Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Testicles Orgasm Rubber Band

Series of Talks: Guimaras: 1400-2008. In the Descent Chaxiraxi

For our land and agriculture

For our cultural heritage and ethnographic For our natural values \u200b\u200b

And above all, for our people

> Isla Baja moves

Saturday, July 12, after 11:00, from the Junction to the city of Icod.

will post a road of black plastic and let us go to avoid the ecological and social disaster caused by the closure of the island ring.

Some direct consequences of insular ring closure:

- The environment:

1. Destruction of aquifers that supply complete ecosystems. 2. Location of a mega - infrastructure to a level just below the forest crown (a mountain highway.) 3. Hazard Erjos ponds.

4. Threatening and the landscape.
5. Sabinar destruction of Chios (accomplished).
6. Enhancing the development model that focuses on mega-infrastructure construction illogical.

7. Affect on Protected Natural Area of \u200b\u200bthe Badlands, declassified in part by the passage of this road. 8. Empowerment of individual transport model.

- The cultural heritage:

1. Impact on heritage items ethnographic and wineries. 2. The disappearance of parties like hatchet.
  • - The Environment:
  • 1. Destroying a subsistence agricultural landscape, which supplies the domestic market.
  • 2. Condition to hundreds of homes, farms and farms.
  • 3. Destruction of livelihoods of hundreds of people, to relocate them in urban dwellings (apartments).
  • 4. Inexorable division of the districts of El Amparo, Santa Barbara, etc. Disconnection of these nuclei.
  • 5. Posted in grave danger to the economic development Baja Island, the disappearance of small and medium enterprises that lose competitiveness to the mall for easy access.
And all this against a backdrop of global crisis, in which oil prices tend to rise inexorably.
No al anillo insular icod Perhaps in a few years, is required much more fertile land lost along this road to the highway.
And, with that there is a logical alternative: improving the existing road.