Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ansel Pharmacy Calculations

and Camino de El Socorro. A pictorial history 1990-2006

The full Parliament adopted yesterday, 20 December 2006 unanimously the draft law of popular initiative for the declaration of all of the Badlands of Guimaras as a special nature reserve.

Ends and a vital step in protecting the Badlands of Guimaras, which began in 2001 when the Platform in Defence of the Badlands of Guimaras and the path of El Socorro began working on this project Initiative Popular Legislature. > The news of the expansion,
published in Canarias 7

> The news of the expansion in Diario de Avisos

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Indoor Basketball Courts 07740

Approval of the expansion of the Badlands ILP ILP

In July 2001, Platform has begun the process of ILP in requesting the Government of Canary protection under the Special Reserve contained all of the Badlands, including the path of El Socorro and the development of a new Master Plan to regulate their use and ensure their conservation future.

signature collection has begun on 10 July. On October 10 must have collected at least 15,000 valid signatures. Why an ILP for the Badlands and the Way? What is an ILP?

What is the ILP of the Badlands? malpais güímar What I can do to help this ILP?
Posters, materials, murals of the ILP of the Badlands and the Way. History malpais güímar ILP

Why an ILP for the Badlands and the Way?

From this Platform understood that this "crisis of Malpais and El Socorro Road" has a range archipelagic, raised as a reflection on models of development and survival of living cultural heritage of these islands. Therefore, and also to the inability of local politicians to address this issue from a broad perspective, we must transcend the local framework and bring before the Parliament of the Canary Islands, as we always say we can, and not rhetoric: for a sustainable future of our territory and our cultural identity.

What is an ILP?

is based on Law 10/86, of December 11, 1986 Popular Legislative Initiative. Bocac December 19 1986.Texto full by clicking the following link:

  • develop Article 11.4 Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands which requires regular popular initiative for submission of bills before Parliament Canario.
  • verbatim notes that "we have tried to [...] legislative text that meets the important role of channel the demands of citizens, social spontaneity product has not been assumed by the political forces represented in Parliament, thereby enriching representative democracy, and ultimately leaving Parliament as head of legislative power or responsibility to take not a product itself has articulated the text of the exercise of the "
  • To be signatory must: be of age, be registered on the Electoral Register and enjoy the political status of canary.

There are several matters that are not ILP: the non-competition of the Canarian Autonomous Community, nature of the budget and tax, the electoral system, and so on. (In this case does not affect the matter being tried, Protected Areas, the total competence of the Autonomous Community).

needed to raise at least 15,000 signatures.

signature collection will be made on letterhead, which necessarily will play, as a heading, the text of the proposition.
Next to the signature of every citizen must show the name, ID number and address.

well authenticated signatures by notaries public, either Special notaries appointed by the Promotion Committee.

The procedure for collection of signatures must be completed within three months.

Parliament is then a Board of Control, which verifies the process, verify and count the signatures and resolves complaints or complaints during the collection of signatures. After this operation (and after deducting the invalid signatures), if exceeded 15 thousand, the Bureau of Parliament ordered the publication of the Bill, being able to be included in the agenda of a plenary session to raise awareness for consideration.

The Promotion Committee may designate one of its members to defend the bill in the process of consideration before the full Parliament.

What is the ILP of the Badlands?
  • consists of two parts:
  • The bill, with the text of the law itself and some additional provisions
Reason for requesting this law and justify the urgency of further action.
  • Special Nature Reserve is declared the entire Güímar badlands, from the border with Puertito of Guimaras to the Camino de El Socorro in the stretch adjacent to the Badlands, including the very road in the municipality of Guimaras and renamed Special Nature Reserve and Trail Güímar badlands of El Socorro.
    The legal regime associated with this statement applies to the territory which is determined by the boundary map that is annexed to this Law
  • 3. This special status
will be established for natural the Legislative Decree 1 / 2000, dated May 8, by adopting the Consolidated Laws of Land and Natural de Canarias.
    The Ministry of Regional Policy of the Government of the Canary Islands within one year after the entry into force of this Act, establish and adopt the Plan Resource Management Natural Area as provided in Article 15.2 of the Basic Law 4 / 1989 of 27 March, Conservation of Natural Areas and Wildlife. Then, in the Within six months, the Ministry of Planning Policy proceed with the preparation and adoption of the new Master Plan of the Special Natural Reserve of Guimaras Malpais and El Socorro Road, on public information hearing for Insular Board of Protected Natural Areas, report the Committee on Planning and Environment of the Canary Islands, report by the Directorate General of Coasts and consultation with associations and groups whose purposes are consistent with the guiding principles of this Law The Master Plan of the Special Natural Reserve Güímar badlands and Camino de El Socorro establish zoning, destination and regulation uses in the Natural Reserve itself. With all this, with details of actions and targets necessary to preserve the area, so as to bring the public use of it with their protection and conservation. DISPOSAL

  • authorizes the Government of the Canary Islands to make the necessary arrangements for the development and implementation of this Act


The delineation map is included as a separate document.


  1. El Malpais de Guimar is a natural ecosystem formed by the emission of lava and other volcanic cone of Montaña Grande or adventitious Archaco and their mouths about ten thousand years. On it was developed tabaibal - cactus with all its train flora which is one of the best examples of native and endemic flora and vegetation forms basement floor of the Canary Islands. Its natural values \u200b\u200balso incorporate a rich display of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna, including many endemic species and island canaries, and enriched with the varied manifestations of a volcanic landscape geomorphology and recent aeolian sands of marine origin that pass through in some areas.


On the northern edge of the Badlands of Güímar runs the final stretch of the Camino de El Socorro, a former pastoral transhumance route that has its roots in pre-Hispanic indigenous past. This path is used in recent centuries as a ceremonial route of the pilgrimage of the Virgen del Socorro, one of the oldest appellations of the Virgin of Candelaria, the patroness of the Canary Islands. This ritual journey is fraught with cultural and symbolic significance for the inhabitants of the region of Valle de Guimar, in the Fiesta and the route of the road that serves as base for generations put one of the most Highlights of their collective identity, the backdrop of the landscape of the Big Mountain and the rest of the Badlands of Guimaras, which begins just south of the road. All these reasons justify the initiation, currently underway, the Camino de El Socorro as a Cultural, following the Law 4 / 1999 of the Canary Islands Heritage. The natural and cultural practice are merged, therefore, in a happy symbiosis, where both, Nature and Culture, are inseparable.


human activities with greater processing capacity of the medium was developed over the last century, and continue developing today, in coastal areas and in general, in the lowlands of the island territory: intensive agriculture, villages and major residential areas, ports, airports, motorways, and so on. This led in the last hundred years a profound and irreversible change in the types of landscape and habitat, natural or slightly humanized, which were located in coastal areas. Thus, the intrinsic values \u200b\u200bof the Badlands of Guimar (both currently protected sector as lacking legal protection) are magnified by the factor of scarcity, and in fact is the only manifestation of an area of \u200b\u200bcoast not appreciably changed and dimension that remains throughout the South of Tenerife, from the Massif de Anaga to Teno.


Since the seventies of the twentieth century, representatives of the scientific community warned of the need to preserve the Malpais de Guimar transformation process, particularly the development of an industrial estate promoted by the government, many of whose phases raised the extension of this unique natural area. This effort was permeating awareness increasingly broad sectors of public opinion and shape in the Natural Areas Act 12/1987 of the Canary Islands declared a Natural Site of National Interest to a significant portion of the Badlands of Guimaras. Being positive is a first step, it is certain that the new figure left out of protection across industries as wide as importantly, the ecosystem of the Badlands. Among the areas left unprotected is the main part of a band of aeolian sands which houses psammophilous vegetation habitats of special interest and, most uniquely, the insect fauna communities which are responsible for most of the processes of pollination and biological control Malpais and the entire coastal zone untouched from this valley. The Law 12/1994 Canary Island Natural Areas reclassified the Nature of the Badlands of Guimaras as a Special Natural Reserve, but left without altering the boundaries of natural protected area in 1987, but somehow recognized the need to preserve natural values, by declaring Area Ecological sensitivity of the badlands around the sector from the current Reserve and the Relief Road.

The reasons that advised the government to act as active promoter for industrial location sites have been nuanced in recent decades by such factors as the following: strong service economy canaria, no longer the ideal figure of a model industrial development, the emergence of numerous private initiatives have promoted a large number of industrial estates, to the extent that there is now a clear surplus of land declared as industrial on the island of Tenerife, this also includes the existence of other areas promoted by the government, where industrial land is provided with abundant supply of services. That's why the spread of a new phase of the Industrial area of \u200b\u200bGuimar Valley "not only at odds with the conservation of natural and cultural values \u200b\u200bwhich directly affects so irreversible, but that it is not justified from a standpoint of general public interest.

The concept of Protected Natural Areas Network refers to a range of fields without humanizing or little affected by the humanization that should not be seen as isolated pockets of territory surrounded by intensive use. On the contrary, the contemporary doctrine of nature conservation and land management advocates the existence of ecological corridors to allow interconnection and biological and genetic exchange between different protected areas, and preservation of these areas by to serve as a buffer against the use of greater impact on landscape and ecology.


For all the reasons outlined above, and collecting a feeling as deep as actively expressed by local people from this valley, the scientific community and major sectors of the citizenry canaria, we propose the extension of legal protection as natural area Malpais de Guimar whole, from the border with Puertito of Guimaras to the Relief Road, including the path itself of this pathway in the margin adjacent to the Malpais. In this sense, a Nature Reserve Special to the Decree Law 1 / 2000 of 8 May, approving the revised Law of Land and Natural Areas of the Canary Islands, is the most suitable, because its object is the "preservation unique habitat, specific species, geological formations or natural ecological processes and the special interest that does not support human occupation outside scientific, education and, exceptionally, recreational, or traditional character. "


The urgency of the Special Natural Reserve enlargement as the whole of Guimaras and the Badlands of adjacent segment Camino de El Socorro is justified by the actual threat posed by the expansion project of the Industrial area of \u200b\u200bGuimar Valley, along the north side of the area concerned, and the extent of urbanization Puertito core of Guimaras on a sector of its southern flank in excellent natural condition and the presence of unique species of flora courtship. Therefore, the exception is set out in Article 15.2 of the Basic Law 4 / 1989 of 27 March, Conservation of Natural Areas and Wildlife, which provides the possibility of declaring nature reserves before develop the respective Management Plan Natural Resources in the area. In any case, shall be conducted within one year from the declaration of the reserve, the corresponding Management Plan.

What I can do to help this ILP?

Since ILP is accepted by Parliament and will start collecting signatures we will have three months to collect at least 15,000 signatures. During this period the Platform have planned several activities, which will be reporting on this website as they are developed, public events, a symbolic cleansing of the Badlands area, installation of tables de recogida de firmas, etc. Por tanto,

¿qué pueden hacer las personas que apoyan esta iniciativa para ayudar a que siga adelante?

Apoyarla con su FIRMA.

Colaborar en la recogida de firmas, bien sea en mesas de recogida, casa por casa, en el centro de trabajo, etc. Para coordinar este tipo de recogida ponerse en contacto con esta web a través de la dirección de correo:

Participar en las actividades que se irán desarrollando.

Informar de esta ILP y de esta web a otras personas.

Posters, materials, murals and Camino Malpaís ILP

History of the ILP Since entering Parliament in 2001, the bill to extend the Malpais protection by way of popular legislative initiative followed a series of steps, ending with its approval in December 2006. Below is this process which is also available on the website of the Parliament of the Canary Islands:

These contents are the property of: © Parliament of the Canary Islands., authorizing their use, provided that the source is acknowledged. Parliament's website is:

POPULAR INITIATIVE LAW PROPOSALS > Declaring special nature reserve all of the badlands of Guimaras and the path of El Socorro. (5L/PPLP-0017) Published on: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 Location Closed

Procedures: 13/06/2001 Check-entry number 1681
3 / 7 / 2001 Officers of Parliament
Branding. of doc / Request for December. CCC may check 16/7/2001 Entry number 2100 written

Parliament 18/7/2001 Gazette No. 161/2001 20.83 KB PDF Document. Publication admissibility of the initiative Parliament Bureau 26/7/2001 Deadline opinion of CCC / extension 15/10/2001

may check number 2504 written input
30/10/2001 may check number 2703 opinion of the CCC input 15/11/2001

Parliament Bureau Branding. and ad. tr. initiative / opinion 18/3/2002 CCC may check number 662 written input

Parliament Bureau Branding. and ad. tr. Signature of List


Parliament Bureau Board of Control / proc Proposal. 3/4/2002
Parliament Speakers Board
Control Board / Adop. ac. Proc. 3/4/2002
Parliament Bureau Board of Control / proc mounting. 15/4/2002
appointed Parliament Gazette No. 92/2002 31.26 KB PDF Document. Publication proce. Designation of Board of Control

18/4/2002 Check number 984
Board of Control /
nomination may check
number 1007 Board of Control /
nomination 23/4/2002
may check number 1036 written input

may check number 1037
Board of Control /
nomination may check
number 1038 Board of Control /
13/6/2002 Board of Control / Proposed Law of Popular Initiative, LTPP-17
Control Board / Committee constitution

23/7/2003 Adoption
Parliament and processing according

Parliament 31/7/2003 Gazette No. 17/2003 19.18 KB PDF Document. Publication ac. 18/2/2004

Parliament Bureau Board of Control / proc mounting. 1/3/2004

appointed Parliament Gazette No. 23/2004 18.88 KB PDF Document. Publication proce. Designation of Board of Control 4/3/2004

may check number 362
Control Board / presentation 5/3/2004

nominations may check number 366
Board of Control /
nomination may check
number 368 Board of Control /
nomination Register
23/3/2004 Entry No. 450
Board of Control /

Parliament plenary 24/3/2004 Board of Control / designation

10/6/2004 Board of Control / Proposed Law of Popular Initiative, LTPP-17
Control Board / Committee concluded 15/6/2004

Parliament. tr. Proposition of Law

21/6/2004 Parliament's Official Gazette No. 109/2004 18.96 KB PDF Document. Publication Proposition 22/10/2004

Law Gazette No. 158/2004 Parliament PDF Document 784.32 KB. Publication error correction
may check number 2005 written input

27/10 / 2004
Parliament plenary debate to take account

Parliament Bureau Request opinion of CCC / PPL
may check
15/11/2004 Entry number 2288 written

Parliament Bureau Branding. and ad. tr. 7/12/2004

of writing may check number 2526 written input

Parliament Bureau Branding. and ad. tr. 20/12/2004

of writing may check number 2673 Entry
opinion of CCC / PPL
may check number 2680 written input

21/12/2004 Ad
Parliament Bureau . tr. opinion of the CCC / PPL
Parliament Bureau
21/12/2004 Time
am. the tot. 23/12/2004

Gazette Parliament No. 225/2004 19.34 KB PDF Document. Posted within am. the tot. 18/1/2005

Parliament's Bureau Submission to the Commission and within am. the article / am. tot. not pres. 24/1/2005

Parliament Gazette No. 15/2005 PDF Document 121.00 KB. Publication
shipping Commission / am period. art. 11/3/2005

Register entry number 635

Presentation of speakers may check
Number 637

Presentation of speakers 14/3/2005 Registration entry number 645 Presentation of speakers

may check number 667 Presentation of speakers
8/4/2005 Table


Appointment of Paper 22 / 4 / 2005 may check number 1130 written input

Parliament Bureau Branding. and ad. tr. of written
Paper 13/11/2006
designated PL-12 Paper Report

Labour and Social Affairs Commission Opinion


Parliament plenary debate in plenary / adopted

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Discolouration Of Dogs

Popular Legislative Initiative Güímar badlands and El Socorro Road.

In December 2003, the Platform in Defence of the Badlands of Guimaras and Camino de El Socorro has presented arguments to the Master Plan, which has been on public exhibition period. Here we present:

The Civic Platform in Defence of the Badlands of Guimaras and Camino El Socorro positively assessed the completeness and documentation in general seems to show the planning document intended for the scope of the present Special Nature Reserve. But despite this recognition, and point beyond any claim of an ad hoc basis, the platform wants to attention around the following three axes, whose importance we think strategically.

1. On territorial planning and the encouragement of citizen participation

The Badlands of Guimaras and its immediate surroundings, particularly the cultural landmark that represents the Relief Road, have been for the last fifteen years of remarkable civic engagement by very significant part of sectors of the local community. From environmental groups like the association Tabone collective cultural heritage of Guimaras, the association county east of Tenerife to a specific entity as and the undersigned (Platform in Defence of the Badlands of Guimaras and Camino El Socorro), many people come actively involved in advocacy and environmental education on natural and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the area, sometimes independently, and others in close cooperation with the government. In particular, during the period between October 2000 and November 2001, then assumed the threat of the imminent realization of the old idea of \u200b\u200bexpanding the industrial area of \u200b\u200bGuimar attracted a high degree of citizen mobilization, some central landmarks of this broad effort local groups and independent people can be, the recent period, commissioning and maintenance of a documented site (, the holding of a popular demonstration in Guimaras attended by some five hundred people, and, above all, the realization of a Popular Legislative Initiative ( ILP) in order to extend the Special Natural Reserve to the border area of \u200b\u200becological sensitivity, suggesting that the combination of Big Mountain and its cast is protected as it really is: a coherent geographic unit.

This movement by local citizens who are integrated, as you can imagine, we are not dedicated to this issue in a professional manner, on the contrary, our work is done outside of working hours, so unselfish and amateur. Once achieved the goal of completing all the formalities of the ILP and pending discussion and possible adoption by the Parliament of the Canary Islands, does not fall within the remit of professionals in the conservation movement daily monitoring of the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands, to name a case. Therefore, we want to draw attention to the low level of stimulation of participation that has led the authority responsible for planning the development of natural areas. We feel that at least the aforementioned entities must have been further back directly, in fair consideration to civic engagement in the conservation of the Badlands, copies of the draft Master Plan, and even the opportunity of open discussion with the writing team, thereby facilitating its study and debate. Unfortunately, there are still severe deficits consistently referred to the impetus of a democratic culture, open to participation and civic engagement.

2. About planning of the entire

Güímar badlands
Even with the delimitation of the Special Natural Reserve in its current form, we believe that should be considered globally as a geographical unit Malpais reaches its northern edge to the Camino de El Socorro. Given this basic physical reality, which is the fact that the Canary Islands Parliament declared admissible at the time the People's Legislative Initiative to expand the Reserve (which is expected to be discussed in full throughout next year 2004), we believe that the Plan can not ignore these factors. We are aware that their own writing team and Country Planning Department can not set policy determinations on a sector that still (hopefully for a little while longer) is not declared a Protected Natural Area. But this should not in any way preclude assume basic questions such as:

also study and analyze, at least in the Information Document, the northern third of the Badlands is not yet protected (and not coincidentally was declared at the time by the administration as environmentally sensitive area). Can not be ignored at this point, the importance of the relationships between ecosystems of the Reserve in its current boundaries and the rest of the Badlands ecosystem located between the northern edge of the countryside and protected and the Camino de El Socorro. It is inexcusable to collect the importance of the bands of sand, fairly well documented in scientific work known y accesibles, que evidencian el papel de la entomofauna de la zona en la polinización de la flora de la totalidad del Malpaís.

Se deberían realizar, de igual modo, simulaciones o previsiones sobre las consecuencias que tendría la urbanización industrial de la zona situada entre el borde norte de la actual Reserva y el Camino de El Socorro; tanto debidas a distintas formas de contaminación (acústica, atmosférica, de vertidos sólidos, etc.), como por la interrupción del aporte de arenas, las afecciones paisajísticas, y los efectos a largo plazo de la desaparición de los hábitats de nidificación de las principales especies polinizadoras the flora of the Badlands. A job that takes pride seriously can not tiptoe through such issues as if they were a minor added risk.

should be considered, in general, the interest of the area between the northern edge of the current Reserve and the Camino de El Socorro as a study, a true natural laboratory, the recovery processes ecosystems in areas with varying degrees of degradation The timing and intensity.

3. On citizen participation in decision making affect the future management of protected natural areas: the need for a specific Board
Güímar badlands We return on this last point to a question raised at first, but now referred to as an opportunity to make things better in the future. As is known, after the first Act Natural de Canarias (1987), the then National Interest Natural Area of \u200b\u200bthe Badlands of Guimaras had for several years with a specific Board responsible for management, as well as the figure of a director Spot conservative. At the Board there was an experience that today can be assessed as satisfactory, local community participation, both at institutional and representatives of people and civil society groups (environmentalists, hunters, advocates of cultural heritage associations, etc.).

Subsequently, the government considered it more appropriate to proceed with the creation of an Insular Board where they are covered all natural areas of Tenerife (except the Teide National Park, outside the legislative framework for exclusive regional competition, which did have with a specific body of this nature). From this we understand that Civic Platform can be very effective for each and every one of the natural areas of the island (many of them very small size) had to have a specific Board. However, it seems crucial to note that: we believe strongly that the badlands of Guimaras and, above all, the local community living in its environment, has earned the right to recover a Board to channel citizen participation in decision all major decisions that affect them.

must show that we are dealing with a very unique case, perhaps one of the few (in the Canary Islands, perhaps in the whole European experience) that most of the local community from a wide range of sectors social (which go far beyond the usual conservation groups, without underestimating the importance of), evidenced in many ways his desire to preserve and even extend protection on a series of natural and cultural landscapes which enjoys close ties and emotional knowledge. The community itself has been able inter alia to place in the Canary Islands Parliament an initiative to expand the boundaries of the present Reserve to consolidate its historical desire to protect all of the Badlands, through the aforementioned ILP. We are not, therefore, to the case of a protected natural area or neighboring residents whose inhabitants see it as a constraint (subjective or actual) of their rights, but rather the opposite: to a community that is committed to actively and constructively for the conservation and rehabilitation.

competent public administration before the opportunity to channel that energy deal, in the direction of involving the local community in the governance and management of the Special Natural Reserve current (and foreseeable future expansion.) But it is essential to the approval of a body close to the local community where they can be well represented their different sectors.

We would suggest a single example of the virtuosity that would provide the badlands of a specific Board: phenomena that adequately identifies the Report Information the Master Plan, as the "new tradition" of running across the slopes of the volcanic cone of Montaña Grande during the Pilgrimage of El Socorro, could well find a more appropriate channel to take strong action, well discussed and agreed, to contribute to go eradicating this dangerous aggression landscape.

The existence of a recent historical precedent, as the Board noted and the Badlands of Guimaras, of happy memory, is an additional factor that can not be overlooked. Resign from the administration of this opportunity can be assumed, however, the risk of fueling public frustration and increase the dangerous trend despreocuación respect to matters pertaining to the community.

Güímar, December 1, 2003
On behalf of the Platform in Defence of the Badlands of Guimaras and Camino de El Socorro:

Acosta Jose Mesa.


The Master Plan was published in January 2005, the BOC 2005/007 - Wednesday, January 12, 2005: Directorate General of Land .- Resolution of 27 December 2004 laying announces the agreement of the Committee on Planning and Environment of the Canary Islands, in session 5 April 2004 finally approved the Master Plan Special Natural Reserve of the Badlands of Guimar (Tenerife).