Gonzo Series (3 / 9)
must be masked to expose the society
has to fake and deceive to find out the truth.
Günter Wallraff
3. "Gonzo Who? (II)
not forget that journalism gonzo makes legends. In a culture show, where everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes , gonzo journalism is preferred and alternate speaker from within the profession. The long-awaited star status The New Journalism demanded between the lines to his minions fits perfectly with the style of reporting gonzo journalism, from the time the reporter is willing to cause many of the incidents described and say, discover, and regarding his attitude: exhibitionist on stage and burlesque with the journalist's work Conventional any wording, often crouched behind the crumbs of power. Yet now no one puts his hands to his head, since journalists have also entered the world of advertising, public images projected, consciously or unconsciously, to enhance their reputation, by reading the audience, committing excesses, backed magazine format, shaping aspects of his personality in order to be consumed by the public. Here is the back of Capote's first book entitled Other Voices, Other Rooms , seductive and polemical, or the stormy interviews given by HST promoting their books.
gonzo journalism sincerity is an exercise in which the journalist did not try to act as a reflection of reality, which translates events into words. The reporter looks into the mirror, journalist evidence and screams its presence by altering the event. Like photography, gonzo journalism not only acts as a witness but also as a trigger for certain situations. That is why journalists must sometimes camouflage (Günter Wallraf) in order to capture the essence of the facts and not interested poses of the protagonists. Wallraff fleeing the resting and becomes a cat burglar, the only way to expose a society imbalances misused and little embarrassed. It was not the case of HST and Hell's Angels, enough the author was from the front (up front ) with his identity until the bikers suspected that HST is profiting off of the texts and demanded a percentage. HST was a sovereign beating and inquiry concluded (perhaps the way you wanted HST). Presumably because the presence of HST influence how certain situations trigger that helped magnify sounded interestingly the figure of the riders, throwing his epic dreams, or soften, at times, the portrait of lawlessness and barbarism they drew from them the rest of the press and to mitigate the lack of understanding of their lifestyle. Either way leads to keep out the worst solution: spare elements of analysis to reality.
The presence of the journalist in the foreground, raw and with privileged access to information also means a declaration of principles in the face more bureaucratic journalism and enclosed: drafting a home and home to the office. Beyond the fireworks of the ego, beyond the official statements and mechanical collection of views, gonzo journalism denouncing the timidity and too sedentary journalism tax teletype and telephone calls. gonzo journalists are the motto of the photographer Capa: "If your pictures are not good enough, is that you were not close enough." In other words, if your text does not transmit, information or emotional, is that you were not sufficiently involved. In summary, gonzo journalism sheds light on the validity of the routines journalism as a way to expose the reality.
gonzo journalism monopolized by the wake of HST suggests that gonzo requires a face and personality unruly mob. In HST character is vital and that is why this cartoon has been built, this alter ego (Raoul Duke), that vehicle, ultimately, which one gets and be unable to ever know whether the experiences are real or pure fantasy. However, gonzo journalism is a two way street that should be the epicenter of journalism and not the character. What sources
use good journalism gonzo? In addition to their own life experiences, good gonzo journalist not scorn the other complementary sources in all articles and news. Information that can insert or absorbed as part of their experience. Field reports, interviews, articles and stories already published, the off the record, the expert voices ... all adds up. The fact that the journalist involved in the events does not exempt - should not be "of good field work. Otherwise the experience would be the only attraction of the journalist, their purpose and not the instrument of knowledge of a situation otherwise inaccessible, and when journalist abuses the conviction of experience often anchors the story to paralysis. Wallraff falls into the well and when camouflaged and warns us: "You have to unmask masked society, is to pretend and deceive to find out the truth." Always with a clear objective, as described by Wallraff in the prologue of his most excellent, let us know and feel it means to be an immigrant, in Cologne or in Terrassa.
So HST style. According to him, both journalism and fiction are artificial categories unable to grasp reality, therefore, seems to say merry. If objectivity is a fallacy, an unattainable goal that builds corseted realities, why not embrace honest journalism from the experience? With a clear and concise issuer, never crouched under journalistic clichés, and producing texts consideration tomorrow, posterity. This vision has its roots in the principles of E L New Journalism, Wolfe, Capote and company. Accepted their status as subjects and not worry about covering his tracks as if you are looking for secular journalism likelihood of objectivity. The truth is a consensus agreement, and actually makes sense as the situations are verbalized in language statements. The inverted pyramid is not synonymous with a more accurate, but a way of building the same under certain patterns, aseptic and hygienic. The gonzo journalist rids it of any minimization of their work, the easy theft of his office, to raise the profession to a new altar. As stated HST gonzo journalism demand "the talent of a master journalist, the eye of an artist / photographer, and the heavy balls of an actor," hardly recognizable qualities journalist today, where anyone can dress up practice as a journalist.
gonzo journalism , critical and radical in New Journalism, journalism in its purest essence, would answer exposes an attitude against the elites of power and communications industry. In some ways they are charged to use the pretext of objectivity and Orthodox dogma supplants reality to deform and create new realities on ideological imperatives or impact. In many cases, the legitimate media stereotypes by creating his public image. HST denounced this "mounting journalism" and his reply was 18 months of living with the bikers in Hell's Angels to try to remove a view from the press prefabricated indolent.

And I unfolded. Last year was film played my own part, I threw unfettered imagination and more than once even thought of sinking into it fully. As an author, the hero was still me, and he was projecting my dreams epic. However, we were two: it had my name and only spoke of him in the third person. Instead of paying my gestures, I asked words a body which sought to see. I could scare this "distinction" sudden, but I loved, I was glad to be him without it being me at all. It was my dough, then bent them to my whims, I could test it, give it a spear in the side and look after him then as I watched my mother as she healed me heal.
Les Mots. Jean-Paul Sartre.
The presence of the journalist in the foreground, raw and with privileged access to information also means a declaration of principles in the face more bureaucratic journalism and enclosed: drafting a home and home to the office. Beyond the fireworks of the ego, beyond the official statements and mechanical collection of views, gonzo journalism denouncing the timidity and too sedentary journalism tax teletype and telephone calls. gonzo journalists are the motto of the photographer Capa: "If your pictures are not good enough, is that you were not close enough." In other words, if your text does not transmit, information or emotional, is that you were not sufficiently involved. In summary, gonzo journalism sheds light on the validity of the routines journalism as a way to expose the reality.

gonzo journalism monopolized by the wake of HST suggests that gonzo requires a face and personality unruly mob. In HST character is vital and that is why this cartoon has been built, this alter ego (Raoul Duke), that vehicle, ultimately, which one gets and be unable to ever know whether the experiences are real or pure fantasy. However, gonzo journalism is a two way street that should be the epicenter of journalism and not the character. What sources
use good journalism gonzo? In addition to their own life experiences, good gonzo journalist not scorn the other complementary sources in all articles and news. Information that can insert or absorbed as part of their experience. Field reports, interviews, articles and stories already published, the off the record, the expert voices ... all adds up. The fact that the journalist involved in the events does not exempt - should not be "of good field work. Otherwise the experience would be the only attraction of the journalist, their purpose and not the instrument of knowledge of a situation otherwise inaccessible, and when journalist abuses the conviction of experience often anchors the story to paralysis. Wallraff falls into the well and when camouflaged and warns us: "You have to unmask masked society, is to pretend and deceive to find out the truth." Always with a clear objective, as described by Wallraff in the prologue of his most excellent, let us know and feel it means to be an immigrant, in Cologne or in Terrassa.
[Gonzo journalism] is a style of reporting based on William Faulkner's idea That the best fiction is far more true Than Any kind of journalism - and the best Journalists Have Always Known this. Which is Not to say that fiction is necessarily more true than journalism - or vice versa - but that both ‘fiction’ and ‘journalism’ are artificial categories, and that both forms, at their best, are only two different means to the same end. True Gonzo reporting needs the talent of a master journalist, the eye of an artist/photographer, and the heavy balls of an actor. Because the writer must be a participant in the scene while he’s writing it - or at least taping it, or even sketching it. Or all three. Probably the closest analogy to the ideal would be a film director/producer who writes his own scripts, does his own camera work, and somehow manages to find himself in action, as the protagonist or at least the main character.justified or based
Hunter S. Thompson
So HST style. According to him, both journalism and fiction are artificial categories unable to grasp reality, therefore, seems to say merry. If objectivity is a fallacy, an unattainable goal that builds corseted realities, why not embrace honest journalism from the experience? With a clear and concise issuer, never crouched under journalistic clichés, and producing texts consideration tomorrow, posterity. This vision has its roots in the principles of E L New Journalism, Wolfe, Capote and company. Accepted their status as subjects and not worry about covering his tracks as if you are looking for secular journalism likelihood of objectivity. The truth is a consensus agreement, and actually makes sense as the situations are verbalized in language statements. The inverted pyramid is not synonymous with a more accurate, but a way of building the same under certain patterns, aseptic and hygienic. The gonzo journalist rids it of any minimization of their work, the easy theft of his office, to raise the profession to a new altar. As stated HST gonzo journalism demand "the talent of a master journalist, the eye of an artist / photographer, and the heavy balls of an actor," hardly recognizable qualities journalist today, where anyone can dress up practice as a journalist.

gonzo journalism , critical and radical in New Journalism, journalism in its purest essence, would answer exposes an attitude against the elites of power and communications industry. In some ways they are charged to use the pretext of objectivity and Orthodox dogma supplants reality to deform and create new realities on ideological imperatives or impact. In many cases, the legitimate media stereotypes by creating his public image. HST denounced this "mounting journalism" and his reply was 18 months of living with the bikers in Hell's Angels to try to remove a view from the press prefabricated indolent.
If anything demonstrated the "saga of Hell's Angels," was the overwhelming power of the New York press. Hell's Angels as they exist today were virtually created by Time, Newsweek and The New York Times.
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