October 19/09 The financial crisis in public universities as a result of strong growth in enrollment in recent years, sustaining inertial system of allocation of resources by the State , seems to find a palliative in the proposal pending in Congress that the 2010 budget has an additional increase of 5%, equivalent to 95 billion pesos.
Of that money, to date the Government has made a budgetary reserve of 70 billion, equivalent to 3.67%, and announced that these funds would go to a fund managed by the MEN and Icetex, which, according to the universities, does not solve your problem, so have asked Congress to spend such monies as compensation to the base budgets of each university.
The following is the text of the open letter of SUE.
Honorable Members of Congress:
When the National Council of Rectors of State University System - Sue, decided to go to that high legislative body to find its assistance and strong support for the initiative that we presented them to achieve a greater increase in the budget for public universities, more beyond the provisions of the draft 2010 Budget Law Effective underway in the Congress and presented by the National Government did with the full conviction that we would have a positive response.
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