Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Obama's help for modification of home loans continues to decline

The number of borrowers who are being helped by the prevention program of short sales (implementation a mortgage) Obama administration continued to decline in October, data released by the Treasury Department.

About 16,634 borrowers obtained a permanent loan modification in October 2010 and 17 771 in September.

And the number of mortgage amendments approved or denied not continue to rise over the number of borrowers who are getting ongoing support.

At the same time, about 26,679 borrowers left the program in October, bringing to about 756,000 the total number of borrowers who have defaulted since the program began in the spring of last year.

About 483,000 borrowers have received permanent changes to the Affordable Home Modification program , known as the HAMP. The government initially expected to provide support 3-4 million borrowers, although they have since reduced ambitions.

The Obama launched to try to find HAMP a way reduce mortgage payments for homeowners who wanted to keep their homes, and were in imminent danger of foreclosure.

However, it is widely regarded as a flawed program. Lawmakers say it is not to relieve tension in households where incomes have been weakened by sluggish economic growth, high unemployment and bureaucracy imposed by banks, makes it difficult to comply with all the obstacles to a temporary or permanent reduction in monthly payments.

New data from the Mortgage Bankers Association showed a slight decrease in the rate of mortgage delinquencies in the third quarter. The rate dropped 0.72 percentage points from the previous quarter was 9.13 percent.

But the group of bankers that offers little hope of a lasting improvement, noting that there was a potential 4.5 million homes to be foreclosed over the next three or four years in the top four million in the list.

banks are now fighting a rearguard action against the revelations that using "robo-signatories" to accelerate the pace of foreclosures, an act that infuriated the homeowner advocates and led to hearings in which bankers and regulators were brought angry lawmakers. The

Documentation fiasco, along with the slow modification programs as Hamp, has reignited public anger with the banks receiving billions of dollars in aid from taxpayers during the financial crisis. Meanwhile

government subsidies for mortgages continues to fall, through no fault of the government, but as I mentioned, because of the banks. The mortgage loan modification that are approved are very few, but not because the borrowers do not qualify, but it is by having people in the department of customer service they can not do their job. It is obvious that they do on purpose. If the loan modification they saw fit them, Lenders would make sure the people putting efficient.

borrowers are not getting help mortgage lenders, most of them say: "I refused the amendment" "I do." Even explain why they have not approved the loan modification.

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