Serie Gonzo (4 / 9)
Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride IV

4. I is another
If The New Journalism and caused the collision between two concepts, hitherto antagonistic, as the alleged fact and fiction, gonzo journalism further dynamite any border. Any school of journalism always matched by concepts such as objectivity and balance of sources and viewpoints. However, returning to the idea of \u200b\u200bFaulkner (the best fiction is far more true Than Any kind of journalism) that wields by HST flag, many journalists have ever encountered in the position that after interviewing someone for hours fail to When building a consistent and faithful dialogue without changing some words. There is no denying that sometimes the facts presented as fiction provide a more transparent and adjacent to the reader, but then it can fall into the trap of replacing the interview a conversation and then write the interview that the reporter seems closer to the sensations experienced and one that most resembles the image you want to project the interviewee and the reader expects.
Exceptionally, authors such as Whitman, Twain and Dreiser have admitted making up stories. Alastair Reid of The New Yorker admitted to having invented stories, characters and scenes in their stories: journalists inevitably deals in the world of fact and fiction is an inevitable toll. John Hersey once said: "As to journalism, as well May we grant right away That There Is Such Thing as Absolute Objectivity. It is impossible to present in words the truth or the whole story. He concluded that "Payable deal of harm has-been done in Recent years by the notion That Something Can Be Both a novel and journalism and the Same Time." Mailer also believed that fiction and the facts could be mixed, however journalistic ethics warns about the difference between the subtraction of a data and the invention of a data. Some journalists like Janet Cook crossed the border, featuring an inadvertent typing, a whole present in small fragments by a fictitious back: Jimmy, an 8 year old heroin addict who sparked media interest and that in fact America was only the construction of many Jimmy's neglected. A story in journalistic format, manufactured, but drawn from fieldwork interviews with dozens of social workers and the approach to similar cases. Once disclosed the absence of Jimmy, neither the public nor the paper the author will forgive such immorality newspaper, forgetting the myriad existing Jimmy's . The Pulitzer was rejected by The Washington Post . John Hersey went better off to warn in their report J oe is Home Now : "This story is But in fiction form is based on fact. It is distilled from the current DISCHARGED Different Experiences of 43 soldiers. "
Although literary reality, invention or not, is a
announce c onvention do a truth from a p Unto semiotic view, this has always clashed with the ethics journalism. gonzo journalism , individualistic and romantic expression, where the self is very important, the dangers of subjectivity in the newspaper account accrue. HST is, for example, an individualist paradigm of the Renaissance, want to do things his way and apart from others, often projecting a lifestyle idealized fantasies become facts. Through his writings will clear vague intuitions about what you do with your life, while building one with the complicity of the reader. The quotation from Rimbaud J e est un autre comes in handy sometimes. And is that the main danger from the journalistic point of view, the so-called gonzo journalism is the game of yo-yo. If Pandora's box represents the subconscious, his demons and their caves, journalism has always been inclined to close this box and key. Do not let those demons emerge and make their mark in the story as with Rimbaud. Write Alejandro Iñigo You can never make the press report on something personal: "It is valid to use a journalistic space as an outlet for our resentments and frustrations in society, current ideological or political systems." In your opinion, need to close this Pandora's box to give the work a more professional, more journalistic, without ever the journalist, there's more important than the story and characters. Otherwise would be using journalism as a literary disguise, perhaps to cover up his insecurities as a novelist.
paddling between the Pandora's box and the Bonfire of the Vanities, gonzo journalism struggle to be recognized as journalism, with their strengths and weaknesses, even mutating Wallraff personality: "He who is looking in the mirror, not me. " Genres
The narrator's point of view of protagonist has a great tradition in literature and the memoirs of me, not to be confused with journalism prose or customs of Larra, Ruano or threshold. In that sense gonzo journalism axis is associated with significant literary and a history in points yet explore. Implicative journalism, research and commitment were not newly minted. However, gonzo journalism not have a large corpus as it exists in other journalistic and literary genres. Also, journalism is also gonzo journalism copyright and therefore according to the journalist and the purpose for using the narrator's point of view are different shades star gonzo . HST is not the same Günter Wallraff, are not identical goals they want to achieve their vision nor journalism. Thematically gonzo journalism is characterized by his immersion in situations involving with sex, violence, drugs, sports and politics. In short, America's obsessions and most cultures. gonzo journalist goes into extreme situations in order to carry out a scrutiny of them, living in social groups or political artists on tour. The claim may or may not be common, although since the tradition muckracker gonzo journalism not boast of a strong current in this regard, preferring a style that favors a reflection of reality with humor and sarcasm, ie attacking the other side politically incorrect.
Returning to the literature, probably the closest genre gonzo journalism gender is autobiographical, and in itself quite spacious, although in this case is evoked, rather it is narrated. And this would be a direct consequence of the involvement of the journalist, not a few caveats ignoring construction of reality and truth agreed. Along with fiction, autobiography presents a statement of reality where I can be the result of the invention, sleep or lie. The autobiographical self also seeks the transformation of the self, sometimes lyrical and epic, something evident in the dedication of the construction of the characters and the media treatment of gonzo journalists.
gonzo journalism does not resemble the classic autobiography
year Cumulative reports involving the ulation depth (or not) of events experienced, but that would mix their work - the pretext-with its I, in real time. Perhaps most interesting is this: immediacy. Autobiographical experience and run parallel and in unison. There is a calm autobiographical writing in retirement, but sequential as journalist prepares various reports and perfectly compatible with a more conventional kind of autobiography. A journalist writes flashes his diary, not to mention additional journalistic work, not to mention the stories and characters that hatched his ego.
Moreover, contemporary autobiographies and pleasure not exhaustive, but rewarding subjective reports. The autobiography is a genre that delves into the domain of the self: gender is a mystifying, as gonzo reports, sometimes heroic and egotistical. Often the person becomes a character in weaving a tailored suit. "When a person decides to tell his life to another? When he thinks the author is interested concoct a story of his life.
brazenly flies the autobiographical genre almost all the literature, directly or indirectly. All the contemporary novel is part autobiographical current in the same way that every work of an author is part of an autobiography. Every novel is literature of the self, almost. However, in this case is not the inclusion of aspects in the novel that the critic tries to verify, but the journalist steps to force the stage proclaiming his role as director and actor in unison. Nor is there an overview born of reflection. gonzo journalism is more of a self-portrait.

Although literary reality, invention or not, is a

paddling between the Pandora's box and the Bonfire of the Vanities, gonzo journalism struggle to be recognized as journalism, with their strengths and weaknesses, even mutating Wallraff personality: "He who is looking in the mirror, not me. " Genres

Returning to the literature, probably the closest genre gonzo journalism gender is autobiographical, and in itself quite spacious, although in this case is evoked, rather it is narrated. And this would be a direct consequence of the involvement of the journalist, not a few caveats ignoring construction of reality and truth agreed. Along with fiction, autobiography presents a statement of reality where I can be the result of the invention, sleep or lie. The autobiographical self also seeks the transformation of the self, sometimes lyrical and epic, something evident in the dedication of the construction of the characters and the media treatment of gonzo journalists.
gonzo journalism does not resemble the classic autobiography

Moreover, contemporary autobiographies and pleasure not exhaustive, but rewarding subjective reports. The autobiography is a genre that delves into the domain of the self: gender is a mystifying, as gonzo reports, sometimes heroic and egotistical. Often the person becomes a character in weaving a tailored suit. "When a person decides to tell his life to another? When he thinks the author is interested concoct a story of his life.
brazenly flies the autobiographical genre almost all the literature, directly or indirectly. All the contemporary novel is part autobiographical current in the same way that every work of an author is part of an autobiography. Every novel is literature of the self, almost. However, in this case is not the inclusion of aspects in the novel that the critic tries to verify, but the journalist steps to force the stage proclaiming his role as director and actor in unison. Nor is there an overview born of reflection. gonzo journalism is more of a self-portrait.

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