , as a party involved in the story, just to influence the same epic encouraging and stoking the bonfire of vanities. However, any event you attend a journalist is filtered and the conduct of its participants suffers and is automatically altered. Is Therefore, the difference in the wording? Does the inclusion of the journalist as narrator protagonist or witness, in the wording that the reader is going to eat? Whether through an alter ego or openly. If so, the entire investigative reporter in which the journalist goes into a story, sometimes for weeks, ending finally opting for a neutral point of view and should be considered testimonial not gonzo. In Cold Blood, for example, despite the fieldwork and the involvement of Capote is not gonzo journalism, author chose as its point of view of editorial omniscience.

John Sacks (1930-2004), for example, would also be out of the box. author of An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945 , Sacks is a noted journalist, in particular through its coverage of the war in Vietnam. In his book M (1966), Sacks is embedded in a company of soldiers, from the selection process and training to step on Vietnam, in order to recount their thoughts during different operations. Sacks chose to make bold use of interior monologues of various characters through a point of view of editorial omniscience gave quite a few headaches to Esquire magazine.
By contrast, infiltrating for ten days in a mental hospital making everyone believe that you're not sane, as did Nellie Bly to report in Ten Days in a Mad-House is pure gonzo. She narrated in person. In short, the spirit of gonzo is not only participate but also be seen: the field work and involvement are taken for granted in journalism. The immersion and involvement may lead to the concealment of identity, but not required, if it is the first person, even a high school in the narrative voice, a voice and no mirror reflection.
And this is also accepted that gonzo journalist, embedded journalist , investigative journalist, the undercover reporter ... they are complementary and interchangeable definitions. The overlap is inevitable and is sometimes marked by the theme, as in the case of journalist associated embedded journalism in war. However, rule out the inclusion of new definitions such as the creation informative journalism, with more rhetoric and frankly that unambiguous conclusions.

The main feature of journalism gonzo is your point of view narrator protagonist or witness, partner with the story, and often kamikaze, I a high voltage. A first person narrative that not only notes but also participates in the events in question. The main character in the story, the same journalist, the voice Rapporteur in an exercise of extreme subjectivity, because unlike other peripheral viewpoints using various sources of information is more limited, but is able to combine Wallraff gonzo exercise with large doses of information in their work, a real way forward. Central character, HST, for example, merely tell the story as he feels, through his ideas, prejudices, experiences, moral ... never a passive or contemplative, but always as a participant observer and provocative without providing excessive data to frame the story and meaning. The narrator is the center and everything revolves around him. This implies that either fits you the way you see things or you reject it, especially with HST. It's a love-hate relationship at a glance where the barrier between the reader of the journalist is demolished and the reality is mixed with fiction. The reporter does not hide, rather exhibits its most eccentric garb, his experience makes the genesis of the story. Thus we can imagine drinking HST in the same bars the biker gang Hells Angels , perhaps equally complimented on a foul to the waitresses and sleeping in a motel with some of them, getting drunk with them, committing any brutality, participating in his mystical ... all I have to say HST I did not know whether he was investigating them or being absorbed by them.
[...] When I work and I express myself as a journalist and writer, I never hearsay, second hand, I work primarily to express what I myself have lived, as I can testify and what I can assure myself. And, ultimately, lives and feels something in his own flesh gets much faster conclusions and more decisive than only heard or read some reports in this regard.
Gunter Wallraff
The hallmarks of gonzo journalism are somewhat fuzzy: a mixed bag filled with often diverse and disordered materials of different nature, ownership and purpose. In addition, new ground with room for a work of compilation and classification of journalistic materials, with the aim of paying tribute to their predecessors (Nelly Bly or Egon Erwin Kisch, for example) and draw a timeline more legitimate and less reductionist anchored HST. Often from the tradition of muckrackers , often from the worst tradition of HST (exhibitionism and self-centered), gonzo journalism has a long history in the letters that remain unexplored. As The New Journalism , it is a heterogeneous movement, never school, but much more underground and minority Talese and company. gonzo journalism is an ethical attitude, ideological and stylistic HST does not take an inevitable toll, nor a pattern of validation.

The main setback from a journalistic point of view, exacerbated the risk of autobiography, as Albert says Chillon, in addition to pitfall of putting the presence of the journalist to the events themselves, the excitement of being at what is happening. Are the facts sacred dogma, comments Are Free is violated and ridiculed. The journalist reporting while creating a biography so far, knowing that no other voice is going to counter, knowing that through the stories they are living their own stands and, of course, it must be exciting and groundbreaking. This is clearly seen in the context of the stories gonzo journalism , high risk (Hell's Angels) . Happens then the reporter misses the story, its usefulness as a journalist in relation to society, and emphasizes his adventures in the anecdotal, as cool. is at that moment when the story newsworthy is diluted in a romantic and picturesque writing me. The narrator becomes the star and the story in a mere accessory to his elevation. However, that can not forget that when the implication is legitimate and sincere gonzo journalism provides a unique perspective inaccessible to conventional reporting.
feien journalist molts like Haurie pogut fer d'empleat of Caixa d'Estalvis Draperies or dependent to Ramos. The concern was escasso professional.
Dià legs to Barcelona. JM Huertas Claveria.
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