And Death Shall Have No Dominion
So Long for Now
"I travel to learn my geography," he wrote crazy,
century earlier, in the walls of a French asylum. Suicide
copies. Enrique Vila-Matas.
Go therefore homeless, without respite,
wrong, disastrous and bloody
along the cliffs and beaches under the eye
closed havens
(...) And that defeat us has made us, oh, survive,
bruised foot, bleary-eyed, heavy head,
bleeding, weak, dishonored, tired, we
, stifling a groan painfully dull. Paul Verlaine
"A fool is not only the current ideas of a man but rather locked in a head. The world does not pass through your head and it's over, "wrote Louis-Ferdinand Céline Bardamu Ferdinand, his alter ego after their first few days of struggle in an insane asylum where he had found refuge and where skirted the tops of madness, a total institution rather than the detailed Erving Goffman. The director lamented the new winds of psychiatry: the need to be imposed on the pretext rave heal better. "None of us then tried to be as crazy as the client. A force to be more clever, more morbid, more wicked than the persecuted more disturbed in our mental hospitals, to wallow in a kind of new pride in all the insanity muddy that we have, where do we go? At this rate, what is going to be common sense? Nothing! It is expected! Absolutely nothing! I can predict it ... Obviously. Advertise with us our insanity, "predicted Baryton. He tormented the masquerade of healing,
s promises electrified ads tomfoolery and renovated and costly acquisition of instruments of torture with which he won the competition field. So, unlike the remote hospital in Bethlehem, and was not charged entry to the curious who wanted to watch Sunday's upset, those who survived the isolation and darkness, emetics, purgatives and torture. By paying a penny ordinary citizens were whipped with rods, to appease the frustrations. Before leprosaria many, accused of being owned, were burned in the hog utside. Baryton, in contrast, drew a walk in the countryside, a real sign of progress, as they jumped to a nurse. He knew about modern: his study on the effects of film, in children who filled her eyes stunned images, attested. The echo of the seduction of language would be the next stop: a mental hospital to psychiatric hospital, multidisciplinary work, the crazy reckless; of asylum residence in prison to prison, a psychiatrist to coach, to pimp a hyperactive, from old to seniors age of disabled to disabled, people with disabilities; of party politics to democracy, to surrender to transition a chance of failure, of treason to the confusion. No wonder it went away, no longer knew where he stood. The vocabulary became sterile to protect and soften the same harsh reality. Infinite number of tricks were forced to decide, or be aroused in the hospital, those already horny the future. Some pencil writing micrograms, see Robert Walser, who spent the last twenty-eight years of his life sheltered in two mental hospitals. "I wanted to be forgotten," said Carl Seelig. The others had abandoned themselves once disillusioned of their leaden steps away from the tributaries of a life either. The more go, the more they move away. Had precipitated the blurring of the Nouveau Roman by freeze time and take more time than necessary in futility: no trace of authorship, fiction or reality. None of this was to them. Heroes requiring cities and repudiated the many fools who added a paladin. Nobody paid any attention to Baudelaire: "The real hero is someone who enjoys alone." The people as cannon fodder, undaunted claiming their place in the slaughterhouse. Are more stubborn fools who get things relocate, those who enjoy the pleasures that only the insane have been found and can savor. Dukes who persist in their insanity to become wise and nothing else. In contrast, others who tried to bring light ended up hanging from a lamppost. "We are all born mad. Some remain so forever, "said the poet William Blake. Before the load was transferred lunatic families, and when the prison to lock did not cause any sign of embarrassment, mental hospitals were out of town, in some distant hill to the cliff as the only way, or carelessness of nurses, which took Jorge Cuesta. "I could not feel," grieved.
"I can ask why you need this assistance are forcing me to accept? Obviously I speak well, think well, I'm fine and you are ruining me, "laments Vladimir, an inmate apparently sane. In prison shouted that coffee was poisoned and now wants to return there with his silences, waiting to be placed in freedom. R entangled in the evil as emed negligence and stupidity of the quacks who gorge on pills ("medicine for the mind"), suffocated in his banishment of reason and oppressed by the screams that dance in hallways at all hours (I left with hundreds of them, all they do is scream "), his forces are depleted and it is increasingly about the vacuum Nietzschean stares back. Healing formulas of the institution, as happens to Olivia de Havilland in The Snake Pit (1948), further exacerbate their problems and become a slave. Or worse yet, Peter Breck in hock Corridor S the combative Samuel Fuller. "If you send to prison come back here tomorrow or maybe tonight. I swear to God. Because you will see and know that something is wrong. If you do not believe, I let spit my face, you know, "he reasons the authority. "Why would I do that?", He is surprised the alleged schizophrenic. "Because if I say something that is not true or unjustifiable, should be punished," replies the prude of the physician to tinkle. Nothing grows in the shade of power. Medical Examination was irrefutable. "A test that asked me how many times I go to the bathroom, if you believe in God ... ie, that most ridiculous thing! I could never go to the bathroom, or you could go to the bathroom, or could believe in God or may not do so is not a medical issue. Do you love your mother? Do you love your father? "Recalls Vladimir. "How to relate to God in the bathroom!" Protests the meapilas the doctor after your sunglasses. If you talk to God, prayer . If God speaks, it's schizophrenia. And if you serve God you are a man full a visa to fuck without discomfort. The psychiatrist, who keeps the patient in his role pariah, not again the authority of drinking: mocks not disclosed to pretend certain rigor, as it is embraced by the community biempensante, which writes the manuals and legislates ncia agreement. The ideas of those who reign. Later, Vladimir, together with all the specialists, who have been absent this time the evil Dr. Benway, accused: "The medication they gave me my temple ta bad I hurt. In fact, I specifically damaged the chest. If an left me here means you want to be damaged. I hurt! What I say, that hurt me! ". The council of elders would like to thank, you are fired, and concludes: "He looked much
more catatonic and depressed before, as sometimes occurs with depression antidepressants is removed and re racking paranoia, and maybe we should give larger amounts of tranquilizers to ease this. It does not seem very prepared to return to prison. It is a perfect pattern of paranoia: if you admit your basic premise, the rest is logical ... but the basic premise is not true. In fact you are terrified to leave. And the higher screams about returning there, indicates that you are more scared. It is known as Ganzer syndrome. " Diagnosis of monologue Power: schizophrenic reaction, chronic undifferentiated type with prominent paranoid features. Suicide is generally difficult when you're not crazy at all and you've already killed countless times. In La moindre des choses (1996) A patient give advice to the director Nicolas Philibert: "Do not you ever talk to your health to a doctor because they can enslave." Vladimir, like Prometheus, he had been chained to a gigantic rock, which was not life or anything.
Inside or outside the cage? What board
Stultífera Na vis s in hand at the helm? "Balance is a narrow ribbon. Depression is a Russian doll and the seventh doll is a knife, a razor blade, a poison, a deep and a leap, "presaged Stig Dagerman. Blurred the boundary aprichosa c one another, knowing how little it takes to switch sides (a caress or a garbage contract), so that all conspire against you and that a majority guard vent to his hatred how mobile are the criteria for the l it occur, the pretexts, the origin of the negative impulse, how easy it is to be arrested one morning without having done "nothing wrong" as Josef K, or be an innocent man convicted in a newspaper and forced to defend, Hitchcockian motif; never knowing for sure which country you are, knowing it or ignoring it, Frederick Wiseman entered the Bridgewater State Hospital in Massachusetts, to roll Titicut Follies (1967). He was banned for 25 years. The reason: it showed the inhumane treatment of the institution (psychiatrists, guards and social workers) with their patients. The pretext: violated the right to privacy of patients which in turn limits the right to information. It was the first time in the history of American film industry that a film was censored for other reasons to the usual: obscenity, immorality and national security. Are they entitled to privacy even when they have been deprived of it and are humiliated? The same right to privacy (a mute) who defended the Nazis in Auschwitz. Wiseman captures the madness pornography and reveals the true nature of man (which tear to the writer include removable crutch of the human condition, but I have no fault of their indiscriminate use and free), one that emerges to surface when power will spread and flattened creatures around him and condemned socially. It is the impossibility of humane treatment and mild blunt differences where the vestiges of madness.
is a born provocateur accused him. Dance without a partner's gone down the hall from the center to the rhythm of the waltz of dementia, without the mask of the Red Death. "I'm trying to make a movie. A movie has to Have dramatic sequence and structure. I Do not Have to specify very definition What about drama but I'm establishi That gambling'm going to get dramatic episodes. Otherwise, it Becomes Andy Warhol's movie on the Empire State Building. So, yes, I am looking for drama, Though Not Necessarily I'm looking for Each Other people beating up, shooting Each Other. There's a lot of drama in ordinary experiences ", says cult director Gerald Peary. A transparent work so scared, not the springboard of a bed scene. The truth 24 frames of Godard are inadequate and derisory. Only cause us to deny the truth when we forget, the rest is fun and jokes to have something to say. Eschatology is the hook of the back, the old fogies pensioners Ronda Sant Antoni and self-centeredness of the agendas. There are some kids that drive her mother home and imprison in a residence. A universal right, like housing, become thirsty for burial in a supine delay before your children will diagnose a disorder, the decline of his party, his life. Do not stop to repeat that will be better served, to swallow with pleasure that the woman in a white coat can do more to turn off the light, that the doctor has read the report of his mother, stooped posture, and will never again be straight or is it spine-runoff is a result of chance. The mysterious wounds, the shutter down to five in the afternoon in that coffin you call room and nervousness that reflect the bewildered faces of the caregivers when receiving visitors. And the bitch indifference (circumlocution of a brutal insensitivity) and disgust they call "attention" whore indifference and disgust felt by a sadistic society that has been retained to monitor incontinence porridge and others. I visit every day, they said, and the days were weeks, months and finally on Christmas Day. She is not sticking between babbling exchanged. You can not do anything, is a vegetable and we do not, what are you? It is pure provocation, yes ... "Richard Avedon stirs when there is a dip, taking snapshots in a mental institution in 1963 and soon his gift of ubiquity it towed to their models of Harper's Bazaar? I could not do anything . A civilized society, that is, who has perfected the barbarity and expresses its desire to sleep with wide blade. Everything has an explanation, in science, in the beating he gave one without knowing why. We owe both health and progress Josef Mengele criminals. What is a patient but to make someone feel sane? What these jailers become Titicut Follies when crossing the exit and return to their homes, bars and brothels? The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, Goya is the motto. No unnecessary suffering for the institution. Dr. James Gilligan, who was hired by Martin Scorsese as a consultant for filming Shutter Island, was the director of Bridgewater in the late seventies when he was commissioned to do cleaning. "The cells seemed medieval dungeons. The patients were chained to walls, surrounded by feces. The zoo animals live in better conditions. In Bridgewater, I witnessed many changes, experiments and conflicts in the film, "said Gilligan.
Wiseman was the first surprise of the freedoms granted by permission of no flushing of the guardians of dementia: "It amazed That They let me in to shoot me in the first place There. " The mandarins of the institution gave wings to a tax collection effort entailed in a complaint, or vice versa, who knows. "They Knew That WAS Bridgewater Like That, in Part Because of the Absence of money to Attract Competent and train guards, Psychiatrists and Social Workers. That Was one of the points, "Wiseman said in an interview Viceland. Bridgewater Sensitivity in prison then was that health although only 15% of inmates were convicted. Behind its walls lived insane, drunks, drug addicts, criminals and rapists with some delay, along with a personal underpaid and overwhelmed unskilled labor. However, when Wiseman documentary concluded the bigwigs had risen. One of them was attorney general of Massachusetts and the crudeness of the images as a brake on the accumulation of power. Elliot Richardson, who had given the go ahead to shoot and lamented the lack of money when in charge of supervising institutions (mental hospitals, prisons, etc) was the person chosen by Republican Governor John Volpe in the tight 1964 election to be, if it was re-elected as governor and his assistant responsible for the areas of health, education and social services. A worker Minnesota, which had not even seen the film, just read one review, sent a letter to Volpe outraged: "How Could You Be to allow a movie made That shows naked men?". Moral crusades have always reflected the fear of difference and complex, this inability to self-acceptance. It did not matter that the humiliation a nipple exposed. "Volpe, NOT HAVING Heard of the movie Before this letter, felt His Political Career That WAS going to Be jeopardized by the movie," said Wiseman. Titicut Follies bogged down then and judgments happened years and years with a Pyrrhic victory: the executive arm of the law decided that the film had some interest and could be seen, but only for doctors, lawyers, judges, social workers and students. Limited and specialized audience that excluded the public and sank the denunciation in hiding in an era without the Internet. The judge had described the documentary as "a nightmare of ghoulish Obscenities" and came to order their destruction. Then, and now cleared of the charges, the siege was opened a little, public television, schools and some independent festival.
Beyond del candor de la omisión de firmas, la postura d e W isema n es irreproc hable: “My position was that Bridgewater was a public institution, supported by taxpayer's money. Public institutions in a democracy are meant t o be transparent, open to public inspection. One aspect of public inspection is documentary filmmaking. In the year the film was made, there were also 10,000 visitors to Bridgewater who as part of their tour saw some of the same men naked in their cells. In a democracy the government is not supposed to hide information from the citizens except in cases involving national security. How can citizens do anything about the State STI Abusing power if the Citizens Are not allowed to know What is going on and make an effort ", If They so wish, to change the Conditions? The Various Scandals at Abu Gharib Are a current example of the public's Need to Know and Receive information from photographs. If the State is responsible for keeping genes in the mental Conditions Shown at Bridgewater, the citizenry Have to Have the right to hold the State accountable. This Can Only Happen if the public is reporting. " When the American public television (PBS) released the film in 1992, showed Titicut Follies past atrocities, and the past, well knew the judges, not spurs anyone to get up and go to step on heads: the past is a anchored ship. It was a complaint that had been misplaced and when, later, found at the bottom of the file and had been dismissed in their processing capacity, not subversion. May not fulfill its mission with the strength required the horror - the aborted-but would be a mistake to close the case because the documentary does not talk of institutions that may limit a map and a time, or people with names. Why was it easier to go to Russia and shoot, like Albert Maysles, the documentary short and ridiculous Psychiatry in Russia (1955)? The latter, that fortunately has been forgotten, was issued in 1956 on the Dave Garroway program in NBC. Nobody cared who did not have the permissions for each patient.
s When You Have A good wife? She Must Not Have Been Giving you much sex satisfaction, "he spits between tics. "How often do you masturbate per day or per week? Have you thought about being a mature woman with big, tall and succulent? Do you prefer big breasts or small? Have you had any homosexual experiences? Did you try to masturbate with other guys? Have you ever felt guilty when you masturbate? "Wiseman's camera does not mitigate his morbidity. What's more, the quack throws shooting glimpses. "I need help, but do not know where I can get," admits the rapist. "You can get it here, suppose," replied the doctor, surely embarrassed the decline of lobotomy and the rise of psychopharmacology. Back in the open, in particular Speaker's Corner at the prison, has formed a circle, and within a man with hat howling, escaping from the shadow of Ginsberg, the faces in suspense that seem to have abandoned and all understanding of language: "America is the world's women of the earth, and this crazy sex. His sexuality brings wars, like the man injects sperm into the woman and women in his own body. Has the same effect, the same influence, but in a huge pattern. The pattern is vile huge. You mean that after having had a sexual relationship you feel healthy? Not so. " Emile Cioran wrote in one of his sleepless nights "Life is a subterfuge of madness and falling on their networks open up a path for his own blood." Nudity

abhor the brutality, "he said. It is not effective. Besides, prolonged mistreatment, short of physical violence, causing, if properly implemented, special anguish and guilt. They should be well aware of a few rules or rather, ideas guidelines. The subject must not realize that abuse is a deliberate attack on their identity by an anti-human enemy. Should feel they received any treatment it is well deserved because there is something (never specified) horribly in him that makes him guilty. Control addicts need to meet your need naked with decency arbitrary and intricate bureaucracy, so that the subject can not establish direct contact with the enemy. Dr. Benway
Naked Lunch. William Burroughs.
Inside or outside the cage? What board

is a born provocateur accused him. Dance without a partner's gone down the hall from the center to the rhythm of the waltz of dementia, without the mask of the Red Death. "I'm trying to make a movie. A movie has to Have dramatic sequence and structure. I Do not Have to specify very definition What about drama but I'm establishi That gambling'm going to get dramatic episodes. Otherwise, it Becomes Andy Warhol's movie on the Empire State Building. So, yes, I am looking for drama, Though Not Necessarily I'm looking for Each Other people beating up, shooting Each Other. There's a lot of drama in ordinary experiences ", says cult director Gerald Peary. A transparent work so scared, not the springboard of a bed scene. The truth 24 frames of Godard are inadequate and derisory. Only cause us to deny the truth when we forget, the rest is fun and jokes to have something to say. Eschatology is the hook of the back, the old fogies pensioners Ronda Sant Antoni and self-centeredness of the agendas. There are some kids that drive her mother home and imprison in a residence. A universal right, like housing, become thirsty for burial in a supine delay before your children will diagnose a disorder, the decline of his party, his life. Do not stop to repeat that will be better served, to swallow with pleasure that the woman in a white coat can do more to turn off the light, that the doctor has read the report of his mother, stooped posture, and will never again be straight or is it spine-runoff is a result of chance. The mysterious wounds, the shutter down to five in the afternoon in that coffin you call room and nervousness that reflect the bewildered faces of the caregivers when receiving visitors. And the bitch indifference (circumlocution of a brutal insensitivity) and disgust they call "attention" whore indifference and disgust felt by a sadistic society that has been retained to monitor incontinence porridge and others. I visit every day, they said, and the days were weeks, months and finally on Christmas Day. She is not sticking between babbling exchanged. You can not do anything, is a vegetable and we do not, what are you? It is pure provocation, yes ... "Richard Avedon stirs when there is a dip, taking snapshots in a mental institution in 1963 and soon his gift of ubiquity it towed to their models of Harper's Bazaar? I could not do anything . A civilized society, that is, who has perfected the barbarity and expresses its desire to sleep with wide blade. Everything has an explanation, in science, in the beating he gave one without knowing why. We owe both health and progress Josef Mengele criminals. What is a patient but to make someone feel sane? What these jailers become Titicut Follies when crossing the exit and return to their homes, bars and brothels? The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters, Goya is the motto. No unnecessary suffering for the institution. Dr. James Gilligan, who was hired by Martin Scorsese as a consultant for filming Shutter Island, was the director of Bridgewater in the late seventies when he was commissioned to do cleaning. "The cells seemed medieval dungeons. The patients were chained to walls, surrounded by feces. The zoo animals live in better conditions. In Bridgewater, I witnessed many changes, experiments and conflicts in the film, "said Gilligan.

Beyond del candor de la omisión de firmas, la postura d e W isema n es irreproc hable: “My position was that Bridgewater was a public institution, supported by taxpayer's money. Public institutions in a democracy are meant t o be transparent, open to public inspection. One aspect of public inspection is documentary filmmaking. In the year the film was made, there were also 10,000 visitors to Bridgewater who as part of their tour saw some of the same men naked in their cells. In a democracy the government is not supposed to hide information from the citizens except in cases involving national security. How can citizens do anything about the State STI Abusing power if the Citizens Are not allowed to know What is going on and make an effort ", If They so wish, to change the Conditions? The Various Scandals at Abu Gharib Are a current example of the public's Need to Know and Receive information from photographs. If the State is responsible for keeping genes in the mental Conditions Shown at Bridgewater, the citizenry Have to Have the right to hold the State accountable. This Can Only Happen if the public is reporting. " When the American public television (PBS) released the film in 1992, showed Titicut Follies past atrocities, and the past, well knew the judges, not spurs anyone to get up and go to step on heads: the past is a anchored ship. It was a complaint that had been misplaced and when, later, found at the bottom of the file and had been dismissed in their processing capacity, not subversion. May not fulfill its mission with the strength required the horror - the aborted-but would be a mistake to close the case because the documentary does not talk of institutions that may limit a map and a time, or people with names. Why was it easier to go to Russia and shoot, like Albert Maysles, the documentary short and ridiculous Psychiatry in Russia (1955)? The latter, that fortunately has been forgotten, was issued in 1956 on the Dave Garroway program in NBC. Nobody cared who did not have the permissions for each patient.
The few to whom it is given like these pleasures experienced something close to madness, they say things inconsistent and diverse human custom, talking nonsense and face suddenly changed, as soon as they are happy and sad; cry, laugh or sob, and, finally, are truly out of themselves. Then, when he regained consciousness, do not know if they were inside the body or not, or whether they are asleep or awake, or recall rather than through a dream what they have heard, seen, said and done, the only thing you are insurance is that they have been deeply blessed in his ecstasy, for which lament the right to have recovered, so that desire nothing more than to enjoy without interruption of their particular madness. This is a slight degustacioncilla of future happiness."On with the show, with the Jippy-Joppy-jo." The talent show for charity, organized by the inmates themselves, and that names the film opens and closes the same, with some evil and suffocating close-ups legacy of the Universal monsters. A grotesque spectacle, retort Ziegfeld Follies of escapism, in which all excited having fun before returning to their cells singing So Long for Now. "Hearts seem happy and bright life ... I lost the sunshine and roses when I lost you, my little friend. You broke my heart too ... "sings a disturbed young man who could be as beautiful as Chet Baker. In fact, the penultimate sequence, in which a man leaves Bridgewater wrapped in a sheet inside a coffin, is the only way out, a knife full of intentions director very overt. When an alienated wondering where you can work, the guardians laugh. The films show that Wiseman is visceral, and less bourgeois black trials of Witold Gombrowicz's Operetta, with its absurd dialogue recited by equally crazy minds that films Nicolas Philibert in La moindre des choses (1996) where the French director visits the psychiatric La Borde. Philibert finds the owner, the phrase Campanula, while all that and more goes to Wiseman without questioning. "168 pounds and now down to 96, and All Those Known biddlegah. All Interest, Japanese, Japanese, we know the truth, biddlegah, twenty billion dollars, I point out to you I am Jesus Christ and I am Called Borgia. Who is now Kennedy biddlegah Jesus Christ in truth. I say in Mississippi niggers over to this fuckin part of the country. You no good John F. Kennedy. I say you stink, "he recites a catatonic about bloated faithful in Bridgewater. Vietnam, communism, nuclear war, the same rant that rises in Congress with a spark of insight worthy. Already said that only children and madmen spewing truths. In a courtyard that claims its place in the chamber of horrors at the forefront of surrealism and beyond its limits, the alienated wander at your leisure as ghosts, unable to return to reality in unreality anonymous. My Blue Heaven sounds the trombone in the Garden of Madness. A young man goes to the heart pedophile admits abusing escorted and a girl of eleven, and also of his own daughter. A doctor humiliated and sadistically delights him. "Why do you do thi

forever young, we salute you We salute
, naked young forever
Hail, nudity nudity
forever young forever young, we salute you.
Operetta. Witold Gombrowicz.

“I’m interested in normal behavior, what pass es for no rmal behavior. I’m in terested in how the institutions reflect the larger cultural hues, so that, in a sense, it’s like tracking the abominable snowman; in the sense that you’re looking for cultural spoors wherever you go. You find traces of them in the institutions. Titicut Follies is a reflection o f some of the values in society. It is. It has to be. The prison Itself Becomes a metaphor for important Some Aspects of American life, "says Wiseman. An elderly naked man is humiliated by their caregivers that hump out of boredom. He repeated over and see z questions, pretend not to listen while he remains bereft of all hostage to a lost war for centuries does not appear in a book. Nothing is deeply ingrained in him that can not be easily torn, especially dignity. Returned to his cell, nothing more than walls, the man wandering from one corner to another like a mouse with one hand while you cover your mouth and kicking the ground. The guards are still warming up. "Keep the room clean, Jim" repeated endlessly. "Do you play the piano Jim? What did you say Jim? "They add. Jim recalls the number of your street, your school, everyone always remember that. He says he was professor of mathematics and arithmetic. Life is still a mystery without a solution for it. "I wanted to show the way He Was Treated This Was Because no way to treat a human being, Obviously, No Matter What I Committed crime. Also, I Did not Understand Why Some Inmates Had To Be Kept naked. The rationale Announced That They Were WAS suicidal. But They Could Have Been Given paper suits. In FACT, for six months after flesh out the film, They Were Given suits paper-until the budget for it ran out. The real reason for the nudity WAS just that it Was Easier to Keep Them That Way. Some of the men Were incontinent, and the guards Did not like the idea of \u200b\u200bHAVING to strip smelly clothes off them ", says indignantly Wiseman, cartographer of the American public institutions and places of transition: institutions, hospitals, air forces, a Port of New England, a platoon of Army infantry training at Fort Knox, a zoo, parliamentary sessions in Iowa, the death throes of the welfare state yankee, intensive care unit, a store, a racecourse, public housing, the meat industry, a juvenile court, a modeling agency, a Benedictine monastery a school for deaf mutes, the resort of Aspen or Central Park. A thorough and sharp institutional geography ( institutio in Latin education) on the dialectics of power, indoctrination and mechanisms for social order. A common feature of these microcosm is the absence of replication and discipline.
Basaglia Franco, the Italian antipsychiatry, stressed: "When people go insane asylum who have no voice, the word, ie the poor, the disinherited. " In the social dimension Matti da slegare enters (1975) filmed in a mental hospital Colorno. The directors of the documentary ideological, Silvano Agosti, Marco Bellocchio, Sandro Petraglia and Stefano Rulli, assigned to the madness social origin, class, the point psychiatrist, formerly a scientist, is essentially a guardian of order and the police or the jailer, "health care" is another tool of repression and segregation, the irrationality of the insane asylum is also present in society, emphasize economic ties with the pharmaceutical business and the great depression. The quartet reads like Michel Foucault (Madness and Civilization ) "Madness can not be found in the wild. The madness does not exist but in a society, it exists outside the forms of sensibility that isolate and repulsive forms that exclude or captured. " The madness in our time has reached the cusp of another social order, the posturita and bravado, the stigmatization of who remembers all, who claims in his campaign Diesel Be Stupid: "If we Did not Have stupid THOUGHTS THOUGHTS'd Have not interesting at all. " Or make someone mad or just your head as a Birdcage. The case were questioned Erasmus of Rotterdam, "How do you prefer to call it, stupidity or madness? It matters little, provided it is recognized that because of my benefits the most unhappy of all animal enjoys such that, not trocaría their fate with that of the kings of Persia. " Basaglia categorical postulates are very present in the neat little reckless and Matti da slegare : "If [the psychiatrist] with the patient agrees to establish a paternalistic, as projected by the new hospital policy, accepts 'engage in it' just as the missionary, who tames the wild so that the colonizer can master it better. If, then, ignoring the sociopolitical aspects of the problem, limit its action to only the health aspect is the technician becomes available to better tailor their science to the oppressed and the oppressor. " The crickets that talk to the camera have been selected and underpin rehabilitation as more than a chimera, but, yes, with an essay unrepresentative. "We are all innocent here. Did not you know? "I would say Andy Dufresne.

At Bridgewater State Hospital there is no room for love between men specialized in howling. It is a film without contacts. No beds, just mattresses on the floor. Some patients come to little steps and half-naked on his back in his dungeons, hugging himself themselves and with the tender smile of who knows defenseless child. They have no possibility of saying anything, or be tucked behind a lie. It is pitiful, painful and irritating. During the function, the kooks do not look at the camera to feel normal, part of that behalf imposed upon them. An excess of care and sensitivity, such as Judy Garland gives him a Reuben in A Child is Waiting (1963) by John Cassavetes, is harmful. When Garland was confronted with Burt Lancaster, the tough head of the school of mentally retarded children, the conversation about Reuben, a young man abandoned by his parents and of near-normal, and advances:
- How many times can send to your room? And send you to bed without recess?
- to serve something. The rules are simple and should ...
- He does not understand ...
- You have to make him understand.
- Why? "Because the discipline is part of life.
- Even for these children?
- Especially for these children. Reuben has lost some of their freedom and perhaps forever. The only remedy you have is to learn the rules and live with others as part of the group.
- Although not want to be part of the group? "Even not being happy here?
- Yes, even then.
A Child is Waiting (1963). John Cassavetes

And if you want to eat, like Titicut Fol lies , is fed by a tube ending unceremoniously s. Voyeur Wiseman was charged with, among many other things, and as such it behaves. Observe without intervening, but not from afar but inconceivably offensive proximity unnoticed for almost everyone, except some insane that includes the camera like a porcelain vase in question. Wiseman lacks little to lock in a cell with anyone. Their presence does not lead to distrust always straightforward, is his greatest achievement. Dance with them in the dining room and dodge the blows. It recreates in chiaroscuro, in the monitoring camera in hand and in the foreground. In its mixture of the poetic imagery, fantasy, drama, surrealism, horror ... original paintings are poetic and mystical restlessness, metaphors of the human soul. Wiseman on occasion his work has been labeled "dream reality." No questions and all tracks are fortuitous. The crimes do not matter, the past either, nor the result of the sale, if any. Without a will, interpretative, albeit questioning, the sequences begin the descent into abandoned and unknown galleries. When Wiseman does the project address stripped goals, with the experience and exposure of the film as a starting point, hoisted sails, no compass at the mercy of the currents. While the shooting lasted ensures that plunged fifteen hours a day in the sordid scene. "I Consider The shooting of the film the research and discover the themes in the editing. I Will Not know the themes or point of view of the film until i am six to eight months Into the editing, That I end up using only three Percent of the material and That All the sequences I use much Shorter Than Are Their original length " he says. Only occasionally take notes during filming ("could be the beginning" or "could be linked to the sequence of such a site ") with no previously documented, and once mounted sequentially instinctively up together" to see what appears "without voice or music extradiegética off. His creative process is pure gonzo , but not its staging.

- I know I've played and lost. But I'm ready for anything.
- What was played?
- In my life.
- What have you lost?
- Yes It may be stupid. May mean nothing to you, but for me is everything.
Urgences (1988). Raymond Depardon
"You are never sure

Although there are more humane - and more aware of the power of a camera, "the gap is enormous. Feeling more human warmth, especially to a trickle, is not to escape loneliness, despair accentuated at night. Duchamp said that "as we began to pour our thoughts into words and phrases all goes to hell" comes "meant, in an endless spiral. We overflow is a service what they offer, a work which created low-paid insurance, and not all deceived by the crumbs of social security. "We are not always sympathetic to them. We stayed in our corner. But it is true that these people suffer. And it is not known what to do. And many do not know what to do with them. They're gone. It is the task of the psychiatrist. But it seems that psychiatrists have no time. And not interested. Do not listen, I listened better. The only thing is silence. Is the look. Some solidarity. Needless to say or show anything, do not give anything, you have to look, listen. Not judge, "says Depardon. Wiseman, although friendly, do not sell illusions when socializing with the cast of his film: "I Try Not to Convey the impression That We're going to be friends for a Long Period of time Because it's not going to Happen ". In the last minutes of Urgences a man threatening suicide from the roof. Been denied a role, the residence permit and deportation. "Some days ago a fire caused by the same", they say. The tormented souls come and they go well with a glimmer of hope that is soon drowned in the streets. Our need for consolation is insatiable. Reach the end credits and the film is finished, the room was empty. "The film is a spectacle. Like it or not, "laments Depardon. What is not? Like it or not.
'm going to the Darklands
to talk in rhyme with my chaotic
soul as sure as Life Means Nothing
and all Things end in nothing
Darklands . The Jesus and Mary Chain
I would lose his mind on one condition: be sure to be crazy jovial, without problems and obsessions, joking all day.
tops in despair. Emile Cioran