Thursday, December 11, 2008

Neck Sitting Wrestling

The quality of democracy in the Canary Islands: Parliament rejects another ILP

Fraud democracy in the Canary Islands Parliament

December 11
In the morning, in the room Canarian Parliament debated whether or not he took into consideration the People's Measure-driven Ben Magec Ecologists in Action, which was endorsed by more than 45,000 people .

This Act was justified by the need to protect the soil of the Canary Islands off the intention to further expand the plant housed, and also promote renewal.
It takes into account
was defended by Alberto Martin, who in his speech recalled that the decision was taken on this day would directly affect the democratic health of the Canaries. He also expressed the strong commitment of this Federation, that the text signed by more than forty-five thousand people is not distorted and emptied of content to justify the Emergency Law, with which the Canarian Government to liberalize the little virgin soil remains.

Canary Islands Parliament voted against its consideration, and thus put into question the commitments made by the Government at the beginning of this term both in meetings with representatives of the Federation, as in the inauguration speech Paulino Rivero, in which he stated that "This will be the Executive all. Because everyone counts and everyone has something to say and contribute, it will be a cabinet of all ." Ben

Magec-Ecologists in Action believes that these statements, as is the intention of the President of the Canary Islands to discuss the Measure, the members of his party did not participate, should make you seriously consider his continuance in charge.

With this, there are now two proposed laws presented with the support of thousands of people, and that the Parliament of the Canary Islands were rejected by the fact contravene Parliament's own projects, which have rejected the majority of the population.

This happened in 2005 with the protection of the coastline of Granadilla, supported by more than 56,000 people, and now returns to pass an Act which seeks to ensure the maintenance of the moratorium tourism and respect for the Law of Guidelines. In this case, is rejected to approve the Emergency Law that has been rejected by the major sectors involved in the art that regulate this Act (social groups, employers, unions, associations of architects and so on).

's speeches defending the two ILPs rejected:
Alberto Martin in defense of the ILP Proposed Measures Act for the renewal of Tourist Accommodation facilities and containment growth pdf_Discurso_ILP_Canarias.pdf

MR. Sir.


Today is a special day. Citizens do not always have the opportunity to fill this position, you can focus your attention during these few minutes minutos.15 15 must accommodate the 45,000 signatures, 45,000 canaries and canary, 45,000 voices, once more come to this parliament to demand your attention to their concerns. 15 minutes is nothing. I know you and us. And so to me are going to have many of these 15 minutes. Especially if some lawmakers already have very clear feedback. But anyway we will comply with this procedure, let's pretend that some of you really care about the concerns of the Canary Islands and the Canaries. In a time when PC. entitled to vote if they take into account the legislative process of popular initiative, I would like to recall how many votes supporting their seats and compare it to the 45,000 citizens who signed the initiative (and I am referring specifically to the parliament by the smaller islands). Do not say it angrily, but if you are legitimate and backed by a certain number of voters, we will also be legitimized and supported by the 45,000 firms that now hold us here today ... unless their Lordships think that only the formal fact of the vote every 4 years, is to participate in democracy.

We will not give any lessons in democracy because that is not our role here, we have come to exercise, to ask them to have the least political decorum and do not throw away 45,000 signatures. Although it also would ask them to explain that concept do you have of our democratic system, whether to come to the conclusion Day of the Constitution have to charge diets. I recommend reading the comments surrounding this news in digital editions Canarian press. Members disservice they do this kind of actions that falls out there.

And not bag it up demagoguery, but we had to hear that our proposal is not appropriate for the current economic crisis. Occur to us, to charge for doing nothing (good to hear a speech and make some canapés) not appropriate in the present context, especially if you pay all the Canary Islands and the Canaries.

know that for many of you we are the no, but coincidentally, today can be PC. those who will say no ... or not. We come today with a yes. We come to a positive proposal, which seeks to do two things as basic as save our virgin territory (yes, there is still ...) and a key sector for the Canary Islands as tourism. And I explain why.

In the time since the adoption of the Guidelines, according to data from the ISTAC, has substantially increased the tourist offer, the number of beds, while demand has decreased both in number of foreign tourists and duration half the hotel stay. Therefore, there is no reason but to keep supply growth is not hosted on the tourist islands.

not if they know the law of supply and demand. I think Mr. Minister of Economy and Finance may explain the who do not understand. This means that today we still have more arguments than in 2003 to bet or not to continue to build more tourist bed.

Let me pull periodicals and resources of own parliament to try to convince the 45,000 citizens who are here today in front of you that this parliament will vote yes to the consideration of its proposal.

- inauguration speech of Mr. President.
- C7 Cutout

Mr. President, We believe in the Canaries. We agree with you but Canary what you believe? "The cement that fills our ravines and new lava flows? "In the green fields, punctuated with holes and impossible symmetrical? How unlikely highways that cross mountains and valleys? Or in the ports that nobody wants? How the talent or cement? We do not believe in the Canaries, we believe in another, which also exists, although some try to hide. The people who said yes to Save Veneguera, Granadilla, El Cotillo, Esmeralda, Vilaflor, El Berrugo. The Canary in which I thought Cesar Manrique. The Canaries of the people who live and feel the Canary Islands. The Canary youth but could not sign out every Friday to collect signatures in the streets, for this ILP. The Canaries of the people who hurt these islands. The people who cried when they learned that you had decided that it was of interest to discuss the 56,000 signatures to save Granadilla. "You knew that there were people who cried that day to learn of your decision? Did you they felt that day? What you have hurt them to say no to that topic? "You they believed what they said this day to justify the failure to 56,000
canaries and canary?

That's the Canaries, which we believe. For that bet and that's why we are here today. Because this is a notice to mariners, we do not get tired, (I know that some would like us to move mandásemos). Whatever you decide to legitimate their lordships, they do not fit even the slightest doubt that reappear in front of those who confuse their interests with that of all the Canaries and for that reason are able to bury our islands in cement. How

unfortunately in many cases you have the ability to make true what they say Marx (Groucho not going to scare some of these), that politics is the art of looking for trouble, find them, make a false diagnosis and then applying the wrong remedies . What arguments can be invoked to vote no to taking consideration?

1. We already have a draft law on these matters pending. Berriel law (we call so because we do not know anyone in their right mind support it out of the parliamentary spectrum, although we know that here there are enthusiastic supporters of this text.) If it's so urgent where they were in recent years? "Where were you watching? Where were the emergency? Are they aware of the huge rejection generates your bill?

2. What if you vote against its consideration, could take the interesting aspects of our proposal. How can they do that? "Honestly you have read our initiative? You know you only have one item? Will you take our article, which says literally From the entry into force of this Act shall not be permitted accommodation capacity growth and, hence, prior authorization will be granted in any of the islands for tourism establishments recreational structure? If you agree add this item to Berriel law, what will they do with all the articles that is in contradiction? Will they eliminate? If we ask and require them to not even think to empty catch our text content and justify its law. We do not want another piece of political tightrope as they did with Veneguera, where a proposed initiative to protect a cliff without building became a law allowing 15,000 beds.

3. What would have to pay astronomical compensation under acquired rights. That's not true and you know it. Our proposal can only act from the time of entry into force.

Anyway, one day should be made clear who was who created all these rights acquired in extremis and approved before the entry into force of the Moratorium, dozens of partial plans to bypass the law, because rights are not generated sake, but because a person decides to confer name making a political decision with a particular vision of what public interest is unfortunately at the time of compensation, if there is more socializing and we have to pay all once again.

All these are arguments you can use to vote no, but they are not recommended. They are lies. And in this parliament who lie should not fit. And of course we want to continue with words and we will definitely check that deserves respect these 45,000 citizens, which in a few years back to come to ask for your support to continue being here and not explain how they could now do not care what they think, but within 2 years, if this is vital. Les

ask one last favor. Unfortunately at the end we have to ask for favors for what seems obvious to happen. To vote their conscience. We want democracy, we want respect, we want to speak our language, we want to keep their word, we want to tell us about the political game, or time, or technically impossible, or loopholes. We want to meet.

We believe that all these MPs, do not believe need to respect the will of 45,000 citizens. We did not want to believe or not believe it. Just have to vote to Yes it takes is a gesture so we can slowly regain trust in you, who choose the green button. No further away from those out there. We asked for the good of all. Thank


José Luis Fumero speech in defense of the ILP for the declaration of the Special Natural Reserve of the Northeast Coast of Granadilla,

http://www. / planning / pg / fumero.htm

President of the Chamber. Ladies and gentlemen.

Today debate as you well know, the consideration of the proposition of law that promotes the statement as a Special Natural Reserve of Northeast Coast Granadilla in the south of the island of Tenerife.

Under the Law Governing Grassroots, I proceed to explain the basis on which we base our defense for making into consideration. To do this, we submit a set of moving subjects in three different levels of argument: the legal, environmental and social.

From the legal point of view, the implementation of the ILP and its possible consideration, is a value in itself, will both enhance the dynamics of democracy as implying the involvement of citizens in the collective affairs. The English Constitution states that " is for the government (...) facilitate the participation of all citizens in political, economic, cultural and social." It also states that "citizens have the right to participate in public affairs, directly or through representatives ." For its part, the Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands includes the mechanism of popular initiative for submission of bills which are to be dealt with by this Parliament. The preamble to the Act Canaries this particular provision, puts it clearly when referring to the People's Legislative Initiative will recognize "the important role channel the demands of citizens, social spontaneity product has not been assumed by the political forces represented in parliament , thereby enriching participatory democracy. "

Indeed, today we face a historic opportunity to enhance participatory democracy in the Canaries. Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor of defending the People's Legislative Initiative which has received more public support since the existence of democracy and the autonomic system in the Canaries. The high number of popular legislative initiatives presented in the archipelago, probably the highest in the English State, is an indicator of interest and concern of large segments of the citizenry of the islands by the issues that concern the community. Faced with 15 000 signatures which establishes the law, on this occasion have been 56,319 people who backed the Canary Islands this ILP Of these, almost 52 000 have been endorsed by the technical services of this Parliament.

Today we should be here, from our point of view, to give effect to this legislative initiative is Popular and marked the trail for others of similar nature, such as El Rincón, Veneguera or Güímar badlands. In all three cases, as in many others, the institution adopted its taken into consideration and allowed to go to the next stage of parliamentary debate. We could then discuss and reason about the opportunity and convenience of those bills. The presented ILP seems also timely and convenient to save the unnecessary and irreversible destruction of the area south of Tenerife that hold significant natural values \u200b\u200band is in excellent condition.

The historic nature of this proposition of law not reduce the large number of citizens that signed signatures. We solemnly affirm that supports the vast majority of the scientific community Canaries. But many others, still echoes of the great popular demonstration through the streets of Santa Cruz for a little over a month, not far from Parliament. On November 27, tens of thousands of citizens, many more than those who had the opportunity to sign the ILP, expressed with exemplary civility and creativity their willingness to protect the coastline of Granadilla and steer the development model of the Canary Islands by a route much less unsustainable plundering of natural resources.

response to environmental issues, it is necessary to refer to multiple values \u200b\u200bthat meet the zone we want to protect. But before you remember, I am obliged to point out a very serious incident occurred yesterday. Ladies and gentlemen: the Director of Environment and Spatial Planning was mentioned yesterday for the first time the existence of a technical report prepared by the Department of the Environment, the Government of Canary hid in the agreement presented to Parliament . As stated by the Director, this report endorses the Government's argument for not taking into account the ILP Well, today, several Canary media pick the news that, on the contrary, this report confirms the accuracy of all environmental values \u200b\u200bof the area and picked up the ILP in its preamble, coming to show, in addition, important additional values. The report of the Department of the Environment, and the government silenced, contradicts the assertion by the Minister, as stated in its final conclusion that the coastal strip of the Northeast Coast of Granadilla plays, and I am reading, "a leading role in conservation biodiversity, particularly in relation to listed species. "Ladies and gentlemen: the Director of Environment Planning and manipulated with his statements on this camera the conclusion of the report, said it did not identify issues, and other fundamental concealed with the intention of rejecting the consideration of this proposition of law were taken into account if the actual findings of the report, other mandatory, it would have to be the content of the agreement of the Government led to Parliament. In light of these new data, do you think a parliamentary group in support of its position against the ILP in a government document containing such irregularities?

Figure of protection that we propose for the area is Reserve Special Natural. Territory Act defines these spaces as Canary those of moderate size, whose object is the " unique habitat preservation, species-specific, geological formations or natural ecological processes of special interest. "

In regard to the preservation of unique habitats, the area that is designed to protect treasures, at least the following:

  • Habitat Community interest, as a matter of priority, "fixed dunes with herbaceous vegetation, particularly balancón communities;

  • Community interest called tamarisks woodlots;

  • underwater cave called Community interest;

  • Habitat Community interest tabaibales cactus;

  • Habitat Community interest halophytic coastal vegetation.

regard to the preservation of species found in the area:

  • the plant species "sea pineapples", listed "endangered" and protected by European Directive Habitats;

  • invertebrate species "Pimelia Tenerife coast," scheduled "sensitive to habitat disturbance"

  • The bird "short-toed lark," cataloged "endangered"

  • The bird "trumpeter finch," scheduled "special interest" protected by the European Birds Directive;

  • well as new endemic species of vertebrates documented, additional 30 endemic invertebrates and at least 12 plant species than found in the Catalogue of Species Canary threatened.

On preservation of geological interest, concur in the area of \u200b\u200bBald Mountain Caldera, very few coastal pumice formations on the coast of the Islands, and important pebble beaches.

With respect to ecological processes of special interest, their protection is essential as it contributes to the maintenance of natural values \u200b\u200bof this and other nearby protected areas, such as Bald Mountain, Red Mountain, the LIC's Sebadales South of Tenerife and Montaña Roja Dunes LIC, among others.

In this sense, the location of the proposed territory provides connectivity between coastal biological systems, providing a wildlife corridor for many endangered species, mainly steppe birds, plants and invertebrates of sandy areas, and also for migrating and wintering birds, waders and coastal vegetation. The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping an ecological corridor is a very innovative proposal and reflects this line with modern international and national strategies on biodiversity, this would be sufficient justification for the declaration of the new Protected Natural Area.

is worth remembering that most of the coastal natural area has been disappearing Tenerife by urban pressures. Despite the network of existing natural areas, many species and habitats are disappearing coastal area to reduce, divide and degrade the coastal zone. Protected areas are of small size, highly deteriorated, with high development pressure around him.

However, ladies and gentlemen, beyond the strong environmental values \u200b\u200bthat amply justify the takes account of the ILP, there is a social value of order as important as the previous ones: respect for the principles basic democratic. For in a day like today we are not still debating whether this legislative initiative will be approved or not, or the particular details of its contents. What you will have the opportunity to vote today is being taken into account can be opened for further discussion. To put it bluntly: the role it should play the Canarian Parliament on this historic day is collect confidence that we brought to this house tens of thousands of citizens of you, and can take place that need debate, full of arguments and reasons.

Very recently, another legislative initiative presented here, proposed in this case by the Cabildo de El Hierro. His defense President of the insular institution, expressed from this podium with these words: "If after reviewing the proposal believe that it is worth or not is a major problem for the Canaries, throw it in the bin, but for this analysis is the parliamentary necessary first step in admission to the Plenary of the camera, right truly believe that no one should be denied to anyone who has the capacity to propose a legislative initiative. " You, in effect, accepted his decision into consideration.

If that is not going to approve the consideration of this ILP would prevent even the possibility of discussing the Coastal Conservation Granadilla Northeast. We note that this refusal would thus denying the possibility of collecting and channeling a deep democratic sentiment expressed by the public. You have time, if they approve the consideration of support, improve or, where appropriate, reject the ILP, in the subsequent debate and after a rigorous analysis on the relevant committees.

On the other hand, if the message you want to go to citizenship is not worth attending to Parliament with proposals born of popular feeling, know that never going to get . Canary citizen movement has been reached levels of maturity and responsibility, grows stronger to adversity and will continue using all the mechanisms for peaceful means to achieve your goals.

Ladies and gentlemen, without raising his voice, and with full responsibility for our words, we note the following: if you do not take into account the ILP, ignoring the will of over 56 thousand people who supported , the risk of occurrence, or are enhanced, a social divide between politicians and wide areas of citizenship. We often hear arguments that type must promote citizen participation and democracy that should not be limited to go every four years to cast the vote. To you it is now the task of continuing to give the channel the rights of responsible and active citizenship claims, and that the law provides.

No one is aware that the underlying reason to block the consideration of this ILP is interest to proceed with haste to build an industrial macropuerto Granadilla coast. We stress once again that the motivations of this mega project is not sufficiently clear, at least for most you will pay the costs, both economic and social and environmental. In this sense, is it logical that the main justification Granadilla port was the port of Santa Cruz could not be expanded? Do not you just bid redevelopment of the port of Santa Cruz to double their current capacity?

And speaking of democracy, can it be considered a democratic example that public money will establish a campaign for the demobilization of citizens before a right as fundamental as the rally was from 27 November? It strengthens democracy "that just before the rally some political representatives staged a great deal of all institutions involved supposedly solved, by trimming the dimensions All environmental problems Granadilla project? Why then, on 5 January, appeared in the Official Gazette the new dimensions of macro-project, even greater than the original ?

In short, ladies and gentlemen, we are very sorry that all project-related industrial port of Granadilla is riddled with untruths, secrecy, manipulation, attacks, in short, the normal advancement of democracy, the last of which happened , as already said, just yesterday. So I want to transmit a request to Parliament: do not let you in this house, we would like to feel like home for everyone, a new attack is perpetrated more transparency, credibility of the public, hope and confidence of the citizenry, democracy.

Ultimately, we are talking here not only to protect an area that has environmental values \u200b\u200bmore than enough. Here we are inviting not only to think, to reflect, to reconsider the more damaging and unnecessary project of many that have been implemented in the recent history of our islands or raised for the near future. Here, we're talking about, in its deepest meaning and potential, of Democracy, in capital letters. Acceptance of the most basic rules that should prevail, and which refer to the etymological meaning of this word meant, do not forget, good people power, the power of good citizenship.

Finally, we express our sincere thanks to the nearly 60 000 people who supported this ILP, the largest of the Canary history. These people gambled by using institutional channels and fruitful dialogue between two legitimate and essential forms of democracy: representative democracy expressed in Parliament and Participatory Democracy, whose impulses emanating from the public undoubtedly enrich and perfect the first . In these almost 60 000 were added many more on 27 November. Some of them were very young, still can not vote or sign an ILP, but like most of the Pueblo Canario, increasingly expressed emphatically their desire that the islands combine prosperity with the fair distribution of wealth , the dignity with natural resource conservation, sustainability of democracy, and also the right to an identity that is expressed, among other events, the beauty of the landscape that we still have our land, that is leaving us, For example, in places like the shore of Granadilla de Abona whose observance are welcome to take into consideration.

Please you do not frustrate this desire. Do not destroy the hope that despite everything, sustains us. Consider that it would be to channel legitimate democratic debate of all ideas, to avoid exclusion, social tensions and fractures that would generate to all age groups, starting with the political representatives.

On behalf of all persons who signed this ILP, and many others, thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Where To Find The Bracelets In Disneyland

cyberaction: For the protection of canaries Sebadales


Ben cyberaction Magec - Ecologists in Action

The Canary Islands government, with support from the central government is encouraging the destruction of the coast and the coast of the islands with multiple actions. One of the most irrational and unpresentable is the proposed industrial port of Granadilla (Tenerife). About this project, has woven a web of lies to try to legalize the outlawed. One of these shams was to be built the port of Granadilla because the current Port of Santa Cruz was exhausted, collapsed and could not be expanded. FALSE.

The second has revolved around environmental issues, especially on Sebadales, seagrass beds of great ecological significance, which is the dominant species seba (Cymodocea nodosa ). The Port Authority and the Government of the Canary Islands began by stating that the area had not Sebadales and environmental impact would be minimal. Having denounced these falsehoods to the European Commission, had to be the scientific community, with support from environmental organizations, who demonstrated the importance of Sebadales of the area and the enormous environmental impact that would cause the project, if implemented. Although the European Commission finally recognized the dire condition of two sites of community importance which were south of the project, by contrast, believed the English government in the other big lie was the port of Granadilla Santa Cruz to because it was collapsed, so the project went ahead.

Today, all that prevents the government works to start with is the protection that is seba as a species, to be included in the catalog Canarian of endangered species. Faced with this obstacle, the Canary Islands Government promoted a first solution chupucera and unworkable: the transplantation of whole Sebadales that would be buried by the works of the port. When you have found that transplanting sebas not like transplanting lettuces have gone to a dual solution and more dramatic, check out the part of Sebadales de Granadilla (Tenerife the largest and one of the first de Canarias) which would be buried by the port and also reduce the level of protection of all Sebadales the archipelago. The argument by the Minister for the Environment is that the Sebadales in the Canary Islands is better than ever, and speak of a total population of 400 km2.

response, it has had to be once more the scientific world of Canary who has put things in place, and has publicly presented a report be strongly denies that Sebadales is in good standing and on the other hand, speak of a population in complete regression and as much would not get to 60 km2, seven times less than what the Government says Canary. These relevant scientists ( click here to see the list ) request to the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Sebadales declare the Canary Islands as "endangered habitat."


If you do not works above link, copy the following and send to:, domingo.berrielmartinez @

Madam Minister and Mr. Director:

Sebadales are key to maintaining the already damaged marine biodiversity of the Canary Islands. Off the Canary Islands Government's proposal to lower the level of protection, based on totally false arguments and lack of rigor least, support the application of leading members of the scientific community to his Ministry Canary demanding the return of the Canaries as Sebadales "endangered habitat"



Senior members of the scientific community Canary ask the Ministry of Environment, Land and Marine's rating Sebadales as endangered habitat, and have accused the regional government of "playing fire "by providing its descatalogación.

To this end they have developed a scientific report of the two Canarian universities, who presented today at a press conference the professor emeritus at the University of La Laguna Woldfredo Wildpret , Professor Marine Biology Alberto Brito, the Professor of Ecology José María Fernández-Palacios and Animal Biology professor Jorge Núñez , all the same center.

View this news:
> Forum Against Incineration: Scientists ask the Ministry to consider Sebadales canary in danger of disappearing
> Soitu: Leading scientists call for the Ministry to consider Sebadales canary in danger of disappearing
> Forum Against Incineration: " In terms of biological time, Sebadales damage is irreparable "(2003)

Scientific Report on the web full of Ecologists in Action Canary

Protection Sebadales
Canary November 26

IMPORTANCE OF Sebadales , p2
Sebadales THE PASSION OF , p4

Proposal Cataloging seagrass Canary-especially-as Sebadales endangered habitats.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Airbrush Tanning Gun Problems

cyberaction: Faustino, yes. Berriel not

Photo and text extracted from: Ben Magec - Ecologists in Action (in this link you can read the full text)

... the Emergency Law in Respect of Land for the Revitalisation Sector and Tourism Management, or Law Berriel, (is) the greatest catastrophe that can raise legislation in a century Canary XXI, which is supposed to prioritize the protection of the territory as a single mechanism for future viability.

This proposed legislation is, among other atrocities, the deregulation of the rural land and especially of agricultural protection (with new improper thereof, such as schools and private sports facilities, industrial estates, etc..) Can remove without solar tour has approved a project (with the goal of using the materials to landfills or private maritime works and the tremendous impact on the landscape that this implies), promotes illegal building and sets out measures to legalize facilities management, promotes new consumption of soil (tourist and industrial), allows the new construction of 5 star hotels (unlimited seats and islands in the archipelago's total), with the incentive to be used for 6 years as a hotel school set and unjustified disparate mechanisms for renewal tourist (can go as far as 6 or 7 new beds for each bed refurbished, etc.)., etc. Speak

against the Government of the Canary Islands and the attempted destruction of increasingly scarce land without degrading it is in the Islands. Sent to the President of the Canary Islands the following message:

Dear Mr. President Canary Islands Government:

On the proposal to destroy the existing rules on territorial protection that promotes their government through the so-called Emergency Law, we demand the withdrawal of this bill and the immediate cessation of its promoter, Mr. Berriel, the only way out to the most serious institutional crisis in the history of the autonomy of the Canary Islands, in regard to the protection of the environment and the territory of our battered archipelago crisis arising from the processing by way of urgency of the Act and by the resignation of the head of the Canarian Agency for Sustainable Development and Combating Climate Change, D. Faustino García Márquez.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Where P90x Stream Free

The havoc in the Mountain of El Socorro September 7


The Descent to 2008 coincided Relief on Sunday. The number of participants was very high and with them, the number of people of all ages separate from the Pilgrimage and its tradition to climb the volcano and lower it to the race, destroying vegetation and deepening gully that have turned down the path of the cone.
This savagery because it has another name, is expressly prohibited in the Reserve Management Plan adopted in 2005. The Briefing Paper of the Master Plan, approved a year earlier, explained:

Information Document Master Plan Special Natural Reserve Güímar badlands
definitely Approved by June 2004 COTMAC

natural environment, land use and impacts

The current configuration of the Book is a product of the interaction of human activities on the environment. As a result of these operations and uses, the Special Natural Reserve of the Badlands of Guimaras has undergone several changes, some of which have not increased size, because the circumstances which have produced them, but other new and traditional continue to pose a threat to the conservation of natural resources and landscape it.


public use within the Reserve, deserves special attention a new impact year after year, is producing a steady and accelerating decline of Big Mountain, is the massive rise to it, every September 7, coinciding with the massive celebration of the Pilgrimage of Socorro. For several decades, hundreds of participants in the fall of the Virgin abandon the pilgrimage to reach the foot of the volcano. From here a steep path up to the northern edge of the crater and then run down the slope of the volcano in the direction of El Socorro. This practice is causing extensive damage to the Mountain, where the vegetation is destroyed along the path of ascent and descent. Wide rows, completely bare, the slopes are affected as a mark, more and more indelible.

The latest data from the Cabildo (Report of the Pilgrimage of Aeonium Relief 2002 S. COOP.) Show that people's participation in this activity is increasing year after year, having registered for the year 2002 a share of the Mountain climb some 5,500 people (keep in mind that the holiday celebration coincided, so that participation was significantly higher) of the 19,000 who participated in the Pilgrimage of Socorro, with a concentration maximum point 1,000 people (mostly young of 12-20 years) in the cone between 6.30 and 7.30 in the morning. Analyzing recent studies Cabildo about this activity, we can ensure that there tends to decrease, the contrary has been maintained despite the awareness campaigns to counter it, made since 1991 by the Department of the Environment in collaboration with Cultural Association local (Güímar Heritage Group) and the City of Guimaras.


Then more pictures of the Descent of the year:

P1120275 1990 P1120262 The fighting in 2000 threatened tradition
P1120223 What was protected in 2006 The problem of falling in droves in the Mountain P1120282 The importance of sand
imbalances in ecosystems: the example of Guam P1120292 key species and the sixth great extinction P1120295 Ecological corridors
mattress zones around protected areas: the badlands Scratch Güímar P1120300 Some key findings and ideas for the future P1120302 > See the album of images
talk P1120308

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Moonstone In Maplestory Europe

Chat Güímar Casino, September 2, 2008


Cycle Chat.
From 2 to 4 September.
Day September 2: Geography of the Present: Mar, ships and tabaibal : 19.30
The Industrial Park Valle de Guimar. Carlos L.
    Agulló Martínez. Ex-president of the Homeowners Association of the Industrial and Proitesa Ex-manager.
  • : 20.15 h.
  • Special Natural Reserve of the Badlands. José Carlos Mesa
  • Acosta.
  • Professor FP
  • Day 3: Cabañuelas and walkers
  • :: 19.30 h.
  • vertical roads. Giant
  • Fermin Carballo. Geographer
  • :: 20.15 h.
  • La Virgen de la Luz and the Virgin of the Candles. José María Martín
  • Mesa. Ldo. in Fine Arts. Ldo. Geography and History.

Day 4: The Descent of Socorro and mantle encryption. :: 19.30 h. : 20.15 h. Chaxiraxi, the cosmic mother. Ignacio Reyes García. Ph.D. in Philology. Ldo. History.

From 29 August to 5 September, 18.00 to 24.00 pm, will open an exhibition of photographs of Jose Mesa: El Malpais, La Bajada and the Camino de El Socorro

> Online Exhibition



Casino, Town Hall The Guimar CajaCanarias, Bodega Valle de Guimar Regional

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Testicles Orgasm Rubber Band

Series of Talks: Guimaras: 1400-2008. In the Descent Chaxiraxi

For our land and agriculture

For our cultural heritage and ethnographic For our natural values \u200b\u200b

And above all, for our people

> Isla Baja moves

Saturday, July 12, after 11:00, from the Junction to the city of Icod.

will post a road of black plastic and let us go to avoid the ecological and social disaster caused by the closure of the island ring.

Some direct consequences of insular ring closure:

- The environment:

1. Destruction of aquifers that supply complete ecosystems. 2. Location of a mega - infrastructure to a level just below the forest crown (a mountain highway.) 3. Hazard Erjos ponds.

4. Threatening and the landscape.
5. Sabinar destruction of Chios (accomplished).
6. Enhancing the development model that focuses on mega-infrastructure construction illogical.

7. Affect on Protected Natural Area of \u200b\u200bthe Badlands, declassified in part by the passage of this road. 8. Empowerment of individual transport model.

- The cultural heritage:

1. Impact on heritage items ethnographic and wineries. 2. The disappearance of parties like hatchet.
  • - The Environment:
  • 1. Destroying a subsistence agricultural landscape, which supplies the domestic market.
  • 2. Condition to hundreds of homes, farms and farms.
  • 3. Destruction of livelihoods of hundreds of people, to relocate them in urban dwellings (apartments).
  • 4. Inexorable division of the districts of El Amparo, Santa Barbara, etc. Disconnection of these nuclei.
  • 5. Posted in grave danger to the economic development Baja Island, the disappearance of small and medium enterprises that lose competitiveness to the mall for easy access.
And all this against a backdrop of global crisis, in which oil prices tend to rise inexorably.
No al anillo insular icod Perhaps in a few years, is required much more fertile land lost along this road to the highway.
And, with that there is a logical alternative: improving the existing road.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Symptoms Of Diabetes In 18 Year Old

Relief Rally against the closing of the Ring Insular

The Valley Industrial Estate Güímar
still completing their limit development to a Cultural
El Socorro, which as defined by the shield law is:

the strip of land defined by a parallel line located 25 m from the center of the track and both sides thereof.
is to be the aesthetic impact of infrastructure, develop industries which activities are installed and how they affect the Malpais de Guimar Natural Area.

> View album

territoriosred #

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Amana Furnace Diagnostic

foreclosure or foreclosure and now, who may defend it? Privacy

With the high number of houses in some stage of foreclosure or foreclosure across the country, many individuals and families are wondering what this process entails.

borrowers facing a foreclosure are usually scared and did not want to talk about it with the same banco.Pero should take courage and do it because it is the only solution for keeping your home. With a loan modification , could solve this problem. But if you do nothing, losing his cas. So should acture and fast. Ask your lender for mortgage assistance. Tell them you want to apply for the program HAMP or mortgages Obama.

If you already applied for a loan modification with your bank, but was told I was ineligible, he denied loan modification and is about to lose your home through a foreclosure, you should know there are more options for Continual struggle. Do not think that because the bank denied the mortgage modficacion once, USTA can not reapply. Now, that should make the necessary changes before sending the application to your bank, because if he does not deny it will return.

You may have intended simply to let go of your property through a foreclosure. Before even thinking about it, it is important to realize that there are other solutions to avoid the devastating effects of this event. Please read this article where you explain why you should not lose your home through a foreclosure. Treat as a place to make a loan modification your home first. Call your bank, and if the amendment denied retry.

Here you can download free a summary of the contents of the manual on loan modification. Away from you do not have to throw your money paying someone for a modification, you can do on their own. It is not difficult, on the contrary, no one will put the msmo also interested in your case yourself. Do not lose your home, do your own modification to the bank.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wedding Programs Look Like


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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Works Güímar badlands along the Camino de El Socorro and

No to the destruction of our land

In defense of agricultural land and the Environment

NO to the Port of Granadilla
NO to the expansion of Los Rodeos Airport Way
NO to YES to Exterior social progress and sustainable! YES
Puerto de Santa Cruz
food sovereignty to a friendly development model misinformation 21.Obras junto al Camino de El Socorro abril 2008.JPG
Summons: Assembly Tenerife - Towns and Neighborhoods Coordinator

About 9000 people marched on Saturday.

> Story of Manifestation

banner in defense of agricultural land and ravines of Guimaras José Luis Fumero, asked for the assistance of people at the rally, said that what happened this mobilization is that "is being convened at short notice and a protest of this magnitude has to call months in advance." 24N also noted "the need for the event with a clear objective and a clear message and clear"
The reality, he could see everyone who was at the rally, was that it was a march of thousands of good people. And for those who know, or know of the difficulties that can not be organized because everything else that the huge success of describing the event. Because behind a march like this there is not a hard one-up entrepreneur 'yellow gold' I think I failed this year, and only the iron will of many people to stop these junkies piche and cement makes it possible keep alive the fighting spirit

article on the website of the Forum Against Incineration

Other visions of Manifestation:

> Photos in the blog I have Frito

> Article in Canary Insurgent

> Article in canarias24horas

> at Secret Post-Tenerife