Article published in Journal of Catalunya (24/11/2009).
The conquest of the sea emerges in the Maritime Museum
Now, to commemorate the Year Monturiol, and the 150 th anniversary of the launch of I ctineu 1 , the Barcelona Maritime Museum presents an ambitious exhibition in order to recover the fascination with the unknown and pay tribute to the scientific revolution. A curiosity materialized through various civil submersible, outlined in a statement also adventure to recover the sensory experience of the Sea and dreams projected in the imaginary sea. The trip entitled Immersion! Monturiol fons i la Conquesta the sea opens its doors Monday, and has since yesterday at the Museu de l'Empordà complete vision mentary Figueres centered visionary utopia that turned into reality.

Joan A. Forès i Jané, curator of the exhibition and the father of Pere For ès, agrees: "It is more obscure and challenging the depth of the seas to go to outer space. And it's more complicated to go down than up. " The exhibition testifies to the efforts, sometimes suicidal, to illuminate the abyssal plains and great value "for future generations" of all information Monturiol bequeathed Unlike the many adventurers who plunged into the abyss with his crew.
SUBMERSION / / Pere Forès has collected Monturiol witness. Years preparing to build the Ictineu 3 and as Monturiol and other inventors, it finds more obstacles on the ground that under the surface. "We were the first in the world to solve the underwater navigation and now we are in the queue," laments Peter Forès. And complaint: "Our country has missed the boat scanning the sea floor. N e are opening an industrial sector in Catalunya there but in neighboring countries. The field of underwater technology moves into the world 26,000 million euros per year and is expected to move in two years more than 40,000. "
Para sa

If so, if Captain Nemo still inhabits the ocean, his adopted country, hopefully I can calm down hatred in his fiery heart! May the contemplation of so many wonders extinguished in him the spirit of vengeance! That the righteous it is clear that the wise and continue the peaceful exploration of the seas! If your destination is strange, is also sublime.