Gonzo Series (8 / 9)
8. More gonzo
Beyond the triumvirate exposed gonzo journalism has been traced by many journalists and writers, occasionally or regularly. In fact, gonzo journalism has a long tradition within journalism and the novel, yet to explore (a piece of Kapuściński noted by a reader of this blog, for example). From George Orwell to Terry Southern is a great field work yet to settle. The purpose of this chapter is also embracing new names and works for further reading, is to make a swift Panoramic gonzo universe and some of its precursors and co. HST Forget!
Among nonfiction production adventurer Jack London (1876-1926), American writer and pioneer socialist roots of gonzo highlights The People of the Abyss (1903), a book where the author recounts the harsh living conditions in London early last century (1902). The writer wandered for several months, sleeping on the streets or in workhouses , experiencing first hand all the shortcomings and witnessing its effects. In Jack London, and then Wallraff, journalism gonzo is only the means by which vehicle their convictions and give them sound. Not attracted to risk, but the will to transform and fight injustice.
Egon Erwin Kisch (1885-1948), Czech journalist known as Rasender reporter (reporter fast or furious) is a European background unknown, but often cited in relation to Wallraff due to the use of methods close to illegality and deception as a bridge before reporting unavoidable. Kisch infiltrated the cafes, popular pubs, nursing homes, into conversation with homeless people, police and prostitutes, with great conviction. D and streets and nights in Prague (Ed. Tiny), and is the only book translated into Castilian, is a collection of articles about Prague, underground and unknown, made in 1912 with the material published by the author in his Sunday space titled Prague forays. A pioneer of investigative journalism and even police, Kisch is the great history of gonzo journalism European forgotten in journalism schools.
His two major works are Der Rasende Reporter (1924) and Marktplatz der Sensation (1942) ("The market for feelings"), both not translated into Castilian and an English only. In both you can find articles written gonzo first person impetuous. In Down with the homeless in Whitechapel, Kisch disguised as homeless and spends a night in a homeless shelter London's homeless. In Experiment exaggerated tip, Kisch through different routes of the tram in Berlin watching how managers react to the tram and other travelers against exaggerated tip. T beef barley weeks collector, Kisch does just that, in the footsteps of Golem examines the myth of the Golem in Prague.
Another legend of undercover journalism was Elizabeth Jane Cochrane, better known by the pen name Nellie Bly (1864-1922). Nellie Bly was released with its articles of fighting spirit in the Pittsburgh Dispatch until he applied for a job in the paper by Joseph Pulitzer, The New York World . His first assignment was to develop or a story about a mental asylum for women on Blackwell's Island. Before his madness had to try and make everyone believe that it must be admitted: a circus movie reminiscent further in the Beyond Reasonable Doubt of Fritz Lang and, above all, Shock Corridor of Sam Fuller . Considered by doctors, and be able to fool gives states insane and certainly unhealthy. The case attracted the attention of the media. "Who Is This Insane Girl?" headlined the New York Sun . Admitted finally in the psychiatric ward for women res (asylum, skip), Bly was able to see first-person treatment of nurses (rigid and improper), the austere
facilities and the hardest: talking to other residents became convinced that some of them were as healthy as she really was.
After ten days Bly left the asylum and reporting their experiences be published later in book form under the title Ten Days in a Mad-House (1887). The scandal broke and fame. Psychiatrists and judges had been fooled, but more important was that a judge has launched its own investigation into the treatment center remedial purposes, both human and budgetary. Bly managed to turn an unfortunate reality: "I am happy to Be Able to state as a result of my visit to the asylum and the Exposures Consequent thereon, That the City of New York has APPROPRIATE $ 1,000,000 more per annum than ever Before for the care of the insane. So i have at least the satisfaction of the poor unfortunates Knowing That Will Be the Better cared for Because of my work. " Before retiring to serve as an entrepreneur, Nellie Bly traveled around the world in 72 days beating the then world record. His record lasted for months, but his trip was reported in the book Around the World in Seventy-Two Days .
Lester Bangs (1948-1982), musician and music journalist, is a reference gonzo journalism of musical themes. Reputed associate of magazines such as C replacement, Rolling Stone, NME or Village Voice, is recognized as one of the most combative feathers that has existed in music journalism. Bangs are characterized by their total involvement and closeness to the artists, as opposed to visions cooler and academicians. Bangs excesses shared moments glory and crisis, with musicians like Patti Smith or Lou Reed. His inclination to insult and confrontation in interviews, his nerve to come up with fragments of the interviews and to give a new dimension, are part of the legend of a journalist who left early, a victim of abuse. His testimony is compiled in Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung: The Work of a Legendary Critic which sees its effort to separate the product of the artist with lewd language and poignant, but always prescient.
Among nonfiction production adventurer Jack London (1876-1926), American writer and pioneer socialist roots of gonzo highlights The People of the Abyss (1903), a book where the author recounts the harsh living conditions in London early last century (1902). The writer wandered for several months, sleeping on the streets or in workhouses , experiencing first hand all the shortcomings and witnessing its effects. In Jack London, and then Wallraff, journalism gonzo is only the means by which vehicle their convictions and give them sound. Not attracted to risk, but the will to transform and fight injustice.
Civilisation has INCREASED man's Producing power an hundred-fold, And Through Mismanagement the men of Civilisation live Worse Than the beasts, and Have less to eat and wear and Protect Them from the elements Than the savage Innuit in a frigid Who climate to-day lives as I Lived in the stone age ten Thousand years ago. The Experience related in this volume Fell to me in the summer of 1902. I Went Down Into the under-world of London with an attitude of mind Which I May best liken to That of the explorer. I Was open to Be Convinced by the Evidence of my eyes, Rather Than by the Teachings of Those Who Had Not Seen, or by the Words of Those Who Had seen and gone before. Further, I Took with me Un certain simple criteria with Which to measure the life of the under-world. That Which made for more life, for physical and spiritual health, was good; That Which made for less life, Which hurt, and dwarfed, and distorted life, was bad.Inspired by the work of Jacob Riis muckracker, author of How the Other Half Lives , the work of London and it served as inspiration George Orwell for his first book Down and Out in Paris and London , gonzo material also recovered. In the first chapter, entitled The Descent , London made the first statement may gonzo :
"But I do not want to see the police," I protested. "What I wish to do is to go down Into the East End and see for myself Things. I wish to know how Are Those people living there, and why They Are living there, and What They Are living for. In short, I am going to live There myself. "

His two major works are Der Rasende Reporter (1924) and Marktplatz der Sensation (1942) ("The market for feelings"), both not translated into Castilian and an English only. In both you can find articles written gonzo first person impetuous. In Down with the homeless in Whitechapel, Kisch disguised as homeless and spends a night in a homeless shelter London's homeless. In Experiment exaggerated tip, Kisch through different routes of the tram in Berlin watching how managers react to the tram and other travelers against exaggerated tip. T beef barley weeks collector, Kisch does just that, in the footsteps of Golem examines the myth of the Golem in Prague.
Another legend of undercover journalism was Elizabeth Jane Cochrane, better known by the pen name Nellie Bly (1864-1922). Nellie Bly was released with its articles of fighting spirit in the Pittsburgh Dispatch until he applied for a job in the paper by Joseph Pulitzer, The New York World . His first assignment was to develop or a story about a mental asylum for women on Blackwell's Island. Before his madness had to try and make everyone believe that it must be admitted: a circus movie reminiscent further in the Beyond Reasonable Doubt of Fritz Lang and, above all, Shock Corridor of Sam Fuller . Considered by doctors, and be able to fool gives states insane and certainly unhealthy. The case attracted the attention of the media. "Who Is This Insane Girl?" headlined the New York Sun . Admitted finally in the psychiatric ward for women res (asylum, skip), Bly was able to see first-person treatment of nurses (rigid and improper), the austere

What, excepting torture, would produce insanity Quicker Than This Treatment? Here is a class of Women Sent to Be cured. Would I like the expert Physicians Who are condemning me for my action, Which has proven Their Ability, to take a perfectly sane and healthy woman, shut her up and make her sit from 6 am until 8 pm on straight-back benches, Do not allow her to talk or move DURING These hours, Give Her not reading and let her know nothing of the world or STI doings, bad food and Give Her Treatment harsh, and see how long it will take to make her insane. Two months Would make her a mental and physical wreck.
Ten Days in a Mad-House . Nellie Bly

T first time I've Interviewed him I Had No Plans for doing a real story, I Had Been Following His work for years, and just wanted to find out what kind of guy he was. I didn’t expect much, really, or rather what I expected was either some narcissistic twit or more likely a character whose head was permanently lodged in the scientific/cybernetic/conceptual art clouds. Somebody who might be nice enough but was just a little too... ethereal.
The person I did meet that day was relaxed, gracious, and, to use his favorite word, one of the most interesting conversationalists I’d run into in some time. Unlike most rock people, he was interesting in lots of things beyond music and kicks; unlike many academic types, he recognized that a lot of the things he was interested in were somewhat arcane or overly theoretical, and that the jargon some of these concerns inevitably arrived in was incredibly dry. “Most of what I do has been thought about rather than talked about,” he said at one point, “and my resources of information are kind of quasi-scientific, which means that the language that comes out is really objectionable in a way.” He seemed kind of amused by this, when not at pains to make sure he wasn’t boring his guests to death. One of his biggest problems seemed to be people who wanted to impress him and acted like they knew what he was talking about when they really didn’t, letting him go on and on and on when he knew he had the tendency to get carried away. The clincher came at the end of the interview; it was getting towards dinnertime, and suddenly I had this picture of a Britisher who for all I knew didn’t have that many friends here, sitting in his hotel room in Gramercy Park all night, so I asked him if he’d like to get something to eat and then come over and listen to some records. “Sure,” he said, and then “Uh, say… um… would you happen to know any nice girls you could introduce me to?
Brian Eno: A Sandbox In Alphaville . Lester Bang s

In the sports field the reference is George Plimpton (1927 0 -20 3 ) , m tif ul acetic character development most his writings to the literary magazine The Paris Review . Pt Plim n is a reference of undercover journalism through their stories in the qu and leading into the object of study in order to relate the experience first person banned as a mere witness. This was done lion tamer; sparring boxer Archie Moore, light heavyweight world champion and record of fights won by KO at 145, for a while quarterback made the Detroit Lions, goalie for the Boston Bruins occasional ice hockey ( Open Net) , tried to play the professional circuit of golf (PGA Tour), was a layman percussionist of the New York Philharmonic Leonard Bernestein durant and toured Canada, played a match with Garry Kasparov, was beaten by former No. 1 tennis Pancho Gonzales, etc. Plimpton, film actor of limited travel, was an expert to delve into the intricacies of professional sports and recount their experiences from a amateur view, not so much focused on the sport and its rules, but rather in the personalities that populated the locker room, the stands, hotels ... with large doses of humor. Two of his books are distinguished Out of My Game, based on their passage through the baseball fields, and Paper Lion of his journey with the football team of Lions etroit D . Recently former player of Joventut Badalona, \u200b\u200bPaul Shirley, undertook a similar literary experience.

It was a drive of several hours back to the FOB in Mosul that night, and after we made it without incident, we sacked out for the night. While we were sleeping, another soldier got shot outside the wall, but he wasn’t with us. Moreover, word filtered back the next day that the first police station we’d visited in Tal Afar the day before had been shot up with AK fire. When we gassed the vehicles before leaving the FOB, we ran into another squad that had been hit; I talked to a twenty-year-old Californian named Anthony Matthews who was just coming back from medical leave after taking an IED in the face. Matthews looked just barely old enough to have a beard and reminded me of someone I’d see pumping Slurpees in a Georgia truck stop, but his face was already lightly scarred from the bomb fragments. Like most of the Iraq casualties of late, he was a gunner.Taibbi es autor de varios libros y recopilaciones de artículos. Spanking the Donkey: Dispatches from the Dumb Season es una recopilación de enojados artículos escritos durante la cobertura de las elecciones presidenciales del 2004, infiltrado y crítico con ambos bandos contentious, as the star journalists. Some articles in which the American journalist displays all his sharpness, his taste for the stage, eccentric characters and situations, entertaining and appealing in the details. Although constantly hang tag Thompsonianism , he has always tried to distance himself "I'm so sick of it. That term people throw around, gonzo journalism, pero it's synonymous with Hunter Thompson. He is gonzo journalism. The guy I really WAS Grew up admiring HL Mencken. " Still, the association is as inevitable as evident in the issues and their treatment, and also because, like HST, has a great personality deja huella en sus escritos y los lectores.
Fort Apache, Iraq . Matt.Taibbi
I paused, wincing inwardly. An outsider coming into this world will feel sure that the moment he coughs up one of those “God told me to put more English on my tee shot” lines, his dark game will be instantly visible to all, and he’ll be made the target of one of those Invasion of the Body Snatchers-style point-and-screech mob scenes. But nothing could be further from the truth. You simply cannot go wrong praising God in this world; overdoing it is literally impossible. I would understand this better by the end of the weekend. Maria smiled. “I feel the same way. Have you ever been to one of these Encounters?” “No, I haven’t,” I said. "Me Neither," she said. "I'm really excited." "They're wonderful," Said the matronly Mexican woman in front of me, turning around. "They really change you forever."Another of his most famous books are compilations Smells Like Dead Elephants : Dispatches from a Rotting Empire including the history of the party of Senator Conrad Burns ( How to Be a Lobbyist Without Really Trying ), his trip to Iraq and stay in Abu Ghraib, his step the post-Katrina New Orleans or California Chronic trial against Michael Jackson that define the path of a social and political reporter consumed by the spirit of gonzo . Another of his books is The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion at the Twilight of the American Empire , including its incursion into the church of John Hagee, in addition to chronic unrestrained press conferences Congress-with the emphasis on corruption and the growing desperation of America, and meetings of organizations convinced that behind the 9 / 11 lies a big lie, the conspiracy. Taibbi just to assert that Christians Reborn ( Born-again-Christian ) and terrorists no major differences in the background. All with a style of tabloid accused countless times, cynical and free.

the early 80's, O'Rourke begin his work with Rolling Stone magazine to be followed by several books. The bizarre sense of humor O'Rourke is mixed with a conservative political ideology on economic issues, except in sexual matters which liberal states. Easily to the insult against those who differ from their proclamations, O'Rourke argues that "God is a Republican and Santa Claus is a Democrat Because God is a tough, unsentimental SOB and Santa Claus is a sweet old fellow Who Does not exist. " O'Rourke bet some of his writings for free markets and minimal state intervention. Frivolity goes so far as to say that we live in the best moment in history and that the U.S. is the best place to live, while deals with humor ( All The Trouble in the World ) sensitive issues such as overcrowding, hunger, environmental issues, multiculturalism and the misery of the Third World, especially those countries whose dictators have used socialism as a pretext. Now
a lot of people say to me, "Hey, PJ, you liketo drive fast. Why not join a responsible organization, such as the Sports Car Club of America, and enjoy participation in sports car racing? That way you could drive as fast as you wish while still engaging in a well-regulated spectator sport that is becoming more popular each year.” No thanks. In the first place, if you ask me, those guys are a bunch of tweedy old barf mats who like to talk about things like what necktie they wore to Alberto Ascari’s funeral. And in the second place, they won’t let me drive drunk. They expect me to go out there and smash into things and roll over on the roof and catch fire and burn to death when I’m sober. They must think I’m crazy. That stuff scares me. I have to get completely shit-faced to even think about driving fast. How can you have a lot of exciting thrills when you’re so terrified that you wet yourself all the time? That’s not fun. It’s just not fun to have exciting thrills when you’re scared. Take the heroes of the Iliad for instance – they really had some exciting thrills, and were they scared? No. They were drunk. Every chance they could get. And so am I, and I’m not going out there and have a horrible car wreck until somebody brings me a cocktail.
How to DRIVE FAST on DRUGS while getting your
One of its most popular items is How to DRIVE FAST ON DRUGS while getting your Wing-Wang SQUEEZED AND NOT SPILL YOUR DRINK or refute Ferrari decline of the West, his collection of articles published under the title Republican Party Reptile . Provocative satire bordering on irresponsibility, motivation always fun ( Because it's fun) and the risk, although in reality he only dreams about guns at all Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda in the country.

Also, a number of journalists in connection with gonzo journalism (plus all those I have forgotten to include in a list very expandable) of work I have not found nor reference weight. Journalists, for example, as Alan Cabal, a contributor to CounterPunch magazine and before New York Press, famous for his defense of Ernst Zündel, Canadian neo-Nazi. Cabal itself as a "certified Satanist." Other journalists on the orbit are Jordan Kobos, John Birmingham, Tom Luffman and investigative reporter Greg Palast.
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