Wednesday, October 24, 2007

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REACHES ALBACETE. Fencing Association

Any beat you've ever thought of as the medieval knights?

skilfully "a sword?

From Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to the Cid, to Aragon of Lord of the Rings, these names evoke adventure, romance, magic, fighting for honor, and awaken in us a romantic and ancient feeling.

Everyone, young, we dream with the dream of becoming knights. Well protected by our shining armor with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, would defend to the death of a code of honor itself a dormant period in time.

Fencing Association Former Albacete (AABE) was born to recover from this feeling, the forgotten art of fencing Antigua.
Taken as the Western martial art of handling weapons, its implementation process in Spain began about five years by the Master at Arms Alberto Bomprezzi and Old English Fencing Association, of which the Association is Albacete member.

consists of retrieving, from the ancient treaties preserved and from the biomechanics of the weapons, the management of Western weapons, but yes, the same simulator. It is a work horse between historical research and sport. Several weapons from the former English Fencing Association studied, but the most striking is, without doubt, the Sword Hand and a half.

La Espada de Mano y Media.

is the long sword that we all know. It is a medieval sword, which evolves from the long sword of war itself the centuries XII and XIII to the sword duel between knights of the XIV and XV.

weapon is a double-edged straight blade with a larger cross and a handle designed to handle with both hands, ending in a knob that could take different forms. The gun can measure in the most extreme cases, foot to the subway and kilo weight range from three hundred and two kilos. It is a beautiful and accurate weapon that allowed cutting edge or Tailstocks, lunges, hit with the handle, ... etc.

Of course, in the Fencing Association of Former Albacete not use weapons, but these simulators, preferably black weapons or blunt tip that does not cut or puncture, both to learn the various techniques to combat.

addition, we utlized other simulators such as wooden wasters, to replace weapons and other items safe practices.

I can only We invite you to discover the magic of this art that we are trying to rescue from oblivion of time.

Greetings. Albacete

Fencing Association Antigua.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Can You Drink Alcohol And Pulmonary Hypertension


Welcome to the Past!

The Old English Fencing Association began its journey, after much effort and with great enthusiasm, on Saturday, October 6. His home was in one of our colleagues, who began training at the Antigua Fencing Alicante Association for over a year, and where he has been instructed to take responsibility for teaching classes in Albacete.

This same fellow has attended the International Event Old English Fencing Association held in Madrid on 12, 13 and 14 October, to continue their technical development.


Cultural Association We are a nonprofit that tries to rescue from oblivion the way to handle Western weapons. Following the guidelines and teachings of the English Association of Antigua and Maestro Fencing Bomprezzi, we reconstruct how our ancestors fought. Therefore, we have chosen two particular weapons, mostly because they are the most studied English Fencing Association Antigua, and because our work of recovery is based on the treaties that are conserved.

treaties that we use are mainly those of the following Teachers:

- Sword Hand and a half: Fiore dei Liberi, Filippo Vadi, Lictenauer, Talhoffer.
- Rapier: Carranza, Pacheco de Narvaez.

weapons are studied in Albacete Association Fencing sword Antigua are one and a half of the Italian and German traditions (the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries) and the English Rapier seventeenth century. The latter, accompanied by the left hand dagger typically English, sailing's knife.

course not train with weapons, but with the same simulators (blunt weapons and black-tip-that are faithful reproductions of the weapons that we studied, wasters, wooden swords, and modified shinai).

The minimum material for fencing Antigua is:
- Gloves (reinforced fencing if it is medieval).
- Mask of fencing.
- jacket for fencing.
- Elbow and knee pads (optional).
- Leather Peto learning the rapier.
- Gambeson for learning the sword One and a half.
- Simulators.

First, Albacete Fencing Association Former provide those interested in our activity material and weapons simulators, fencing masks and jackets, in collaboration with the Fencing Club of Los Llanos.

As you can see, the protections are an important part of the practice of fencing Antigua, but the best protection of our partner we ourselves, and we print control to our actions.

former Fencing is a Western martial art developed in Spain takes about ten years and is now, thanks to the work of the Fencing Association of Former English, based in Tres Cantos, Madrid, becoming known. Fencing Association of Former Albacete is under the guidelines of the English, since it is this that gives evidence of technical and carries the weight of research and teaching. There is a massive activity or many followers, nor conducted for profit, of course.


workouts sword One and a half are given Saturday, 11 to 14 in the sports center of Jorge Juan. At the moment, given the cost of material, it leaves Albacete Fencing Association Antigua, in collaboration with Club Los Llanos.
The rapier sword, alone and with dagger, trains on Mondays and Wednesdays, 19 to 20 hours in the sports center of Jorge Juan.


If you are interested, stop by our Chamber, training schedule (Saturdays, 10 to 13 and Monday and Wednesday from 19 to 20) and will inform you personally, it is advisable to contact with us before, through our e-mail: by capacity constraints and to have prepared enough material. For the moment, for this school year, former fencing coach will have limited places (to customize classes and devote to each student deserves the time), but not yet closed .

One last point: the old fencing, as we understand from the Fencing Association of Former Albacete, in line with the philosophy of the English, is a western martial art. This means that we seek to understand and recover a traditional way to handle weapons (although, for obvious reasons, work simulator). It is neither a sport, in the normal sense of the word, nor a pastime. The aim is to get away from some fantastic views of fencing and be very serious (which is why they are limited places). What we intend to develop is closer to historical research than anything else.
