Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How To Unlock The Number Lock On The Skybags

November 24, 1912 pm Deadline Weyler, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. DEMONSTRATION

Since the mid 70's during the Bajada al Socorro, young and not so young men began to separate from the tradition to climb the Mountain and lower Archaco the race.
few years later, the effects of this drop in crowds began to be visible in the form of a path down gully become a real injury to the volcano, with a process of erosion. manifestacion 24 noviembre 2007 tenerife mid 80's and it was clear that this was a problem and the need to stop.

the early 90's became the first organized awareness campaigns in collaboration with local groups (Güímar Heritage Association) and the Center for Environmental Education and Information, Directorate General of Environment.

Talks in schools, exhibitions, distribution of leaflets and stickers, press and radio information and the initiative to organize a festival the night before the descent, with a clear message: there are ways that are fun conflict to take care of our Mountain of El Socorro. In those years, and the rise and fall in droves, and customs began to climb the night before the Mountain, Boncho

. Sixteen years later, people still climbing the mountain and down to the race and the consequences are still there.

Bajada de la Montaña 1994 Despite the large wound that this path is, there is some room for optimism: in the last 12 years, the situation appears to have stabilized, as seen in the comparison of photos from 1995-2007

In the last 12 years the way down the mountain, where they are still a considerable number of people who are separated from the traditional road. 1992. Camino de bajada, tras la fiesta de El Socorro - Some reference plants (balos, with deep roots and strong) show that the width of this road has not changed, as shown in points 1, 4, 5, 6, 7. Although it has not been reduced. - In Section 2 shows a regression by erosion from the edge of the sidewalk.
- Point 3 shows a slight variation of the path, which even has narrowed.

differences greenest / drier due to the season. 1995
The image must be taken in the rainy season and many green plants that are seen are tabaibas bitter than the picture of 2007 (early November), after the summer and fall without first rains are defoliated. 1991. Verbena After many years of education, awareness, awareness, 1992 pegatina redonda is not the time has come now to consider a solution to this problem? Each year that passes is a
over alleged
tradition of a clearly unsustainable. 7 septiembre 1991. Cartel en la base del volcán thing to do is clear:

Delete the rise and fall of the mountain that day Start 1992. En el borde del cráter, panorama tras la fiesta de El Socorro restoration processes of ascent and descent paths
Seek alternative routes of up / down the volcano less erosion problems

Collaborate with local groups, especially youth environmental groups and

The next steps need not necessarily in that order. A possible process might be this: 7 septiembre 2007. Bajada al carrera por el volcán
In the months of May to June of year chosen start a small campaign to control erosion way up to the mountain and a stretch of the path through which low crowd, with demarcation and fencing of certain areas, especially the first section of road up, restoration of species and monitoring the entire process. 7 septiembre 2007. Bajada al carrera por el volcán. En primer término, la tradición sigue por el Camino This involves closing the climb to the mountain by the usual route so it could allow the rise and fall, such as at present but the path of the southeast (which overlooks the sea) indicating conveniently access current. This trail is now closed, and possibly by its slope, may have fewer problems of erosion. Simultaneously
2007. Tras la fiesta de El Socorro, camino de bajada (May-June) Conduct a brief information campaign in schools and colleges, based on some lectures, explaining the problem of erosion, the campaign for erosion control and rehabilitation of species and the ban in September of that year, to climb the mountain during the descent to Socorro, justified by the landscape restoration area
way down the same information campaign carried out through the media the rest of the Valley's population (and island) .

On 7 September of that year, ensure that:
Comparación camino de bajada: 1995-2007 the path where it is low in droves fenced areas of Somehow,
the way up near the highway bridge is not accessible
at that point, next to the highway bridge, no clear information about the alternative route, the other side of the mountain, including information the climb that day leads down the same path.

After the feast of El Socorro, should be valued as it has developed the experience to see what is best to do the following year. It is possible that two or three years in this line involving the final decline of this practice.

What can happen?
Banning Mountain climbing September 7 will undoubtedly be unpopular among a small group of people, but surely understood and shared by most people involved in the Slope at Socorro. Many of the people going up and down the Mountain and Valley are not therefore always be inaccessible to local awareness campaigns. A ban on climbing that day seems to be the only message they receive. If the area

usual climb the mountain is inaccessible and clear, and justified to ban up, probably most of the people who will rise to. Many have in fact the first information is an activity deleted.

    IMAGES> View
  • photo album on the effects of the rise and fall of the Mountain

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pink Peekaboo Highlights On Blonde Hair

go up and down the Mountain of El Socorro and its effects


  • This year is the first in which the descent is on the Way with the bottom of a badlands protected in full upon approval of the Draft Law of Popular Initiative in December 2006. The threat of development of industrial projects in the area between the mountains and the road seems like a long.
  • Below, the 2001 vision of how descent could be the future, in this case what then seemed a distant 2005, compared with vision, how real is the decrease in 2007.

  • 2005

    • 2007
    • There are elements of conflict in the Slope that remain, such as climbing the mountain and run down the mountain in droves, they are a minority and if doubt should disappear because they lead to irreversible deterioration of a fragile volcanic cone. After nearly 20 years of awareness campaigns and now that it has approved the expansion of the Badlands perhaps it is time to stop simply appeal to the heart and study a medium-term plan that does away with this practice decreases. For
    Moreover, the Descent to Socorro is changing but still the same.
    1. >
    2. album of photos from the 2007 Descent
    3. . These photos, as always, a story not intended to be comprehensive or objective but a personal view.
    • The Cry of the festivities, which this year was read for the first time was in charge of Pedro Damián Hernández. Summarizes many of the reasons were behind the initiative in 2001 to protect the Badlands as a whole and the way, from a subjective point of view and living. It begins:
    When in late 2005, the parish priest of San Pedro, Ruben Fagundo preacher asked me holiday of the year in honor of Our Lady of El Socorro, she immediately said no. I dreaded the task. The El Socorro are my parties mythical, like those of most guimareros. We know both of them, we are therefore not easy for us to convey what make us even though we named the first exchange in any conversation during the year, try holidays.
    ... > Cry Read Full

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007

    How To Record Tv With Sv2000

    REACHES ALBACETE. Fencing Association

    Any beat you've ever thought of as the medieval knights?

    skilfully "a sword?

    From Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to the Cid, to Aragon of Lord of the Rings, these names evoke adventure, romance, magic, fighting for honor, and awaken in us a romantic and ancient feeling.

    Everyone, young, we dream with the dream of becoming knights. Well protected by our shining armor with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, would defend to the death of a code of honor itself a dormant period in time.

    Fencing Association Former Albacete (AABE) was born to recover from this feeling, the forgotten art of fencing Antigua.
    Taken as the Western martial art of handling weapons, its implementation process in Spain began about five years by the Master at Arms Alberto Bomprezzi and Old English Fencing Association, of which the Association is Albacete member.

    consists of retrieving, from the ancient treaties preserved and from the biomechanics of the weapons, the management of Western weapons, but yes, the same simulator. It is a work horse between historical research and sport. Several weapons from the former English Fencing Association studied, but the most striking is, without doubt, the Sword Hand and a half.

    La Espada de Mano y Media.

    is the long sword that we all know. It is a medieval sword, which evolves from the long sword of war itself the centuries XII and XIII to the sword duel between knights of the XIV and XV.

    weapon is a double-edged straight blade with a larger cross and a handle designed to handle with both hands, ending in a knob that could take different forms. The gun can measure in the most extreme cases, foot to the subway and kilo weight range from three hundred and two kilos. It is a beautiful and accurate weapon that allowed cutting edge or Tailstocks, lunges, hit with the handle, ... etc.

    Of course, in the Fencing Association of Former Albacete not use weapons, but these simulators, preferably black weapons or blunt tip that does not cut or puncture, both to learn the various techniques to combat.

    addition, we utlized other simulators such as wooden wasters, to replace weapons and other items safe practices.

    I can only We invite you to discover the magic of this art that we are trying to rescue from oblivion of time.

    Greetings. Albacete

    Fencing Association Antigua.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2007

    Can You Drink Alcohol And Pulmonary Hypertension


    Welcome to the Past!

    The Old English Fencing Association began its journey, after much effort and with great enthusiasm, on Saturday, October 6. His home was in one of our colleagues, who began training at the Antigua Fencing Alicante Association for over a year, and where he has been instructed to take responsibility for teaching classes in Albacete.

    This same fellow has attended the International Event Old English Fencing Association held in Madrid on 12, 13 and 14 October, to continue their technical development.

    ABOUT U.S..

    Cultural Association We are a nonprofit that tries to rescue from oblivion the way to handle Western weapons. Following the guidelines and teachings of the English Association of Antigua and Maestro Fencing Bomprezzi, we reconstruct how our ancestors fought. Therefore, we have chosen two particular weapons, mostly because they are the most studied English Fencing Association Antigua, and because our work of recovery is based on the treaties that are conserved.

    treaties that we use are mainly those of the following Teachers:

    - Sword Hand and a half: Fiore dei Liberi, Filippo Vadi, Lictenauer, Talhoffer.
    - Rapier: Carranza, Pacheco de Narvaez.

    weapons are studied in Albacete Association Fencing sword Antigua are one and a half of the Italian and German traditions (the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries) and the English Rapier seventeenth century. The latter, accompanied by the left hand dagger typically English, sailing's knife.

    course not train with weapons, but with the same simulators (blunt weapons and black-tip-that are faithful reproductions of the weapons that we studied, wasters, wooden swords, and modified shinai).

    The minimum material for fencing Antigua is:
    - Gloves (reinforced fencing if it is medieval).
    - Mask of fencing.
    - jacket for fencing.
    - Elbow and knee pads (optional).
    - Leather Peto learning the rapier.
    - Gambeson for learning the sword One and a half.
    - Simulators.

    First, Albacete Fencing Association Former provide those interested in our activity material and weapons simulators, fencing masks and jackets, in collaboration with the Fencing Club of Los Llanos.

    As you can see, the protections are an important part of the practice of fencing Antigua, but the best protection of our partner we ourselves, and we print control to our actions.

    former Fencing is a Western martial art developed in Spain takes about ten years and is now, thanks to the work of the Fencing Association of Former English, based in Tres Cantos, Madrid, becoming known. Fencing Association of Former Albacete is under the guidelines of the English, since it is this that gives evidence of technical and carries the weight of research and teaching. There is a massive activity or many followers, nor conducted for profit, of course.


    workouts sword One and a half are given Saturday, 11 to 14 in the sports center of Jorge Juan. At the moment, given the cost of material, it leaves Albacete Fencing Association Antigua, in collaboration with Club Los Llanos.
    The rapier sword, alone and with dagger, trains on Mondays and Wednesdays, 19 to 20 hours in the sports center of Jorge Juan.


    If you are interested, stop by our Chamber, training schedule (Saturdays, 10 to 13 and Monday and Wednesday from 19 to 20) and will inform you personally, it is advisable to contact with us before, through our e-mail: Caballerosdealbasit@yahoo.es by capacity constraints and to have prepared enough material. For the moment, for this school year, former fencing coach will have limited places (to customize classes and devote to each student deserves the time), but not yet closed .

    One last point: the old fencing, as we understand from the Fencing Association of Former Albacete, in line with the philosophy of the English, is a western martial art. This means that we seek to understand and recover a traditional way to handle weapons (although, for obvious reasons, work simulator). It is neither a sport, in the normal sense of the word, nor a pastime. The aim is to get away from some fantastic views of fencing and be very serious (which is why they are limited places). What we intend to develop is closer to historical research than anything else.


    Monday, September 10, 2007

    Chest Pain After Chest Infection

    Down to El Socorro 2007

    El Camino de El Socorro verge of lapsing back a Cultural
    Recently published in the news

    culturadecanarias.com the inclusion of the Way of El Socorro in the new BIC be approved by the Governing Council defintivamente:

    The Heritage Council of the Canaries, met on Thursday 8 (March 2007), in plenary session, gave its approval to five new Cultural Interest (BIC) in the Islands. This list includes the Chapel of San Sebastián de Agaete and Flemish carvings of the Oratory of Mota was in Valsequillo, both in Gran Canaria, and the Historic of Arona, the Historic Site Güímar Relief Road and Mills Barranco Grande Cuevas Blancas, on the island of Tenerife. These records will be forwarded to the Governing Council for final approval. 100 zbajadaescenario4G Of the cases examined by the Council also stresses the Historic Site Help Change on Tenerife. The proposed limits include a path that, at least from the late sixteenth century, passed the Fiesta de la Virgen del Socorro to the chapel, connected with the miraculous apparition of the Virgin of Candelaria. The origins of this holiday would go back to the pre-Hispanic period, constituting the coast an area frequented by native pastors to take advantage of winter grasses and marine resources. In this tradition
    overlaps the appearance of the Virgin of Candelaria, on the one hand, and the true nature of the Slope, linked to an ancient ceremony of thanksgiving and application of firsts to the Virgen del Socorro. The need to protect the physical surroundings of the road is that it is the medium used for centuries, without which it could be understood and explained many of the historical and ethnographic values \u200b\u200bassociated with this religious festival. Human activities and the urban processes that, increasingly, are being developed in the field near a direct threat of transformation and disappearance of the presumed historical path.

    HISTORY The beginnings

    The first efforts after starting the process of declaring the Camino de El Socorro Cultural Property from a group of people of Guimaras, imminent danger, which ran the road in the late 90's of last century. This process can be followed in the article:
    El Camino del Socorro: Values \u200b\u200bethnographic, cultural and traditional.

    In this article, written by Javier Eloy Campos Torres, one of the people involved in this stage, we extract the following passage:

    In the early 70's began Industrial Estate planning Guimar Valley, a process that has affected the Relief Road. Only highlight those aspects that directly interfere with the customs of the party.

    The works of the Second Phase of Polygon touched on several points Relief Road, so that for several years had to deviate from the traditional route. Some devotees and people concerned insisted to the City Council to reverting to the old path or take a satisfactory determination to end the policy of fait accompli, which the Estate was gradually destroying the old route. Finally, in 1989, clearing a path for penetration Polygon, near the bridge on the highway, blocked road access to the final. The new route passed through the streets of the Polygon and later returned to the road for a diversion. That was the first year that the Virgin became a way of Polygon. Although they were only about 100 meters, was used to make sense of what might represent the Descent paved a wide avenue. It was cold, the notice because cars were left piled on the sides of the street and interfered with the entourage, forgetting the old custom of lowering before or after the pilgrims. It was evident that the party was passing through critical times. It seemed that the changes were unavoidable, and even knew the layout of the future road, set to the orthogonal of the Polygon and factories on both sides, but yes, with landscaping, concrete benches, etc. In 1990 he organized a group formed by devotees of the Virgen del Socorro and people interested in all the traditions that form the cultural identity of Guimaras to seek a declaration of Socorro Road and Ethnographic Value Historic Site. It was the birth of the Cultural Heritage of Guimaras.

    In October 1990 the residents of Guimaras and peoples of the Region held a rally that culminated at the Town Hall to seek to adhere to the Relief Road. It was an atypical manifestation announced with flyers, along with basil and attended by people who had never participated in a collective protest, highlighting the elderly. The manager spoken to transmit their culture to the people felt responsible for their survival.

    In December 1990 was published in the Official Gazette the decision of the Directorate General of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Canary Islands by initiating the Declaration Record Relief Road as Well of cultural interest category Historic Site. The first statement El Camino was declared of Cultural Interest in 2001, according to Decree 186/2001, of October 3, published in the BOCA 2001/130, Friday, October 5, 2001 that read verbatim :

    ... the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports and after deliberation by the Government in its meeting on October 3, 2001,


    declare the Way of El Socorro, town of Guimar, Tenerife, Well for Cultural Interest category of historical site as the demarcation and description contained in Annex I, as well as the location drawings contained in Annex II of this Decree. Since

    in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, October 3, 2001.


    Román Rodríguez Rodríguez.

    José Miguel Ruano Leon.

    The news was included in this article

    The new Declaration

    Subsequently, the case was subject to two two actions which he brought against the statement that in fact canceled and left without effect.

    mid-2005, the Technical Section of the Heritage Unit proposes opening the file again. The Cabildo de Tenerife resolution that opens the new new opening is December 2005 and published in the Official Gazette of Canary http://www.gobcan.es/boc/2006/004/016.html which cite two fragments, the resolution itself and the Justification of the Boundary


    1 º) Initiate file statement of cultural interest, classified as Historic Site, in favor of the Camino del Socorro, located in the term Municipal Guimar according to the definition graphics and written justification for the definition and description listed in Annexes I and II to accompany this resolution.

    2 º) To continue processing the case, according to the rules in force.

    3 º) PS to the City of Güímar effects involved the declaration of cultural interest for Historic Site, in accordance with the provisions of art º. 20.1.2 and 3 of Law 4 / 1999 of March 15, Canary Historical Heritage.

    4 º) require the notification of this resolution to the Directorate General of Historical Heritage of the Government of Canaries promote their notation in the General Register of Cultural Interest and the City of Guimaras, the appropriate action. "
    Santa Cruz de Tenerife, December 26, 2005 .- Chief Insular Area Culture Heritage, Museums and Sport, Miguel Delgado Díaz.

    The delimitation of the scope of the proposed protection is justified by the need to preserve a road or path of important historical, ethnographic and religious. The Relief Road has hosted for centuries the traditional pilgrimage or Festival of the Virgin of El Socorro from the Church of San Pedro in the historical district of Guimaras to the village of El Socorro, at the beach of the same name.

    The documents specific to the delimitation proposal states the following:

    1 .- The limits for hosting a road that, from at least the end of the sixteenth century wore on the Descent of the Virgin to the Shrine of El Socorro, linked to the miraculous appearance of the Virgin of Candelaria in those beaches. The origins of this holiday would go back to the pre-Hispanic period, constituting the coast an area frequented by native pastors to take advantage of winter grasses and marine resources. In this tradition overlaps the appearance of the Virgin of Candelaria, on the one hand, and the true nature of the Slope, linked to an ancient ceremony of thanksgiving and application of firsts to the Virgin of El Socorro.

    2 .- The need to protect the physical environment of the road is that it is the medium used for centuries and without which it could be understood and explained many of the historical and ethnographic values \u200b\u200bassociated with this religious festival.

    3 .- Human activities and urban processes, which increasingly are being developed in the near-field especially, the expansion of industrial area of \u200b\u200bGuimar-pose a direct threat to processing and presumed demise of this historic road.

    Thursday, March 15, 2007

    How Much Hair Do Women Like On Genital

    The Way of El Socorro, again BIC

    The news of the death of six hikers in a gallery
    saddened this weekend. Still do not know if he knew that there's life left in the press photos recognized other friends of
    ATAN. In a cliff, something like me could have happened to me. Has happened to them, by accident, when they did what they always do: explore the island and have been so for years because they love it and when they do argue that knowledge-laden territory. My deep embrace them all, which could leave and those who do not, their families, their friends.

    At dawn

    In the photo, Los Carrizales, in the Teno Rural Park, during a trip to the ravine of Juan Lopez.

    Sunday, February 11, 2007

    How To Masterbate With Lub

    On Friday February 9 Güímar held in the approval of the People's Legislative Initiative, which expanded the protection and reserve the entire Güímar badlands. The event included a talk with the title
    El Malpais to debate: the future since 2007

    Juan Sánchez, Professor of Applied Economics at the University of La Laguna and member of the Coordinadora Popular Ecologist Corner outlined the history and current status of the ILP of El Rincon, La Orotava, highlighting the long road that opens forward after the time of approval law.

    José García Casanova, a biologist and former chief curator of the Reserve reported the different proposals for the protection of the Badlands and highlighted biodiversity data, comparable in protected areas since 1987 and those just to protect. Moses

    Simancas, Doctor of Geography and Professor of the University of La Laguna extended the debate to areas natives of the Canary Islands, raising questions about the reasons for their protection and stressing the need for citizen participation in their management. Students of

    CEO Andres Orozco Arafo

    and IES Mencey Güímar Acaymo
    exposed materials and presented findings of their work around the Badlands, both in ideas about their participation in management and in control of introduced species.

    The talks ended with a roundtable on the Malpais near future, moderated by Jose Mesa, the Civic Platform which prompted the ILP, who announced the launch of a new project called Malpais Forum open anyone interested, in order to promote citizen participation in the management of this territory. The booklet

    The socio-economic development compatible PRTenoLos Carrizales The basic purpose of the declaration of a protected natural area is to ensure the conservation of a series of natural, cultural, aesthetic and scientific society recognized and backed by a legal standard. In our reality, these goals should be achieved in areas where people have used throughout history the natural resources, changing landscapes and biological communities. Protected areas thus conceived not as an end in themselves but as tools for managing a complex and dynamic territory.
    Incorporating socio-economic approaches to the central concerns of nature conservation in protected areas has led to the consideration of the welfare of the population living in these areas and their surroundings, and the recognition and valuation a positive relationship between certain types of economic exploitation and ensuring survival of natural values. Protected areas are increasingly seen as opportunities to promote more sustainable patterns of development, export to remaining territory.
    development policies are limited when protected areas are considered as isolated units of the remaining territory. ... must rely on local authorities and the participation of citizens. Natural areas can not be conceived as static, but must incorporate the scientific and technological advances and have to respond to social and economic environment in which they are embedded. Action Plan for protected natural areas. Europarc-Spain 2001

    Saturday, February 10, 2007

    Supplementary Angles In Snowboarding

    In solidarity Summary of Talks

    Following the publication in the Defintiva BOC approval of the expansion of the reserve of the Badlands to the Camino de El Socorro, the Platform wants to celebrate yet, start walking in the land management process now protected. A first step is the need to modify the Master Plan for the Reserve and be a reflection on the possible uses of new areas. why we have organized an afternoon of talks in early February. We invite anyone interested to attend.


    El Malpais to debate. The future from 2007

    Presentation approval of the ILP to extend the protection of the Badlands of Güímar
    Fonda Hall Medina.
    Güímar Friday, 9 February 2007 at 18pm.

    The ILP of the Badlands and the Way, 2001-2006
    . Civic Platform in Defence of the badlands of Guimaras and El Socorro Road

    What about the badlands?
    . Student CEO of Arafo Andrés Orozco, coordinated by Anselmo Fariña.

    Conservation Reserve.
    José García Casanova, a biologist
    toast with wine from the DO Valle de Guimar and exposure Bajada de la Virgen

    organized by students of the IES Mencey Acaymo.

    Future uses of Natural

    . Moses Simancas, geographer

    Roundtable: The Future of the Badlands.

    Music Performance: Marisa accompanied by Benito Cabrera. "The Guardian of the Badlands"

    Organizers: Civic Platform in Defence of the Badlands of Guimaras and El Socorro Road

    : City Hall of Guimaras, Department of Culture. Cabildo de Tenerife, Department of the Environment and Landscape

    Thursday, February 1, 2007

    Vitam Impendere Amori Analysis

    February 9 February 9. Talks: El Malpais to debate. The future from 2007

    A photo tour of the areas of extension of protection

    Monday, January 15, 2007

    Restyl 0.25 Sleeping Tablet

    El Malpais 2007

    • On Friday 12 January 2007 was published in the Official Journal of Canary LAW 13/2006, of December 29, Enlargement of the Special Natural Reserve the entire Güímar badlands ... For all the reasons outlined above, and collecting a feeling as deep as expressed by the people actively Guimar Valley local scientific community and major sectors of the public raised Canary extending the legal protection as a natural area to the whole Güímar badlands, from the border with Puertito of Guimaras to the road of El Socorro ...

    Saturday, January 13, 2007

    Does Shea Butter Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Lips

    Publication in the BOC of the extension of Malpais Malpais de Guimar

    A series of nearly 250 images outlining a vision of the recent history of protecting the Badlands of Guimaras and Camino de El Socorro in this Flickr set.