Since the mid 70's during the Bajada al Socorro, young and not so young men began to separate from the tradition to climb the Mountain and lower Archaco the race.
few years later, the effects of this drop in crowds began to be visible in the form of a path down gully become a real injury to the volcano, with a process of erosion.
the early 90's became the first organized awareness campaigns in collaboration with local groups (Güímar Heritage Association) and the Center for Environmental Education and Information, Directorate General of Environment.
Talks in schools, exhibitions, distribution of leaflets and stickers, press and radio information and the initiative to organize a festival the night before the descent, with a clear message: there are ways that are fun conflict to take care of our Mountain of El Socorro. In those years, and the rise and fall in droves, and customs began to climb the night before the Mountain, Boncho
. Sixteen years later, people still climbing the mountain and down to the race and the consequences are still there.
In the last 12 years the way down the mountain, where they are still a considerable number of people who are separated from the traditional road.
- Point 3 shows a slight variation of the path, which even has narrowed.
differences greenest / drier due to the season. 1995
The image must be taken in the rainy season and many green plants that are seen are tabaibas bitter than the picture of 2007 (early November), after the summer and fall without first rains are defoliated.
over alleged
tradition of a clearly unsustainable.
Delete the rise and fall of the mountain that day Start
Seek alternative routes of up / down the volcano less erosion problems
Collaborate with local groups, especially youth environmental groups and
The next steps need not necessarily in that order. A possible process might be this:
In the months of May to June of year chosen start a small campaign to control erosion way up to the mountain and a stretch of the path through which low crowd, with demarcation and fencing of certain areas, especially the first section of road up, restoration of species and monitoring the entire process.
way down the same information campaign carried out through the media the rest of the Valley's population (and island) .
On 7 September of that year, ensure that:
at that point, next to the highway bridge, no clear information about the alternative route, the other side of the mountain, including information the climb that day leads down the same path.Banning Mountain climbing September 7 will undoubtedly be unpopular among a small group of people, but surely understood and shared by most people involved in the Slope at Socorro. Many of the people going up and down the Mountain and Valley are not therefore always be inaccessible to local awareness campaigns. A ban on climbing that day seems to be the only message they receive. If the area
After the feast of El Socorro, should be valued as it has developed the experience to see what is best to do the following year. It is possible that two or three years in this line involving the final decline of this practice.
What can happen?
usual climb the mountain is inaccessible and clear, and justified to ban up, probably most of the people who will rise to. Many have in fact the first information is an activity deleted.
- IMAGES> View
- photo album on the effects of the rise and fall of the Mountain