El Camino de El Socorro verge of lapsing back a Cultural
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culturadecanarias.com the inclusion of the Way of El Socorro in the new BIC be approved by the Governing Council defintivamente:
The Heritage Council of the Canaries, met on Thursday 8 (March 2007), in plenary session, gave its approval to five new Cultural Interest (BIC) in the Islands. This list includes the Chapel of San Sebastián de Agaete and Flemish carvings of the Oratory of Mota was in Valsequillo, both in Gran Canaria, and the Historic of Arona, the Historic Site Güímar Relief Road and Mills Barranco Grande Cuevas Blancas, on the island of Tenerife. These records will be forwarded to the Governing Council for final approval.
overlaps the appearance of the Virgin of Candelaria, on the one hand, and the true nature of the Slope, linked to an ancient ceremony of thanksgiving and application of firsts to the Virgen del Socorro. The need to protect the physical surroundings of the road is that it is the medium used for centuries, without which it could be understood and explained many of the historical and ethnographic values \u200b\u200bassociated with this religious festival. Human activities and the urban processes that, increasingly, are being developed in the field near a direct threat of transformation and disappearance of the presumed historical path.
HISTORY The beginnings
The first efforts after starting the process of declaring the Camino de El Socorro Cultural Property from a group of people of Guimaras, imminent danger, which ran the road in the late 90's of last century. This process can be followed in the article:
El Camino del Socorro: Values \u200b\u200bethnographic, cultural and traditional.
In this article, written by Javier Eloy Campos Torres, one of the people involved in this stage, we extract the following passage:
In the early 70's began Industrial Estate planning Guimar Valley, a process that has affected the Relief Road. Only highlight those aspects that directly interfere with the customs of the party.
The works of the Second Phase of Polygon touched on several points Relief Road, so that for several years had to deviate from the traditional route. Some devotees and people concerned insisted to the City Council to reverting to the old path or take a satisfactory determination to end the policy of fait accompli, which the Estate was gradually destroying the old route. Finally, in 1989, clearing a path for penetration Polygon, near the bridge on the highway, blocked road access to the final. The new route passed through the streets of the Polygon and later returned to the road for a diversion. That was the first year that the Virgin became a way of Polygon. Although they were only about 100 meters, was used to make sense of what might represent the Descent paved a wide avenue. It was cold, the notice because cars were left piled on the sides of the street and interfered with the entourage, forgetting the old custom of lowering before or after the pilgrims. It was evident that the party was passing through critical times. It seemed that the changes were unavoidable, and even knew the layout of the future road, set to the orthogonal of the Polygon and factories on both sides, but yes, with landscaping, concrete benches, etc. In 1990 he organized a group formed by devotees of the Virgen del Socorro and people interested in all the traditions that form the cultural identity of Guimaras to seek a declaration of Socorro Road and Ethnographic Value Historic Site. It was the birth of the Cultural Heritage of Guimaras.
In October 1990 the residents of Guimaras and peoples of the Region held a rally that culminated at the Town Hall to seek to adhere to the Relief Road. It was an atypical manifestation announced with flyers, along with basil and attended by people who had never participated in a collective protest, highlighting the elderly. The manager spoken to transmit their culture to the people felt responsible for their survival.
In December 1990 was published in the Official Gazette the decision of the Directorate General of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Canary Islands by initiating the Declaration Record Relief Road as Well of cultural interest category Historic Site.
... the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports and after deliberation by the Government in its meeting on October 3, 2001,
declare the Way of El Socorro, town of Guimar, Tenerife, Well for Cultural Interest category of historical site as the demarcation and description contained in Annex I, as well as the location drawings contained in Annex II of this Decree. Since
in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, October 3, 2001.
Román Rodríguez Rodríguez.
José Miguel Ruano Leon.
The news was included in this article
The new Declaration
Subsequently, the case was subject to two two actions which he brought against the statement that in fact canceled and left without effect.
mid-2005, the Technical Section of the Heritage Unit proposes opening the file again. The Cabildo de Tenerife resolution that opens the new new opening is December 2005 and published in the Official Gazette of Canary http://www.gobcan.es/boc/2006/004/016.html which cite two fragments, the resolution itself and the Justification of the Boundary
1 º) Initiate file statement of cultural interest, classified as Historic Site, in favor of the Camino del Socorro, located in the term Municipal Guimar according to the definition graphics and written justification for the definition and description listed in Annexes I and II to accompany this resolution.
2 º) To continue processing the case, according to the rules in force.
3 º) PS to the City of Güímar effects involved the declaration of cultural interest for Historic Site, in accordance with the provisions of art º. 20.1.2 and 3 of Law 4 / 1999 of March 15, Canary Historical Heritage.
4 º) require the notification of this resolution to the Directorate General of Historical Heritage of the Government of Canaries promote their notation in the General Register of Cultural Interest and the City of Guimaras, the appropriate action. "
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, December 26, 2005 .- Chief Insular Area Culture Heritage, Museums and Sport, Miguel Delgado Díaz.
The delimitation of the scope of the proposed protection is justified by the need to preserve a road or path of important historical, ethnographic and religious. The Relief Road has hosted for centuries the traditional pilgrimage or Festival of the Virgin of El Socorro from the Church of San Pedro in the historical district of Guimaras to the village of El Socorro, at the beach of the same name.
The documents specific to the delimitation proposal states the following:
1 .- The limits for hosting a road that, from at least the end of the sixteenth century wore on the Descent of the Virgin to the Shrine of El Socorro, linked to the miraculous appearance of the Virgin of Candelaria in those beaches. The origins of this holiday would go back to the pre-Hispanic period, constituting the coast an area frequented by native pastors to take advantage of winter grasses and marine resources. In this tradition overlaps the appearance of the Virgin of Candelaria, on the one hand, and the true nature of the Slope, linked to an ancient ceremony of thanksgiving and application of firsts to the Virgin of El Socorro.
2 .- The need to protect the physical environment of the road is that it is the medium used for centuries and without which it could be understood and explained many of the historical and ethnographic values \u200b\u200bassociated with this religious festival.
3 .- Human activities and urban processes, which increasingly are being developed in the near-field especially, the expansion of industrial area of \u200b\u200bGuimar-pose a direct threat to processing and presumed demise of this historic road.
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