Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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In memoriam: Teresa

"I can no longer think what I want to think. 
My thoughts have been replaced by moving images".

Georges Duhamel


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Having trouble with your house payment? Free help and information on the steps

mortgage assistance because of problems with your house payment? was delayed a month or more to pay the mortgage? is very important to do something quickly. Now lenders begin the process of foreclosure (foreclosure) between the third and fourth month.

Until recently, while their documents for mortgage loan modification were in the hands of your lender, there was the fear that he could finish the house. Now things have changed so if you need help and can not afford your home. should contact your lender to begin your loan modification as quickly as possible. As soon as you realize that problems with mortgage payments must act quickly, no time to lose. Do not ignore the problem. Each time the time goes, but things get complicated and more difficult it is to get help paying your home.

Lenders In these times of continuing with the forclosure to approve amendments, when put in the period pruenbas (Obama plan to change), recently stopped the auction. If you have had problems with your lender that you have not been able to help with the modification of your loan, or have denied it, here you can get advice and answers to all your questions: mortgage loan modification.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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loan modification - Modification of Loan

Loan Modification mortgage and loan modification . The loan modification is also known as mortgage modification or loan modification.

With the book and guide mortgage modifications you could make an effective and hassle-free application package with a well made, accurate and error-free for their own loan modification. They contain detailed step by step. Do it yourself and without using intermediaries. See how easy it is to prepare all the documentation and do the calculations in order to send your bank a stellar application and without errors. This is the only help that you need to keep your home. The manual

amendments to loan or mortgage modification, you will find all about how government programs work to help homeowners to modify their mortgages on better terms (lower mortgage payments on your home) and so can avoid forclosure.

have many questions about the loan modification? Want answers to perform a successful mortgage modification ? For example questions about obama modification program, or an example of hamp grade calculation?

Then came the right place

People who used this manual loan modification?
  • If you have tried one or more times to make a modification the loan with the bank and not able to obtain good results. This manual is for you.
  • If you are about to enter the foreclosure process, this book is for you.
  • If you are behind on house payments and is a MECES month two, three or more MECES. This manual is for you mortgage modifications.
  • If you have a second loan that does not pay a couple of long and MECES or call to charge, but you are totally lost on what to do. This book is even you.
  • If you have never fallen behind in payments on your home but you feel you are in imminent danger of falling behind, this book is for you.
  • If you have your loan in mortgage loss mitigation department or mitigation with the bank and have spent many unanswered MECES, this book is for you.
  • If it no longer gives more and is about to give up because there is no exit, this book is for you.
  • If you want to know if you qualify for a mortgage loan modification, this guide is for you.
  • If you are totally confused and need to know how to do to qualify for a mortgage modification, the electronic book is definitely for you.
  • If you tubieron on probation for a MECES and after the bank said it did not qualify for loan modification, this guide book is for you.
  • If you do not want to lose your home, but already exhausted all resources, including shooting the little money they pay him for he had been the lawyers, this book is for you.
The mortgage modification manual you will find all the answers to their questions and concerns about loan modification.

Loan Modification: What is the main purpose of making one?

Download your mortage payments by reducing interest (conventional loans). No matter if you have a fixed or variable interest. No matter who has an interest of 4% or 5%. It can get 2%. (I had the 4.875% fixed and obtains his 2%).

Depending on the case, you can also extend the terms of the loan or reduce the principal. This whole debt reduction applies to properties that have fallen sharply in value.

Note that you do not need good credit to qualify for a mortgage loan modification. Not necessarily qualify only borrowers who have fallen behind on mortgage payments, people that have not been late, but are in danger of falling behind, can also qualify for government assistance program for mortgages.

The main requirement to qualify for mortgage modification is that revenues are sufficient to mortagage payments and modified. People must have experiement a reduction of salary (economic problems by reduction of income) or have taken ill health.

Today there are several plans for mortgage loan modification. Avoid foreclosure or seizure of property by submitting your application for loan modification with your lender quickly. Do it yourself, create your own loan modification (Loan Modification) and do not use a third person, no one else that you could put all the effort and interest in that everything is done right, do not throw away the little money they have to pay him for anyone. Lawyers charge an arm and a leg and more. For this manual only pay $ 34.95. dollars. Not a penny more.

The mortgage modification manual provides key information on loan modification. By educating yourself on the subject, you will be able to do an outstanding job for the best results in your mortgage loan modification .

not give your house to the bank easily, fight for it, learn and educate yourself about everything related to mortgage modifications. Protect what you worked so hard to obtain. Learn for yourself how can help to reduce their monthly mortgage payments.

The only way to assert your rights as a borrower and consumer, is a teacher. No valid arguments can not win the battle against the banks.

So get ready to carry out the formalities and paperwork of mortgage modification.

In this book are absolutely all the answers to your questions about loan modifications.

Here you can get more information about the book guide for mortgage modifications.

loan modification

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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What to do if you were denied the loan modification?

If the bank denied the loan modification mortgage, do something quickly, not resigned to losing their home. A continucacion I explain what you should do and as soon as possible.

have to act fast, and if it does nothing will lose your home. Worst of all is that depues and may not buy another because in these times is almost impossible to qualify for a home loan. The directirces of home loans are very strict now, so they should fight to the last to keep your home.

must find out what was the reason why the bank will not mortgage approved the amendment. Should be borne in mind that often the main reason why loan modifications are not approved, is people working in the bank can not do the calculations of income borrowers. This I tell you from personal experience. I'm not doing making an assumption. I checked when you apply for modification of my loan.

When I called my bank (CitiMortgage) for the first time to tell them that I wanted to apply for the loan modification HAMP or Obama, they said it earned me a lot and did not qualify for mortgages Obama plan. Calulo made me bad income, but I told them they were wrong.

finally got the 2 percent to Obama's plan modifications, you can see pictures here. Click on the images to enlarge:

I could do it before you call learning the guidelines and everything you ought to know about the loan modification . If I had not known that they were doing wrong calculation of 31 percent, would have thought I was ineligible and lose my house! imagine a few of you will be doing the same. This is a totally unfair situation and we should not allow it! The solution? Learn how a mortgage modification. Wisdom is power!

Do it yourself and never has anyone to pay him the paperwork processed modified hioptecaria of your loan, except that it is not allowed, is illegal, nobody but the person concerned, I mean yourself, will put the same interest in getting good results. For example when I started the paperwork for modification of my loan, call several lawyers to see if I could help. Everyone told me different things. (The lawyers were paid between $ 3.500 and $ 5.000 dolres). Even call the government agency offering free help of the Obama modification program (HAMP) and I realized that people handa out there with no more working the bank. So there was when I decided to learn it all and do it myself the processing of my loan modification.

Why pay a lawyer for something you can do yourself? sentido.Ademas not if you do not know how the loan modification never know if you could have done a good job, if the bank denied the modification, you would have to make do with what the lawyer said. But if you yourself do everything and learn as well, which is not difficult, (it's super easy! Not think it is somewhat complicated paperwork for the loan modification) then you're much more likely to get a positive result. I repeat no one, not even a lawyer, will put the same interest in the matter yourself.

Well back
to my mortgage loan modification, once I decided to do everything myself, before calling my bank, I learned well the guidelines, then remove accounts and check that I qualify for Obama's plan for mortgages (Affordable Home Modification Program). We know that lenders are the only ones who can decide whether to approve the amendment or if they deny it, nothing else they can do, I mean that if we stayed in our house or lose, it almost depends on who answers the phone when you call the bank. If you get an inept person who does not know the guidelines, you lose your home if you are lucky enough that someone will answer if you know the guidelines and is willing to help, you do not lose home.

super We are in a vulnerable position. Then we return to the same, if we know how the program works, if we know the rules and guidelines, we can fight for our rights. Given valid arguments, it is the only way to win the battle against the banks and also to assert our rights as borrowers.

bank lenders do not deal well with the borrowers, large banks like Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citi Mortgage is the worst. They forget that the government gave them money when they were sinking and that money is received, our money, we pay taxes!

I would not let me when I called CitiMortgage and rudely answered, told them, "Tell me hear it, you believed that to who is talking to his employee or that you are doing me a favor. Here I am I'm doing you a favor because, thanks to my work so you have to talk like people. " And if he continued talking as unkind just hung, and knocked again. If I played another well, "said he the same as the previous one and still hung. No matter if I had to call a hundred times, but I would not put up a simple bank employee that I came to speak rudely. You should do the same. You have economic problems and can not make the house payment does not mean they have to deal with bullying. No stop! Not only have bad manners, but for highs can not do a good job.

I already knew that people who work in banks in the customer service department was inept, and so I decided to learn it all before, but I never figured it was so extreme that they have no idea how to calculate income of a person employed and in general, are completely ignorant about the loan modification program Obama.

What to do if you were denied the loan modification?

For all these reasons, create an electronic book called "loan modification successful" to help borrowers, telling my experience, I did and that should make you to fight against their lenders when they are acting unfairly. I repeat the wisdom is power. In this eBook you will find these topics: what to do if you are denied loan modification? how to know if you qualify for loan modification or other Obama, such as preparing the application, documentation, well yourself before sending it to your bank, as do the calculation to see if you qualify for your loan modification, what happens when you A second loan and has not paid, when the lenders begin foreclosure? may lose the house while your loan is in loss mitigation, bone in the process of modification? and much more. Alli find all the information you need to submit a stellar application to your bank. I did all of this that I explain in the book and got the interest of the 2 on my mortgage. This is the book:

What to do if the bank denied the loan modification

Friday, February 11, 2011

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Bank of America Affordable Home Loan Modifications: A Failure

Bank of America (BAC) to largely failed in regard to help homeowners difficulties and prevent mortgage foreclosures. Simply seek a thousand excuses for not approving the prestatrios for loan modification Home Affordable, Obama's plan for mortgages.

Bank of America is one of the largest financial institutions in the country and the largest mortgage issuer, but also the least willing to give mortgage help and make the mortgage loan modification.
consumer advocates have filed a class action lawsuit against the company in the Massachusetts district court for alleged violation of its agreement to modify mortgages for people under the federal Affordable Home Modification Program. Bank of America faces a similar lawsuit in Washington. Massachusetts residents have also filed complaints against JP Morgan Chase (JPM), Bank OneWest and Wells Fargo (WFC), accusing these companies violating the guidelines of HAMP (modification Obama).

According to the latest federal data, fewer than 21,000 borrowers in Bank of America of an eligible group of nearly 1.1 million have had their mortgages modified under the HAMP permanently.

We understand that the Bank of America is not the only one who does not want to help people, in general, all the big banks are doing the same. For example OneWest (also known as IndyMac), so the Bank of America is not the only culprit here. In a new report by the Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky, said that the HAMP modification program is not being effective in the sense that lenders do not want to give it and also said the program has fallen far below expectations. He also accused the U.S. Treasury information to inflate the number of homeowners who have received assistance, focusing on the number of homeowners who have been tested, instead of focusing on praise have permanent loan modifications. The report says:

"In the absence of a thorough review of the HAMP and its objectives, the program helps homeowners in risk has simply extended the foreclosure crisis over several years, at taxpayer expense as significant and even at the expense of borrowers who are struggling to change, but are still doing higher payments on the mortgage for months before succumbing to foreclosure anyway. "

HAMP is fraught with problems, according to Barofsky. These include changing the documentation requirements for borrowers, confucuin Documents lender, confusion about how lenders calculate a mortgage participants qualify for mortage modification, proper verification of income owners, and poor training of lenders with respect to changes in Affordable Home (HAMP).

A this I would add one more important factor: The banks and loan servicers have financial incentives to carry out mortgage foreclosures of homes instead of modifying mortgages, they also prefer to refinance mortgages and payment plans in the short term rather than make them permanentes.No loan modification should be given aid for mortgages.

What is the solution? HAMP review (Obama's plan for mortgages), for example, make clear to the banks as people qualify for the program. But the best option would be for the Obama administration and Congress to review the legislation and empower bankruptcy courts to decide on mortgage modifications.

That hurt the profits of the banks. But companies like Bank of America, Chase, Indy Mac and Wells Fargo are strong enough to endure the pain. Meanwhile, the mortgage foreclosure epidemic continues to rage, and this not only hurts individual homeowners but also to the economy in general. It's time for another type of medication.

The biggest problem here is that lenders make their own, people who are working in customer service is inept, and they in conscience do nothing to teach them about the Affordable Home program. I think that more than half the mortage changes that banks refuse, it is only because they know borrowers qualify.

At the moment there is no other choice but to continue fighting with banks to get mortgage modifications Affordable Home, the best way to win the battle is learning how the program works, guidelines and so have a valid argument to "fight" with sets. If you know how the program, are aware of the rules and guidelines and they do not know and deny the changes as being inept, you can continue fighting, calling and calling until you get a person in the departments of the customer service listen. I tell you from personal experience as to me that happened when I applied for my own modicacion of loan. Until got to get the 2 percent to Obama modification. Here you can read about my case:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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A loan modification to keep your home

A loan modification can save your home.

If you are having economic problems and is behind in payments on your mortgage, try to negotiate a plan mortgage modification with your lender quickly to avoid a short sale (foreclosure). There are a variety of programs available to help you avoid losing your home. One of the programs that most benefit to borrowers is the AFORD Home Modification or as many people call it, the loan modification Obama.

What is a loan modification program?

A loan modification is where the lender agrees to reduce the interest rate of your mortgage, arrears added to your mortage debt and extends the term of the loan to lower your monthly payments .

When is a good idea to do a loan modification?

Loan modifications are for people who:

* Have had a long-term reduction in income.
* Your monthly payments and expenses have increased. * Do not have enough
income to pay the fees of your current mortgage

"I can qualify for a mortgage modification? Here are some questions to help you realize if you qualify for a mortgage modification, answer these questions:

1. Do you live in the house? mean, is this your primary residence?

2. It is the loan amount you owe on your first loan (if loan is also segunodo account this amount) much bigger than it costs to home and no more than $ 729,750?

3. Do you have trouble paying your mortgage? For example, we have reduced hours at work, has had a significant increase in house payment, your income has decreased since you obtained your current loan or have had a difficulty that has increased spending, as well as medical expenses, death of a relative, etc.

4. Did you get your current mortgae before January 1, 2009?

5. Is your first mortgage payment, including principal, interest, taxes, insurance and association fees (if you live in a condo), is over 31% of your current gross income?

If you answered yes to these questions, you may qualify for a loan modification with Obama GOVERNMENT program.

The following site, you can get complete information about how loan modifications work as you complete same paperwork to send to your lender. Guide that takes you through the process step by step:

Loan Modification