December 9.16 In October, the Ministry of Education National announced annual results of the strategic project 'Promotion of bilingualism on higher education', which has developed since 2007 and ends in 2010.
The result specifies that only 7.2% of university students between 17 and 25 have access to English language learning, noting that 7.2% of that only 4% will advance to level B2 (Core 2), while the remaining one reaches the B1 (Core 1), indicating that there are still two levels to complete (the C1 and C2), and only 2.5% of the student population achieves complete it successfully.
The main objective of the project is develop bilingual training of young people that integrate higher education, noting that core competency is to insert the country into the global processes of communication, economic and cultural openness.
Andrés Santiago, manager, marketing, Global Connection, who did undergraduate and graduate studies in London thanks to the language learned from Young said: "English is a basic skill for employment and stability. In Colombia there are very few young people achieve optimum levels of learning, as it is very difficult to practice. "
December 9 / 09 According to statistics from the Anti-Corruption Bureau, the 3.9 billion pesos in recruitment processes goes to the pockets of the corrupt would be enough to pay him 10 career semesters 80 000 university young Colombians, with a value of 5 million pesos each semester.
The figure of 3.9 trillion dollars lost in corruption was established by the Anti-Corruption Office, after meeting a survey conducted by Transparency for Colombia and the University Externado to 560 businesses that contract with the State.
According to Oscar Ortiz, Anti-Corruption Czar, it is estimated that 12.9 percent of resources are being hired in bribe payments, the total of 30 billion dollars of contracts to run the nation. And only 8 percent of respondents who know of the reported acts of corruption, he said.
Ortiz said, well, now there "sophistication of corruption" since decades ago focused on "subtract elements of trades and charges for procedures" while today "the trend is the involvement with financial transactions, handling of surplus financial, trust agreements and pension trusts ".
For his part, Attorney Alejandro Ordonez reiterated that "corruption is about to turn Colombia into a viable nation" .
* Award of Excellence Regional Centres of Higher Education (CERES). El Prado, in Valle del Cauca.
* Best group of higher education research. Group Study and Use of Marine Natural Products and Fruit of Colombia. Leader, Carmenza Duque, of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia .
* Order Higher Education and Public Faith "Luis Lopez de Mesa" , that exalts academic programs through accreditation voluntarily contribute to improving the quality of education: National University of Colombia, Medellin: Mining Engineering and Metallurgy, Chemical Engineering and Engineering Physics.
* Order to the High Quality Institutional Accreditation of Higher Education , Francisco José de Caldas: University Medellín .
December 3 / 09 Student Movement called the group of some students almost exclusively from public universities, generally identified with leftist ideologies and with great operational capacity to paralyze the academic activity in protest for their cause, arguing that his discruso not properly received by presidents and government.
funding public education is its ideological base. The Movement spokespersons usually attached to the student representatives on the boards above, and except noisy protests, achieve their goals when they team up with executives or politicians. For the general public simply repeat the speech and could be decades away from what is expected of them: Debates academic rather than political, but for them it is synonymous.
The Movement substantial 10 points, which are the backbone of his platform of struggle in 2010, can be drawn from the findings of National Emergency Meeting of University Students, which brought spokespersons of 27 public universities and 4 private, conducted in early November, following the discussion arose between presidents and ministers from the budget of the Public University.
The Decalogue programmatic University Movement is:
1. Demand the resignation of Education Minister
2. Rejection of U.S. military bases in Colombia
3. Rejection of the Free Trade
4. Not the third period of Alvaro Uribe Vélez
5. tuition freeze
6. Rejection of the covenant of occurrences
7. Increasing the budget for higher education
8. Rejection of the militarization of the university, and defense of democratic freedoms and university autonomy
9. Require the application of Article 86 of Law 30
10. Unification, organization and mobilization of the Colombian student movement
As you can see, do not appear explicitly in the speech of the Student Movement, among others, issues such as:
* New forms of student participation
social• Commitment
undergraduate social· provide public university graduate
· Rethinking assessment systems
• Commitment research in seed research student
· Extension office of the university through of their students
Taken Observatory of Colombia University "
December 1 / 09 That was the result of the poll Virtual Observatory, in November 2009, in which 58.6% of respondents said that the student protests do contribute to improving the public university , compared with 41.4% who think otherwise.
Curiously, the most talked about student protests of 2009, as students of the UIS for possible links with a paramilitary rector, most public universities from the budget in Congress, the Pedagogical University by Ibarra guiding management and district management of databases by the authorities, among others, did not achieve their objectives.
We invite you to participate in the December poll, which asked about what training model is better? If the liberal university or the confessional.
December 1 / 09 contract have now completed thousands of teachers in the vast majority of HEIs, and subject to the graduation ceremonies just work hard and accounting offices enrollment, academic activity ceases because strongly in the university sector and in the classroom begin to reign alone, The Observatory is an analysis of the 10 most shocking facts for the higher education system in 2009 .
1. The disappearance ICFES official body-building and higher education. Assessment was restricted to Ecaes and the budget went public universities will now rests with the MEN.
2. The Law of Ecaes. Which was a decree went on to become a law, following a constitutional claim. Volunteers went on to become mandatory, and all races.
3. The new Law on Science and Technology, Colciencias transformed by the Administrative Department, amending Law 29 of 1990 and strengthened the National Science, Technology and Innovation in Colombia.
4. IES's complaint that behave like profit-making companies.
5. HEIs in trouble with drug trafficking.
6. The arrival of new IES at the education market.
7. The deception of non-university corporations IES.
8. The lack of agility in the performance of the MEN.
9. Rector with possible links to illegality.
10. The discussion between the Ministry and public universities for the 2010 budget.
Enlarge this information:
Nov 30/09 Although they spent all their credits, a group of overweight students will not have title for breaking its commitment to lose weight. The decision was taken at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.
And it relates to a program initiated by the university in 2006 with the aim of enthusing their students to lose fat weight, through a routine called Fitness for Life, including Pilates, exercise and fitness games.
University students who had a body-mass index is the ratio between weight and height-over 30, in order to enroll in the program and lower their weight to the date of grade. Apparently some of the students who were enrolled in this initiative, and are already about to graduate, did not complete the course, said Professor James L. Boy, Head of Health, Physical Education and Recreation site. "About 15 percent of the student population not has achieved a BMI of less than 30 ", said the teacher to that portal.
protests of young people affected, of course, are not waiting. Sharifa Riley, a journalism student is one of them and although they say they are aware of the seriousness of the obesity problem in your country, think that there should be a requirement but an option. " The requirement of Body Mass Index is ridiculous," added.
Professor Boy , however, insists that it is the responsibility of the university to train students with the same aims.
"I think as an educational institution are responsible for the overall well being, not only academics, but also emotional and psychological state of our students, "he said.
November 27/09 A professor at the University of Antioquia, UdeA-reporting a situation that, as assessed The Observatory among other IES faculty, who are afraid to give his name, is making race between some of the research groups registered in Colciencias: Not all meet the requirements, HEIs are aware of this and that, even records are kept researchers who no longer work with the institutions.
If ratified these allegations of documents that do not exist of product fret of securities that had not been reached, press articles, foreign products ... would prove a false inflation and growth outcomes of research activity in the group which annually presents Colciencias balance and deception of the education system and the expected benefits of certification research.
are also questioning the reliability of software Colciencias, his little agility to respond to questions from stakeholders and the lack of rigor in some HEIs or good faith of some academics to report information.
November 26/09 in Bogota and Medellin will be performed EuroPosgrados 2009 Fair, in which 20 German universities and other HEIs of Spain, England, France, Italy and the Netherlands, present their academic offerings.
will in Bogotá on 28 and 29 November in Corferias, in Medellín on 1 December at the Exhibition and Convention Center. The event is free. To attend pre-registration is required, you can do in www.europosgradoscolombia.org .
is organized by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and operated by BMI, with the support of the government agency CampusFrance, Foundation for International Relations of the English Universities Universidad.es, British Council and Colfuturo.
November 23/09 respect for university autonomy and the interests of some guidelines can not prevent the public speculation about what should be the criteria for classifying reality and quality IES.
The absence of rankings to guide potential students, investors and labor market institutions of higher education that best meet the expected standards, transparency is a work of social and adjustment of tuition with the reality of the results. Colombia is in default of it.
To help the analysis, the Observatory has article " rankings of institutions of higher education: A review of the international scene " , published by the Higher Council Education in Chile ", to go beyond IES accredited and unaccredited. Go to article.
November 21/09 The Universidad Miguel Hernández, UMH- is the first English university to agree to compensate users do not fulfill their commitments to quality.
This will be the first in interlibrary loans, issuance of transcripts, processing of student internships in companies and analysis and processing of suggestions and complaints. Compensatory measures ranging from the refunding of fees to redeem vouchers in the cafeterias of the UMH, vouchers free time on their sports facilities and institutional gifts.
How many in Colombia it would measure this?